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Status Updates posted by sMindy

  1. hah! it would be cold by now..what kind did you have?

  2. I could also go for a nice pizza right now. :D

  3. My day has been ok, and it is Friday, so that makes everything a bit better.

    So what about yo? any plans for the weekend?

  4. Dead like me, the tv-show. That's lovely Mason from it :)

  5. awww thanks :)!

  6. :) I am now in higher numbers of people saying Happy burfday online than in real life, bit sad really! 6-5
  7. Thank you muchos! :D

  8. Awww Thank you!

  9. Aww thank you!! :)

  10. Oh yeah right...:LOL: that movie hadn't just stick to my harddrive in detail but now I remember...



    OOOH I get to go home now, and now way in hell am I staying here overtime. Was nice talking to you :)

  11. Now it's not funny :( it's an awful song

    And those weird pants he wears in that video just :LOL: that image of him doing that stupid dance is stuck on repeat in my head :LOL:

  12. lol :D


    Now I have that awful, dreadful....Hammer time!! -thing playing in my head :LOL:

  13. Yeah that would be a good place too...nice and far :D

    well it's 17 mins now :D

  14. Yeah annoying and selfish people should just...all move to island somewhere far far away and just get on each others nerves there...:D


    Okey :D

    20mins and I get to go home, wooo!!

  15. Hahah well you seem so nice on the board tho, well most of the times anyways...always so talkative and considerate...


    What's getting on your nervers today?...I have those I feel like a grumpy bitch days, but I just smile through them...:LOL:

  16. :D:D Ooh is there a 12 step program for this :D:D?


    ...yeah I have friends like that, that are so bitchy to people that are awful and so friendly and nice to other people. I also have friends who are just bitchy to everyone ...:LOL:

  17. Yeah, I've been always like that. I just don't say anything and then people keep on being mean to me..blah gee that's an annoying...but I jsut can't really change myself

  18. I so know all that, but I am just all "sorry" "excuse me", "Am I bothering you?"


    Death stare is so cool tho, I so need to practise on that :D

  19. Oh the evil stare thing? I sooooooooo suck at that....I jsut look like I have some serious tummy troubles :LOL:

  20. Hahahah thanks... Gee I so need to harden my image don't I? :LOL:

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