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Status Updates posted by Raiko

  1. Yeah, they've been one of my favourite bands for many years now. Can't get enough of them! :)

  2. Sorry for the late reply. Yes I am. :)

  3. I'm quite the happy chappy at the minute. Especially considering i'm drowning in Uni work at the minute. New Muse material and two new Feeder albums on the horizon. Couldn't ask for more than that this year!

  4. Hey man! I got scared for a second there. I saw '2 new notifications' at the top of the page and started assuming they had probably been there for months without me noticing lol.


    How be?

  5. I did read it actually lol. A bit harsh I have to admit. The argument was pretty much over at that point anyway so I didn't much see the point, but hey, you inspired some one to sign up and get posting I guess lol.

  6. Hey n4m. I just wanted to say I wasn't suggesting your comments were in any way out of line in that thread we were all arguing in. I'm sorry if that appeared to be the case. Those comments weren't directly aimed at you either. You had yourself a good arguement there. Billiegirl was definately demonstrating a narrow minded view with some of her comments and those comments were just begging for an arguement. That and its always going to be hard to have a proper arguement with some one like that because it appears her opinions and beliefs are just set in stone.


    Anyways, I just wanted to say i'm really sorry if my comments annoyed you or anything. They weren't aimed at you at all. You had already gone beyond arguing ones opinion of the new album at that point and I didn't think you were out of line or anything.


    My comments were just meant to be a general response to the few users out there that had seemingly not taken too kindly to those who have been disapointed by the new album and I thought that was pretty unfair. Looking back at what I said, it was pretty bad timing to have made that post when I did and I really should have posted those comments in the Elephant thread anyways.


    Again, if I contributed to your annoyance or anger, i'm very sorry. :(

  7. Well, I thought it would be best if I were honest. It's also there to remind me that i've yet to achieve anything great in life and at this rate, who knows if I ever will lol.


    So have you got a favourite from the album yet?

  8. Haha, they're a bit weird, but they're so cute! They look like little confused people suffering from neck spasms. Cute lol.

  9. Thanks! It's one of the default ones though. I chose it because I knew what it was and where it came from. :)

  10. Oops, sorry for the typo's in that last message. :(

  11. Leeds festival was ok. Not as good as i'd hoped though. The mud made it quite annoying on the first day. It took us nearly 40 minutes to get from the campsite to the main stage! You couldn't walk very fast lol. The security is also a bit funny too. They wouldn't allow people to take bottled or cups of water into the main area. We had to buy water after getting inside, which meant getting completely ripped off. Most of the food for sale was awful and undercooked. There was a cool little stool out there through that made awesome Spaghetti Bolognese though! I remember drunkingly wrestling my way through the Rage Against the Machine crowd, protecting my Bolognese with my life lol.


    Anyways, it's mostly about the music and to my suprise, many of the bands there were really good live. There were so many bands there I didn't much like, such as the Ting Tings, but to their credit they sounded really good. The highlight of the weekend for me was being near the front of the main stage whilst Feeder were playing. They got the biggest crowd reaction of the weekend. We were so crushed that as soon as people started jumping up and down, you were carried with them lol. It was such an awesome time though.


    If you do go to a festival, make sure you get as many mates to come with you as you can. You're bound to lose half of them, and although you can meet some pretty awesome people when you get lost, if you phone dies on you, you're unlikely to see your friends again until the following day lol.

  12. I've not done Glastonbury yet, but Muse would sell it to me. The last festival I went to was Leeds 2008 and I got perhaps a little too drunk to enjoy it all lol. That and although it was incredibly hot, it had rained heavily the day before everything kicked off and so there was still a load of mud lol.

  13. I've got to admit, i've never been to a Muse gig to date. I actually turned down the chance to see them at Wembley and I call myself a Muse fan lol. However, i'll definately be seeing them next year hopefully. The only date I could make this year sold out before I had finished organising a group of friends to go with.


    It'll definately definatley happen next year, whether a stand-alone gig or at a festival. I will see them! lol.


    Hows about you? I bet you've got a few planned already lol.

  14. Well i'm between courses at the minute. I was doing Games Software Development, which is basically making video games and ssuch, but to my suprise, that got pretty tedious after 2 years lol. I'm now moving into the second year of Interactive Media w/ Animation, which involves a lot of 3D modelling and Animation, as well as Web Design, 2D animation and such. I'm really looking forward to it! :)


    So hows about you? What are you doing with your life at this time?

  15. Life is ok at the moment. It could be better. I was meant to be finding a job over the summer, but i've given up since i'll be back at uni in little over a month. That is pretty much all i'm waiting for to be honest.


    How's things going for you?

  16. Hey hey. Thanks for the friend request. You're my first friend lol. :)

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