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Everything posted by Sventington

  1. Aww! Well beyond that a lot of people don't like how they feel either, plus it sounds like you've lived in some places which might be too warm for them.


    Still though, in the event you develop some leg confidence (I'm one to talk, I only wear them under pants when coming to work instead of openly) and move to Canada, you should really give them a whirl. You won't regret it!

  2. Yeah I have a few pairs of Wolford tights, they are easily the best I've ever worn. If you get a chance, order a pair of their Satin Deluxe 50 ones, they're unreal.

  3. I did grow up in the country, but I spent most of the time drawing and reading :chuckle:


    Totoro keeps sending me PMs now! She is a creep.


    I'll consider contacting some of the students, but the prospect has me a little nervous. I imagine I would end up with a lot of raised eyebrow responses, haha.


    Aaaah I'm not going to bother with calling. I'm just accepting the situation, I'm content with my job. Besides, some friends said they'd drive up and visit me this summer, so at least this time I will actually be around!


    I'm sure you daughter is ok without having had a back yard, I mean she probably goes to parks with her friends and such, that's what my friends and I did back in the day! Still, perhaps a lottery win is in your future, then you will have the greatest back yard ever!


    Your body is falling apart! Just make it to the weekend and you'll be ok, it'll give you plenty of time to rest and relax and heal. Working while sick just aggravates the condition.


    I keep almost falling asleep at work. Luckily no students are in, so I have had many mini naps and am now starting to recover!

  4. Did you look at any Canadian jobs during the weekend? If you land on up here you can take lots of time off due to the great unions which are around here, get free healthcare, and sprinkle free medication on the homeless! It's a dream, I tells ya.


    I knooow, I do provoke Totoro, but it's hard to resist. She gets so bizarrely angry and can't express her frustration properly! It's adorable.


    See I think most designers will do custom shoes if you're in the know, but otherwise it's hard to arrange it. I've never heard of cordwainers, I will look into them.


    They never did get back to me. It's BUGGING me! One way or the other I want to know! I can take not being hired, my current job is great, but it'd be nice to have some closure. I haven't called them because I imagine the process is complicated, what with having to confer back and forth with the people in Qatar (H.R. is in Canada, so there are logistical problems to take into consideration),


    I know I don't need a house, but at one point I want to have a wife and kids, and I'd just feel better if I were able to provide a house for them. Maybe it's the one manly thing about me :chuckle:

  5. You best be drinking lots of water and spending as much time as possible lying on the couch.


    Totoro will never calm down, I'm actually kind of concerned she may try to find out where I live and murder me. I don't want to invest too much time into pictures or else her claims that I follow her and harass her might have some merit!


    I currently live in a place called Labrador City. It is fairly high up in Canada, but not what could be considered the Arctic. The ice up here doesn't really get bad until around spring, where there is a thaw and then it gets cold again, then a thaw then another cold patch etc. It's pretty trechrous out right now. I'm not sure how it is in other parts of Canada, back home it was less cold but the weather was all over the place.


    I'd love customs of those other shoes, but I don't know if they offer them or how to find out! Sigh, I'd love one nice pair of designer heels, but I'm not optimistic.


    My optimism remains low, still haven't heard from them. BLARGH!

  6. I really wouldn't know what to see in Jordan! As far as Egypt goes I could visit it, I'd just have to find someone nearby who was also interested.


    I looked online for information regarding custom Louboutins, they run $3000-$5000 :( I don't think I could swing that currently, and I'm still not exactly sure how one goes about getting them, I'm still looking into that.


    Bubble man (Totoro) has actually threatened to KILL me on a numver of occasions! I don't understand why she gets so upset!


    Hopefully all you have is the flu. I find it so unreal that Americans have to pay for health care, it really seems unfair. Up here it's free! (another reason to move here)!


    Maybe they will call today, but I've kind of lost my optimism. Ah well, it was an exciting thing to think about at least. I will let you know if they do though, and we'll see what I can do about Jasmine.

  7. I have skipped dinner tonight after playing 2 hours of ball hockey! AND I didn't buy beer :cool: This is largely due to having a shirt from AA arrive only for me to find it didn't fit me at all. Twas upsetting


    See I would be willing to pay that much for shoes, especially Louboutis. Do you really think Louboutin would do custom shoes? I'd be shocked!


    Jasmine will be mine, I'm sure she won't mind handing out shoes to ma homies.


    Nah you can;t visit Israel, I think Qatar is kind of anti-Semetic, so...yes. I could check out those other countries...but then again I don't know the languages, or where to stay, I could get KIDNAPPED or forced into some kind of circus. No thanks.


    Bubble Man is the third name a particular user has made. She is some chick from an Asian country who is poor at English, and when I flirt with her she gets mad and now hates me.


    I didnt hear from the job today...I hope that doesn't mean they went with someone else. That would be shitty.


    And regarding the other two things you posted, I'm aware of them. In the case of the first I know one can get beer, but it just seems like a huge hassle. For number 2, the college has a good system in place, most of the check in and check out stuff is now done automatically, so as far as I know noone working for CNA has ended up in one of those slavery conditions. Thanks for the warning though!

  8. Well you still have to follow their customs to an extent. And you don't wanna come across as rude.


    I think basically all I'll be doing in Qatar, if hired, is working and saving. I wouldn't move back after a year as it's a 3 year contract job, so I imagine there would be a penalty for backing out. I'm glad to hear foreign experience is worth something though! I'm also not sure I'd visit Egypt or Jordan, and one isn't allowed to travel to Israel if they want to get into Qatar.


    Target BEST be better than Walmart, as the latter sucks so much. At least their food is cheap though.


    As far as meals go, I'm gradually trying to shrink dinner down to almost nothing. This involves eating a rather big lunch, which is enjoyable!


    I hope I get to marry a princess, as royalty maybe I'd be able to convince some shoemakers help me out! We shall see.


    Qatar best phone soon!

  9. That could very well work! Although one meal a day is tricky to pull off.


    I'm good friends with a Jehovah's Witness girl, but luckily she lives nowhere near me. The cool thingis she's never tried to convert me, I wonder if that's rare.


    We do have a Walmart, but after buying tights from them I vowed never to buy clothes there again as the tights SUCKED.


    You'll never win out race, my exercise trumps your superior diet.


    I am nervous about Qatar tomorrow, I can't figure out if I want the job or not. There are many pros and cons to both outcomes...I suppose I'll know in a few hours though, AND I SHAN'T BE BEATING ANY WOMEN, I'm afraid to do anything questionable in an Islamic country, they tend to lop things off... but yes, if I get the job, I'll be moving in August!

  10. It would be irritating being harassed regularly by missionaries. I didnt mind it because it was a rarity, we don't even have Jehovah's Witnesses around.


    Both of those places look lovely!


    I don't believe I've ever shopped at target, what do they carry?


    The day you give up fries is the day I give up beer. We'll just have to find another way.

  11. Going into that picture I expected to see someone with 3 chins and huge cheeks based on your body image! YOU'RE NOT OBESE. What do you mean you'll never be thin! You're being silly. I imagine if we both did a diet and exercise regiment for a year, we'd both be in tip top shape. We are officially in a thin race.

  12. A Mormon eh? We used to get Mormon's come by door to door at my place, all the way from the States apparently. To be honest they were some of the nicest people I'd met, I had them in and listened to them and they invited me to play basketball and such, in spite of the fact I told them I wasn't likely to be converted. They gave me their book, which I haven't gotten around to reading yet.


    I've actually never seen pictures od SLC, for some reason I DID think it was a pretty green and nice looking place.


    Ah I think he'll go through an identity crisis later on in life and need to feel like he's part of something ongoing, do at that point he'll try and establish a link with her. I've seen it happen to friends of mine, some accept the father back into their life, some don't.


    Good luck with that legal process, if you could get enough information to become a registered Native you'd be in for a lot of breaks, especially jobwise.


    I actually didn't end up bringing anything other than beer which I drank on my own, haha.


    I grew up out in the country, about 15 minutes away from the closest town. It was nice actually, I miss a lot about country life. Around when I was 10 or 12 my parents divorced, and we moved into that town I mentioned(called Lindsay) where I lived until I left for college!


    I suppose if I could live anywhere, I'd live back in my old house out in the country. Lots of good memories, and I like the air out there.

  13. Allo!


    Yes, you have to have previously uploaded a picture somewhere. After that, in the post window you click on that little square which looks like it has a triangle on the bottom and yellow at te top (look at the top of the box when you're posting here, it's the 7th from the left) then you past the link in the window that opens, then click ok, and it will display when you post your message.


    Somehow I figured the story went along those lines. I really have never understood how a parent could abandon their child like that. Yes, having a kid is a huge sacrifice, one which changes your life forever, but at least it's an action which has meaning. Creating and caring for lie. Still, he's better than some considering he makes his payments. I will bet you $10 that he will try and weasel his way into her life when she is an adult and have everything forgiven.


    I don't think being from another country will hurt your chances. In Canada we have what's known as "equal opportunity" employment, which in effect means you will have a better shot at landing the job than most due to the fact you are a minority.


    The city I'm in is just an average sized town, I don't know why it's called a city. The population is about 9000. Most nights I stay in actually, as I've never been one for the bar, however I do go out when coworkers invite me somewhere. In fact I'm going to a potluck tonight, one which I've made nothing for, haha.


    How is Salt Lake City? Is it tough living there, as an atheist?

  14. no, atheism is simply lack of belief in God. If you've been Christened then you've taken part in a particular ritual associated with Christianity, but that says little about your personal thoughts about the existence of God.
  15. Yeah I could see those who weighed themselves losing more as I think it would give them a competetive edge. But I think the constant reminder would just make me sad and feel defeated. Maybe I'll start a once a month weighing thing.


    I'm not sure what she likes! I think it is being slapped in the face, although I didn't get too specific with her.


    Awww, Miranda seems like a pretty young lady! I have a personal question to ask though, and if it's too intrusive feel free to skip over it: what happened to her father? Why is he not in the picture?


    I've heard mixed reviews about Alberta, but I do know that that is where the money is!


    I don't think you should take the attitude of never being thin. Admittedly it might be a long and hard battle, but with very specific schedules I think you could easily do it. Such as planning meals a day in advance based on calories, as well as exercise regiments where you would pick a specific amount of calories to drop, or time to endure. I think you'd see DRAMATIC results in a year, although that is a long time for sure.


    I will for sure mention when I've lost weight!


    And this is me:



  16. Yeah I don't see why many women would be into the sissy thing, it seems like the guy wants to be humiliated and he's getting off on that more than anything which makes no sense to me. I'm not sure what I'd think about the dom/sub thing. I know a friend of mine who offered to sleep with me said she's into being hit?


    And eww to the feet kissing thing, I have a huge dislike for people's feet.


    Seems we've probably lived similar lifestyles at some point then! Well, no I suppose the kid would make a huge difference. What is your daughter's name, if I might ask?


    If you're looking for easier access cities and still want a decent income, I suggest looking for positions in Alberta. We've been having an oil boom there for a number of years, so wages in general tend to be higher.


    :( about body shame. At least we're both working to address our respective issues though.


    I am pretty good about most carb heavy foods, like fries. In fact, the only time I have anything potato based is when I buy steak, as I eat it with a baked potato. I've never tried lent, I don't see it going well.


    See I would take part in the weight chronicling, but I haven't weighed myself in months! I just think it would be discouraging, I try to go based on how clothes fit instead. And one pound per week isn't bad at all! Think of it this way, it means losing 40 pounds in 10 months, and losing them HEALTHILY.

  17. Don't ever underestimate my need for socks. My dogs chewed through basically every pair I own!

  18. So I can cause a heart attack and inherit your wardrobe.

  19. We'll see how tight the skirt is when it comes in, I have a sinking feeling I'll have to bust my spanx out as well :(.


    I am a book hoarder as well. I buy way too many books.


    In Ontario, where I'm from, library techs make an average of 42000 per year. In Qatar I expect to make 50 something, but we'll see if that happens


    5 days actually becomes easy relatively quickly. Now that I've been going for a couple of months, I kind of miss it when I DON'T go. More than anything I need to start eating healthier. My issue isn't snacking so much as it is sugary drinks and beer. I think I have developed a beer belly since being here, which is not flattering. We'll lose weight together!


    THERE'S NOTHING TO BE JEALOUS OF, TRUST ME. I imagine we are in the same boat. At least Spanx can bail us out!


    Oh and I suppose back to the fetishes... hm. I don't think I need a woman who LOVES the idea of a guy in men's clothing, just one who doesnt dislike it. I don't really look at it as an identity thing, just something I do. To me it's the same as finding a woman who doesn't mind that I play ball hockey, or one who doesn't mind I watch foreign films, you know? It would be super cool if the woman WERE into it though, I'll start looking into sites where ladies like that post! I've seen some of the guys who look for that though, and they creep me out. They say things like "I am a naughty sissy who just wants to wear panties and be dominated". I just think to myself "Jeeze buddy, have some self respect".


    Different strokes I guess!

  20. I am a library technician at the college, which is a slightly lower position. Basically a librarian grows a library and looks to current and future trends in information and how it can be accessed and figures out how the library can incorporate that. A library technician does all the day to day tasks traditionally associated with librarians.


    Here is a site for admin jobs in Canada: http://www.adminjob.ca/

    And in the case of the cities I mentioned, they definitely all have airports.



    As far as bedroom activities go, I don't really have a preference. I haven't discovered I have any fetishes yet, but that could change! I could take on that role if a girl was into it though I suppose!


    As far as my figure goes, it is NOTHING to be jealous about. I'm currently dieting and going to the gym 5 times a week, the pencil skirt will be more motivation than anything I'lllook instanty hot in.

  21. I honestly had no idea! I thought something I'd have to give up when I met a woman I fell in love with.


    You're absolutely right about attitude, haha, I guess I just worry most others won't see it that way.


    Qatar is lookin like a good possibility. I have had 2 interviews now, as you've seen, and I will know if I'm being offered the job come Tuesday. Even if I don't get it I'll feel alright, as I love my current job. I work with amazing people, and this town is full of the friendliest people I've ever met. And yes you are right, this is the perfect time to go. I don't have any considerable debt, and am unattached. Being young doesn't help either (I'm 22)!


    I suppose it depend on the community. I think as an office admin person you'd be working in one of the main cities in the territories, places like Whitehorse, Yellowknife, or Iqaluit. Even then the population isn't much, I doubt it's even as high as 20,000. It is quite isolated, but these aren't places to go live in forever, they're places to settle down for a few years in, make some money, and get out. Being Native yourself I think you'd have huge chances of landing a position.


    Dark purple is EXACTLY what I had in mind actually! I've been looking for a nice cardigan to maybe go with a white v-neck and pencil skirt. And yeah, florals are a little bold for me, but my one friend has excellent fashion sense, so I tend to give her the benefit of the doubt.

  22. See, I really thought women would be turned off by that. I mean in most cases a man wants a feminine woman, and a woman wants a masculine man. It's encouraging to know there are some who don't have issues with it!


    Yeah the more I think about the potential injustices I'm going to see in Qatar, the less it appeals to me. I am basically just going there so I can bank a lot of money for a downpayment on a house.


    If you are looking for a well paying office admin job, I think by moving North into some aboriginal communities you could make a killing, as the government has a hard time attracting people to those areas. For instance there was a job in a town called Iqaluit, a library position doing the same work I am now, and the total salary came to over 90,000! I didn't apply as I already had a job at the time, but the point is if you're willing to inconvenience yourself, our government helps out.


    Thanks for the offer to help with clothes, I really appreciate it. My biggest problem right now is convincing myself to buy stuff with some colour...I mainly stick to black, haha.


    As far as the name Sventington goes, it's actually a dumb story. I said the name Sven one night, and then tried to come up with odd things to follow in its place, but ones which were normal in other surnames. After trial and error, Sventington was born.


    My name is actually Kyle. Pleased to meet you!

  23. Aaah you know what? I totally get that. If I had a girlfriend or a daughter I wouldn't even think of moving there, mainly because I wouldn't want them to be surrounded by people who think they are lesser beings (it would be especially bad because Qatar is a class based society, so not only are they the second class gender, they're second class citizens).


    If you are thinking of moving to Canada, I will look at ads in the area and forward them as I find them. I like doing this kind of searching. Are you just looking for any work you can get with an Anthro degree? Do you have a bachelor's or a Master's?


    And I don't look very convincing crossdressing, haha. I mean, I don't really go the wig and makeup route as I just like the clothes, so I BASICALLY just end up looking like a man wearing a dress. It's fun though, and friends are cool about it, although it's largely a private thing. And it is NOT in, I've seen noone doing it openly!

  24. Haha I'm glad that in spite of crossdressing I still seem intimidating. I am a pretty harmless looking guy though in the end.


    Your title was very close! I think it's usually called a Master's in Library Science. What your friend and you should do is look into jobs in the Gulf area. Countries like Qatar will pay you a lot more for contract jobs, and often there will be free housing. How do you like your job?

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