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Everything posted by Morinphen

  1. "I know who you are.Stop taking my Oreos or the Doctor will know where you´re hiding-my schoolbag!Ah,by the way,Alies says "hi" with a huge simmgrin.You see,it´s nothing personal..."


    Well,I´m just talking about something my parents (and my friends´parents)decided to do when we were younger.We would all gather in my house,waiting for Santa,who was my aunt in disguise (which took me years to find it out).Then we´d all get our prsents,which our parents previously handled to my aunt (I reckon).

  2. Yes,it was.Furthermore,last night I watched "Revenge Of The Master".I was checking my wardrobe so as to find a suitable coat for this cold,when I found my good old coat.You know,that type which has feathers inside.Well,I put my hands on the pockets,finding an Oreo envelope.But that wasn´t all.I took another coat,a fancy pale blue one-and extremely warm!-did the same thing...and I found another Oreo envelope....with cookies on it.Now you know where The MiniMaster stored my cookies.

    In other Doctor Who news,I recently downloaded a dingbats (whatever that means) font,"Look sir,robots!",and the D is for Dalek,meaning that every time you press D (or d)you´ll get a Dalek silhouette.


    No,that was an Economy question.You had to dealt with the amount of money it´d cost,and how to earn it again by getting profits.that´s why we had to be precise (and creative) about the place we´d choose.I used to be good at Maths (I even got some prizes in our school competitions) when I was in Primary,but some of my teachers ruined it all.I lost all interest in Maths,until I was in late Secondary,but it was already too late.


    Yeah,I´ve seen it.Matt looks like my aunt when she dressed up as Santa when I was a kid.

  3. By the way,today I´ve watched another chapter of the "how a single word can make you go nuts" series.In this chapter,the main character was sat in her underground seat when she noticed a woman was reading a book.Curious,she peeked at the book and she read,"Langdon" and "Masons",infering it was the latest Dan Brown book.Yet the looked at the pages one more time,seeing a surname:"Bellamy".I simmgrinned like nuts,and the woman turned to the other side.I did´t care,as I was already in an :awesome: mood.

    Tomorrow will be my final day for this year.I´ll spend this Christmas reading,doing some coursework...and playing my emulators.I´ve just downloaded a Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time one.I was waiting to get the proper software for PSP,but I couldn´t wait after having tested an online emulator.

    Precisely I used to do that with the Harry Potter books,as I never bought one.At a fast pace,of course.Eating a bowl of milk and cereals became the perfect excuse to keep on reading,an excuse killed by the need of napping.


    I used to hide my Maths marks at first,for I knew I would be forced to get a teacher.Which was what happened eventually.In vain,as I imagined.No wonder I nearly hugged my teacher when he made me pass the subject in the final year with,eh...1..Something similar could have happened in Economy,but I passed against the odds thanks to luck and some interesting questions,especially the "where would you build a hospital and why?" one.


    What´s going on with the background? I still have mine (Stars).

  4. My parents do know of you because of your drawings and these conversations.Even if my mother thought that your Matt av was you :p She says that you shouldn´t really drop your studies.but lead them towards Fine Arts if that was the case.

    I see.To be honest,I´d rather have a proper tour rather than an album.You know,that´d make them earn money they can donate...or not.


    This reminds me of the times in which I´d get a book from the bus library.I made a deal with myself: if I spent X time studying,I would be able to read X chapters.Thing was,when I was reading I found myself wondering,"what if I read one more chapter?"

    I think that failing Maths and Economy on a regular basis made me careless about my marks.I used to cry and hide my exams at first,but some time after I didn´t care at all.I showed with the same joy my nines and my 0,somethings.Honesty above all.


    We should start a group: "Those who saved the RATM banner" :p

  5. Tell your mum I agree with her.Even if she doesn´t know who I am.By this point nearly everyone in your family will hear of me :p

    I´m a bit unaware of what´s going on in their world nowadays.Could you tell me what´s going on with Brad Wilk?They do know there´s a generation who haven´t had the pleasure of seeing them live,but I´d say they didn´t do a proper comeback tour because of it´d smell of "we´re in it again for the money",which is clearly an anti RATM idea.I reckon I´ll be able to see them provided they play around,but if I have to travel...I´ll do my best (so as not to run away from home :p ).

    As you might have noticed,I´m in the same situation as well.This reminds me of a topic in this very messageboard,"Screw Chemistry..."which is basically about doing Muse related thing when you should be studying.There´s a Last FM group as well,"Those Who Shoukl Be Studying".


    I don´t want to be average,but I thought that Journalism could be a good way to let people know about my writings,be it short stories or a review on the last Radiohead album.Both are okay to me.That´s why I didn´t choose Philology.

    I used to get good grades in Secondary as well.The best ones of the class,in some of the cases.Especially in English.But I always knew I wasn´t so "awesome",so I tried not to pay attention to my teachers/partners/family unless I "needed"it.


    Let me join the Weird Club...I saved it as well!

  6. Yeah,rumour has it that they won.I haven´t brought the champagne yet,but I´m listening to "Uprising"...so appropiate! By the way,I´ve explained my mother the whole issue,and it seems she was with RATM as well.I don´t think I can make it to the gig,though...Plus I am damn sure it would be totally overcrowded.I´ll have to wait patienttly one more time...

  7. I feel I literally have no time for anything.I wish I could break the circle,tearing all these wires apart for I think they don´t allow me to do what I please.It´s so ridiculous...

    In other news,I´m afraid what I aim for is nothing but clouds.Something tells me I´ll end choosing an average life,as I won´t be able to write for a living.It´s all about comformity.And I used to say I loved "Know Your Enemy"...By the way,have you seen the banner on .mu? I hope they win,really.But...was the BBC really thinking they would do as they were told? That´s what I call wishful thinking...


    As far as my memory goes,I can´t think of something I´m proud of.But l did a search on GoogleBrain and it seems I was once asked the same in an English class.My question was,"nothing".My partners and my teacher tried to gave me examples on what I exceeded at,but I just smiled: there will always be people better than me,so it´s no use beasting about one´s skills.

  8. As you can imagine,you´re not the only one.The problem comes when you´ve been suceeding at everything for a long time and then you realise you´re slowly going down and you can´t do anything about it.I´m a fallen angel in that sense.

    I´ve never done anything to be proud of it,I just feel it´s my duty to nail what I do.But you´re right with the fading feeling example.Brilliance becomes a routine,and that´s not good.I want to aim for excellence,but I don´t feel like that anymore.Or,better said,I do know I have to work hard,but I don´t move a finger.Alas,everything vanishes.No itching hands=no success. That´s the only truth,aside from gravity and death.

    You should complain...that´s slavery! :p

    I´m not one of those who keep on swearing,but you can´t do anything against what´s everywhere.Anyway...I supposed BBC would know the lyrics for "Killing In The Name"...

  9. I like the way you think about your skills :p I don´t think skills can fade overnight,but it is obvious that we have better days in which we feel like drawing/writing/whatever.

    Returning to BBC and Blabbermouth Thom,we have another reason against our fabled view of it.As you might know,Thom is a Friends Of The Earth supporter.He managed to sneak into the Copenhague summit by posing as a media guy.When BBC asked about him,Thom replied with (well,I can´t remember it.Íf I have to tell you the truth,I´m not too interested in his words as much as I´m in his music),he ended with "fuck the BBC".Bless him.

    Those magazines are almost always wrong,but they´re enough to those in need of fast food.I used to like Charmed as well...

  10. I take it easy,unless it´s a gift/ I want to finish it as soon as possible for X reasons.But I always want it to have quality,regardless of my poor skills.

    Evil Simmgrin for the win! :D

    Is the situation as terrible as my mind is conceiveing it or your dramatic writing skills have improved? Seriously now,that sounds pretty serious.I have no reasons to stop going to Uni...as I go by underground.Anyway,it also collapses now and then.In the worst moment,of course.

    Tomorrow I´ll only have to attend to one of the lectures,for my teacher won´t be able to be with us.


    I am fully aware people live in blissful ignorance when it comes to RATM...or any band I love,for that matter.I´ve been listening to "boys music"since I was 10/11.I do believe my mother did good by not allowing me to buy girls magazines until I was fourteen.By the time I was that age,I was no longer interested in those magazines,except for one in which some bands I like(d)popped in now and then.

    On the one hand,I reckon he/them was/were a bit harsh.At the end of the way,she was only another fan.On the other hand,I can see why did he/they do that.I don´t know whether I would have done the same.


    Now you know why I´m not working yet.Quoting Franz Ferdinand,"it´s so much better on holidays/that´s why we only work when we need the money".

  11. I know what´s it like.With that Matt drawing I spent a lot of time with his face expression.I had no one to tell me whether I was drawing it right or not,and I´m pretty harsh with myself at times,so I didn´t stop until he looked like Matteh.When I first sketched it he looked like Frank Lampard playing the guitar... Hope your next drawing features the correct nose...and a perfect simmgrin!

    Yes,that´s what I meant.Thankfully I have a small grassland with trees,and it smells great in Summer.Same goes with snow,in a way,as it often blocks everything.Here the floors are covered...with salt.


    Go RATM,go go go! :D Can you believe that X Factor guy hasn´t listened to RATM in his life? No wonder he´s covering Myley Cyrus.Which leads me to say...go Radiohead! (I hope you remember/know why I typed it).

  12. Exactly.Practice is the only way to suceed,because you can see what mistakes you make in your drawings and what to do (well,this might take a while)to create better things.The problem comes when you can´t see what´s wrong,so a third point of view is always welcome.

    That´s the word: magical.It happens with rain as well.Even when I was in those pre uni years,we´d run to the windows as soon as we noticed it was raining heavier than usual.Our teachers´ response was always the same,"as if you hadn´t seen a storm in your life!" I bet there´s a part in our brain which yells,"wow,something weird´s falling from the sky!"every time it rains/snows.So your ramblings might be correct.

    I´m all for a conversation with random exclamations in happiness and "take that,you ****!"words thrown now and then.

    Hmmm...do you play the drums by any chance? ;)

  13. I told you the eye would look weird :p

    I got tired of The Simpsons after years and years of rerun after rerun.Yes,it looked really cool.I barely got any gift that day,but the world looked a bit better that day.I want to think it was because of my birthday...I love snow,even if I´m hopeless at skiing.I guess it brings out the child in me.I once made a school partner walk in the middle of a "snow storm" along our football pitch because I wanted to know how does it feel to be in the middle of whiteness and an endless pitch (I hated it with a passion when I was in PE).

    In that case,we´ll celebrate it together,if you like.I´ll play Guitar Hero III using Tom for a while,hehe.Ultimately there´s no point in doing it,as I see it,but the final message is clear and true.And...if they use that money to educate young musicians,it´ll be even better.That way they won´t have to go to these programmes.

    So The SimmMaster has taken over his conscience as well?Yippee!

  14. Ah,I´m sure your cunning mind will come up with something evil enough (but not too much,brothers should be treated correctly if we don´t want them to kill us...coughcoughGraycoughcough...

    Yes,it´s part of your future...but you aren´t supposed to know yet,so rememer,this conversation hasn´t happened and everything is a lie.Or just fiction.

    I was a bit of a little know-it-all.Maybe that´s why I can somehow understand how Lisa in The Simpsons acts,despite being pretty annoying.By the way,is it just me or the series have gone downhill?

    Yay! :D Last time it snowed here was in the date of my birthday.To make things better,I could see the full moon from my courtyard in the night.God loves his children,yeah.


    You were right with the eye thing.Overall,I like it.He reminds me of a Mafia guy.And,by the way... draw The Master ;)

    Offtopic...what do you think about the whole RATM vs X Factor thing? If they win,be sure I´ll celebrate it.

  15. Such a teaser...you should punish him :p But you´re right...your good taste is known worldwide,but most of the people haven´t heard of you.That´s why you should keep on writing.And I promise my pens will sing the wonderful tale of Alies,the brave simmgrinner whose power reached the outer limits of space and time.

    Did he? This reminds me of the first writing competition I won.It was about a talking flower,or something like that.Thing was,there was also a costume competition that day,and I was dressed up as a garden gnome.When I was namechecked to accept the prize,the speaker said,"who´s dressed up as a flower...her blood carries it".I grabbed the mic,saying,"No,I´m dressed up as a gnome,and if I were a flower I´d have chlorophyll."

    I haven´t watched Savers either.Apparently,they tried to make it more mature,appealling to those who had grown up with Adventure and 02.

    Well,it´s Winter,so it has to snow,but it´s also true that iI feel it´s warmer than before.

  16. Well,you know there´s a way to check whether he´s right nor not ;) Glad to see you have The Mystical Power Over Little Brothers.Tell him I´m happy for his his birthday.Even if he doesn´t know who I am :p

    I´m not a hardcore gamer,but I can spend hours and hours playing if I´m hooked on a videogame.I´m planning to purchase Fifa 10 and Guitar Hero V for Wii and Final Fantasy: Dissidia for PSP.


    No wonder he doubted about your amazing skills.I reckon most of the people don´t go further than drawing stickmen.I for one spend two days drawing a mock Thom Yorke drawing...and it resembled a five-year-old drawing.

    Don´t worry about that.As you might have infered,I tend to be a blabbermouth at times,but I do realise people have a life of their own.I try to pay attention to "both worlds",which can lead to madness.


    It´s funny,since I barely watched GT yet I managed to watch the final chapter.As you might imagine,that made go pretty angry.Something similar happened with Tamers (the blue haired boy was Henry,if I´m not wrong).I was like,"so,are you telling me they´ll have to return after all of this?!"I didn´t liked it either.Or the next season´s.I just kept on thinking,"if only Tai &co could have used Locomons..."


    Here´s cold.Really,really cold,snowing and all that jazz.

  17. I didn´t download the full thing because my old computer was always freezing and on the verge of getting a full memory.Why don´t I get it now?Since I downloaded Format Factory I tend to think I "have it all".I recently purchased a PSP and,as you might know,you can use it to watch videos,provided they´re in the right format.Well,I was thinking about downloading a new program when I took a look at the list of FF...and the PSP format was included as well.Speaking of PSP,i´m pretty interested in homebrewing.No,it´s not I want to play games for free.It´s just I would like to use it as an emulator.Especially for old Nintendo games,such as Ocarina Of Time.

    I haven´t used Windows for ages,but I was glad to leant to use it as a drawing program.Or,quoting my design teacher,"you can´t use a cone perspective here.The program wouldn´t allow it.Never mind,we´re gonna do it".I drew the TARDIS. :D

    I´ll add you now.So if you see a request from a weird address,it´s mine!

    I know what you mean.That´s why I like Lost: you can think of the craziest theories about why is X there or why did that happen,and you could be right.Returning to our Digimon and DB examples,I hated how the series used to end,especially Tamers and GT.Or Children Of Earth,for that matter.That was a killing spree!

  18. I also have DVDVideoSoft,but not the full pack.Just the YouTube audio ripper.I remember I downloaded it because my audio ripper (Free Music Zilla)rips the audio and the video.I might get the full pack one day.I am accustomed to use Open Office,but it´s more than likely I´ll use WordPad instead of Word Open Office if I have to type a simple text.But the latter shows you how the font you want to use looks like (in most of the cases)...

    Haha,that´s my case as well.If you ever feel there´s nothing to keep you busy,feel free to ask for my address so as to ask me.Not that I want to kill these conversations...

    I always try to be as cryptic as I can,because I´ve already suffered from overspoilerage (there it goes another new word!)in its worst incarnation.But there are times in which I spoiler myself,eg Harry Potter.By the way,the Deathly Hallows epilogue should have not been written.

  19. Now that you say it,it´s funny how I like to download free programs,especially audio ones,such as Audacity,or "Convert X to Y" (Format Factory is the best one I´ve tested so far).It all started when I realised my old computer didn´t have Office and WMP won´t open,so I had to look for alternative means to do what I wanted,especially when I had to do school projects.So I downloaded Open Office and Winamp,which I still run on my computer.

    I always feel the need to check the fonts and use the one that "suits"the most (for example while using Windows Msn-do you use it by any chance?) if I have the chance.


    In my case "the gap" is filled.A bit too much,I´d say :p By the way,I bought the smallest size of the Muse tee I bought,but it still fits me like a glove.

    Please don´t tell me anything about the series.Or,better said,you can,but be sure you´re not giving any important spoiler.

  20. Now that you say it,I´m a bit of a font freak.I regularly look for new ones.Even if I have to write my appointments in Times New Roman.But if felt good to use Frutiger 55 in bold instead of plan old Arial Black in my projects.It´s a shame the Stars skin (sorry,I can´t remember the name)font is not free...That´s why I´m thinking about getting a fonts builder so as to create a similar one.

    My problem with trousers is that I am not fat,but my legs are,so it´s a bit difficult to find the right ones.It wouldn´t be the first time they get torn right in the ankles because they were cut too long...

  21. I watched Public Enemies as part of my Writing Summer homework.I had to write a review of a good Summer film,and I couldn´t think of a better one.I quite liked it,but it ended being quite confusing.Nonetheless,I enjoyed it,especially the part in which you could see how the FBI was slowly created.

    Thanks to Spotify I can easily look for albums I feel like listening to,and the POTC soundtracks never fail to give me the perfect balance between epicness and "background music",which is what I need when I´m doing homework or whatever.

    Sentimental reasons...that´s why I still keep some of my favourite pairs of trousers,now helplessly torn.

  22. Whatwhatwhat...you aren´t a Johnny Depp fan anymore?! How come?

    Speaking of Mr.Depp,I´m hooked on the POTC soundtracks,epecially II and III.

    I haven´t read the books yet,so I can´t tell you much,but it leans towards fantasy.I like the way it blends sci fi (it reminds me of Firefly/Serenity),western and fantasy.Wizards? Check.Mutants? Check.Legends?Check.Time/space travel portals? Check!

    I wouldn´t be able to sell my stuff.I can´t even throw my old music magazines...

  23. The Dark Tower is a book series written by Stepehn King which revolve around Roland,the descendent of another´s world´s King Arthur in which his Knights were gunslingers.Actually,I first heard of it in a YouTube comment about the video of Knights Of Cydonia.There are also comics which serve as an intro to the books,especially the fourth.Precisely one of these comics´cover served me to draw my finest drawing ever.It was a gift for a friend who likes the books.

    I would have loved to buy the books,but my house already looks like a library.

  24. I have heard of that.I don´t have the books here,so I might be wrong,but it seems that if you want to draw a manga character you need 2 circles for a superdeformed (chibi)character,three/four for a child and seven for an adult.As far as I can remember,I´ve only "studied"them two years ago,when my mother was in the hospital and I didn´t have much to do,so I drew a lot.In the last days I´d even nap in her bed as she had to go to the gym :p

    Yes,I like the drawing.Especially the simmgrin itself.It´s...well,a simmgrin! There´s no other way to call it.See,the word was needed! :D

    Speaking of books,I got the Dark Tower ones.I´ll read them as soon as I have the time...and end my compulsory ones!

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