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Status Updates posted by trouble

  1. :LOL: Yeah ok, whatever you say, wimp ;p

    Though I do admire sensitivity in a man. My 'friend' can be really sensitive sometimes, but other times not so much, lol.

  2. 10 hours? Gah!!


    I has new job. I has to start on Wednesday. (Blah!) I find out about the other job tomorrow. Then I can book LESSONS! Woo!

  3. Aaah good. I's not a dirty bitch.

    Why is my nose extending rather fast?


    I'm absolutely knackered. I had physio then a mad dash to the interview... then a LONG walk home...



  4. Bit too expensive for me! I have to pay rent for my flat, which basically skints me!!

    Also had plans this month to visit family and a friend (This week! Yay!) so just had to be a bit sensible.

    NOT missing the next gig they do here though... however far away it may be!!

  5. Haha, that's cool :happy:


    Been meaning to say hello to you for ages actually :D

  6. Haha! They sound great fun! :)


    Yes, I will be going to Wembley. My friend surprised me with a ticket yesterday!! How lovely is that?


    I'm doing ok. Off on holiday this week :)



  7. Hello :)

    Monsters are the best! (Besides SPs and SPSs) Not long til I will be riding my very own, then I won't shut up about THAT! Lol!


    How are you? x

  8. Hey Ali, just leaving you love!


    (Stop writing comments for other people on your own profile, you nut!) :p

  9. Hey hey newly appointed biker nut!!


    Hope j00 is well xx

  10. Hey missy :)


    Hope you are ok!! You met Derren Brown... I R JEALOUS! xx

  11. Hi pissy...


    Oh, wait...

  12. I am ok :) Just started two new jobs. Day off today, thank goodness, as I have to work through to Sunday, mostly on late shifts...

    Did you get up to anything over the weekend?


  13. I HAD a sexy biker... *Sigh* Lol

    I want another one!! Haha xx

  14. I hope fatherhood is serving you well, and Matthew isn't keeping you up too much!



  15. I know :( *Huggles*


    That's life, eh? Youz is brave, and youz is cool! xx

  16. I may mean that, but there's not need for you to be quite so harsh with the naming. :LOL: It is a 'Friend with Benefits'... :p


    Oh you've ruined my perception of you now :'(


    I also need sleep, but as usual I am procrastinating...

  17. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev!


    Hope you are ok :)

  18. Only dead sexy if I dream of them with leatherclad men riding them off into the sunset. With me on the back... ;)

    Damn, I want a bike, lol xx


    LUFFS! xx

  19. Oooh you called me Mattocaster, lol!!


    I'm ok thanks. Very much looking forward to my summer, and my camping holiday. :D


    Hahaha, I remember that gay chat thing. Mad!


    Be sure to say hello more often :) xx

  20. Said hello to an African Grey Parrot yesterday! He belongs to a friend of a friend, and has made me want one even more! The stuff he says is hilarious!!

    Hope you are well? :) x

  21. Same! I've had one failed relationship, yet everyone seems to come to me for advice, lol. I think it's usually a nice nature that draws people in to want to talk to you.

    Bloody friends. I wish they'd all just be happy!

  22. Scared of you? Most odd :LOL:


    You must just LOOK scary ;)

  23. Thank you so much for my Space Dementia phonecall :D:D



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