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Status Updates posted by Ross

  1. Ross

    in our science labs in high school, we had these tall stools, little shorter than barstools. I could touch the floor while I was sitting on them :LOL:

  2. Ross

    "My feet don't touch the fucking floor:mad::(" :LOL:

  3. Ross

    Yup. Do that as well :LOL:

  4. Ross

    Mine is as well :LOL: mine is like a full on HAHAHAHA!

  5. Ross

    you have a stupidly cute laugh :$:LOL:

  6. Ross

    Awww, thank you :happy:

  7. No like I take it? :p


    nah, it'd just got to be too much. I've been meaning to get it cut for weeks truth be told

  8. Ross

    I'd like it more if I could do it. Chem labs <3. Unfrtunately, I seem to have a knack for missing the one lecture for chem each semester that's the groundwork for everything else - last semester it was because I wasstill in a physics degree, this semester, it was because I was getting my hand checked after breaking one of the metacarpals like an idiot haha.

  9. Ross

    Missing the meet. Tut tut :noey: first doing the wrong science, now this :p *is secretly jealous of chemistry skills, if only because he doesn't understand it at all. but shhh, don't tell anyone, or else my physics rep will be ruined*

  10. Ross

    That's awesome :D I think I'm going to strive to get up earlier in future. was so nice to not have to rush into uni :happy:

  11. Ross

    I think I've realised why you like getting up early in the morning. Went out to watch the sunrise. was awesome. Okay, the only reason I was awake for it was because I haven't slept yet since yesterday, but that's not the point :p

  12. Ross

    I thought you were talking about the horrible singy bit :LOL: Dallas is awesome though. would seriously contemplate marrying the man :happy:

  13. Ross

    you sure you're not mixing up Dallas and Me? :p

  14. Ross

    This is what it should have sounded like (my atrocious singy bit anyway):

  15. Ross

    Didn't realise I'd been singing, so it's probably all over the place :LOL:

  16. Ross

    have you got to my cringeworthy singing?

  17. Ross



    Because I'm really self-conscious about singing:$

  18. Ross

    Guess who has a new mic? just going to check if people are asleep

  19. Ross

    I haven't got a mic just now :( my sister was using it, left it on the floor, proceeded to forget about it, then stood on it :(

  20. Ross

    I know :( Do you not remember me saying I was surprised George didn't just go down and kick some ass? :p

  21. Ross

    It's the sort of "I am not quite right in the head" glare haha

  22. Ross

    Haha, was just with the corrie avs springing up, just thought of the only corrie character I knew, thus, David platt :LOL:

  23. Ross

    did you see what I said in the Limoges thread? dunno how that works out for you or whatever

  24. check the maths thread.

  25. hmmmm *strokes pathetic excuse for beardage* 3 days, think we can do it? I mean

    ; the invitations, the booze, the music, the booze, the bookings, the booze; its a lot of stuff to do in 3 days :erm:

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