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Status Updates posted by AMfrompoland!!

  1. Well, I'm feeling good, thankies :D

    I have to go to church every day now untill Wednesday, and then I'll get my 3rd name: Dominika :rolleyes:

    Tomorrow I'm gonna change the strings in my guitar, make pics of myself *to some documents* and then send documents to few schools :rolleyes: and it's all I have to do in 3 days :stunned:


    How are you? xD


    AM&Matty :p

  2. I'm good, thanks :happy: Just posted my video for Matt :LOL:

    How are you? :D

  3. Yes :LOL: But after seeing 1st eposide from 2005 (plastic wanted to rule the whole world) I'm a bit sad, cause I thought it'll be better xD

  4. :LOL: Yeah, all those lovely Issa&Zach tapes deserve for some CDs :ninja:
  5. Thanks :happy:

    Well, I'll need something about 10/15 Cds :LOL:

  6. No, but it doesn't mean it's good tho :LOL:

    I'm gonna go at holidays to my grandma (Germany), and that's kind of bad, cause I'd prefer to go with my mum to england :( *sighs* but she says that first she needs to earn some money and then I'll go to her and my dad :happy:

    And I won't have my comp in new house, so I have to copy all the stuffs from my comp at few cds :stunned:

  7. "fav Polish Person" hmm, thank god not CrazyPolishFreak :LOL::p


    Well, I'm not watching Dr Who (cause I'll have it at 12:35am :p but I'm chatting on msn, I'm pmting and copying comics for Matt's b'day, I'm gonna make a video soon :p

  8. weee, Issa! :D You're online! :happy: *hugs*


    I'm good thanks :happy: I'll just have to move on again and I don't like it *sighs* :(

  9. :LOL: Mini pimp :cool:


    And how's my fav Scottish Mad Muser? :p

  10. DDAAADDAAAAMMMM!!! :pimp:


    Cheers ;)

  11. Grace...I hope you didn't melt in the dead of night ;)




  12. :happy: Good to talk with ya :happy:


    Every time I come on the pmt, no one rly is there :shifty:...

  13. And do you think I'm not? :LOL: When Grace told me to check that thing I was like: "Emm, okay..soo wtf??!" xD


    How have you been hun? :happy:

  14. Weehoooo! *leaves loads of wuv for ya* :happy:

  15. Oh rly? :confused:...right, I'm on PMT, silly me :rolleyes:

  16. just tell me who comes on the pmt? *sighs*

    everybody's leaving that now...

  17. Oi, hellow dear! :D *hugs ya* How are you?

    Hope yazz fine ;)


  18. :stunned: Ohh commeee onn! :p Look at the PMT, only here and (two times) on msn I was typing badly! :p so I'm not that bad! :LOL:
  19. well :LOL: We don't have in Poland 911, we got 112 or 999 :LOL: (but :erm: why should I call them? :wtf:) let's call police! 997 :yesey: Do you think they'll gets Matt's soul to jail for coming into me and making me typing bad? :wtf:

  20. let's see if pics are working cemuseportlandlutznq0.jpg

  21. and again :LOL: HEELPPP :LOL:

  22. lolz :LOL: damn it :indiff: Matt ame into me or something? :LOL:...I spelled "damn" and "caps" wrong :stunned:...:LOL:

  23. I can :LOL: BUT thiz thingy is too shit for my smart-arse :cool:

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