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static shadows

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Status Updates posted by static shadows

  1. Ohhh! I'll wait for your verdict before going to sleep then! :D

  2. See how you like them apples. :cool:




    I've never understood that expression! :LOL:


  3. I sent you an email of (even more!) songs! :happy:

  4. Now that would be teriffing! :eek:


    I'll have to try to fly over before then!

  5. Don't worry. By the time you're 60 i'll be either dead or senile so won't know much about it! :p

  6. Naaaw! Maybe one day. :happy:

  7. Did you indeed! :eyebrows:


    What happened?

  8. *jumps into pants*



    Ooooh it's nice an cosy with us both in here! :happy:

  9. *steals red pants*

  10. Well my hotmail is static_shadows@hotmail.com and my msn is the same. However I haven't logged onto MSN in well over a year i'm afraid, so it's unlikely i'll be online anytime soon!

  11. but i'll brb! :kiss:


    ...well after 5 weeks anyway!

  12. monkeymonkeymonkeymonkey <3 :happy:

  13. Nothing I like more than wrapping my tongue around a good spread. :happy:

  14. Mmmmm I do like a nice spread. :happy:


    Allows you to really get stuck in. :yesey:

  15. He's an intruging character young miss. Look past his scales and you'll see a whole world of possibilities. :yesey:

  16. It's a risk I'll just have to take!

  17. Yay! I could do with some baileys. :happy:

  18. :LOL::LOL::LOL:


    Oh dear! Protect it well. :happy:

  19. I was just showing off my new sunglasses. :cool:

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