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Georgy Drachenkoeter

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Status Updates posted by Georgy Drachenkoeter

  1. Aaah. kk.

    Ich bin bald Steglitz. :happy:

    In ein paar Tagen. :D


    Jupp. Hooray.

    Und uns fehlt immer noch ein Zelt…

  2. Yupp. It is. heehee


    Yepp, and we still need a tent… There will be many many. Too many too meet. :(

    And many people will only come for the Sunday, too.


    Yupp. When I saw then they clearly had fun, and that's always good. :happy:

  3. Aaaah, It's your birthday today. Saw a Blackcherry at TAM and came to check if it really is you. :happy:



    Happy, happy Birthday!!!!

  4. Well, nothing wrong with blueness. :happy:

    Could be worse. :p

  5. Seen it. :)

    It's not bad either.

  6. :chuckle





    I have seen them at the Lido last year, and it's this small club where you can walk right up to the stage, and stand there with your hands literally on stage. I couldn't let that chance pass. Never would have thought I might see them again there. :happy:

    I'm well excited right now. :chuckle

    Spaming around. :p

  7. Goodie. :p


    Aw, haven't seen your sig yet, though. I hope you don't have the same as me. :p

  8. Aaaah, I was replying to your greetings to me. :$

    Haven't been there in Aaaaaaages…


    Really long time no speak.

    I'm fine. Should be a bit stressed I guess. Organistions for V, looking for a room, then moving, and above all three term papers to write, but I am fine actually. Stress is going to kick in later I guess. :rolleyes:


    How are you? :happy:

  9. Aaaah, we almost had the same ava. :p


    Mhm, maybe. But it said either 80x80 or less then dunno kb.

    It was less. Maybe I should make it smaller and try again… :erm:

  10. hihi.

    Jap. Momentan noch Zehlendorf, aber ich muß bald umziehen. Bin hier zur Untermiete und mein Vermieter zieht um. Also wird es mich hoffentlich bald nach Schöneberg oder Steglitz verschlagen.

    Wo bist du denn so anzufinden. :happy:

  11. Mine was supposed to move, too. But it didn't. I guess the board blocks animated gifs somehow. :erm:

    Nah, others have dancing people, too.

  12. Glad you like it. :happy:


    Your's is… interesting. :p

  13. *catches-leash*


    Cheers. Mine has a metal chain necklace. ;)

  14. Hallllooooooo.

    Meine erste 'offiizielle' Berliner Muse-Freundin. ;)

  15. Can I at least get my leash before you two get too comfy in there? ;)

  16. *shrieks*


    How did you get in my wardrobe.


  17. Oh, I'm here since… Dunno when. Some years already. Wow.

    Does not feel like this long.

  18. Aaah, hey. *waves*


    Yeah, it's, at the moment, HAARPy Kelaino. :D

  19. haha, Cheers. :)


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