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Status Updates posted by Ross

  1. Ross

    Hopefully it'll get here - I want a smoothie now! :( worst of it is that I think I know where I coud get one, but involves getting up and going out even earlier than I've planned = more use of energy = earlier sleepiness :(

  2. Ross

    If I go to sleep at 3, then make sure I get woken up at 5, I'll fall asleep at about midnight. Done it a tone of times before - problem is that the crash sets in at about midday :(


    Awesome! I'll just pop ov... Stupid atlantic ocean :(

  3. Ross

    I will! And have been! :LOL: Started off with Randomist, watched the first disc and the Highland tour doc as well. I almost feel as if I've ripped you off despite you naming the price :$

  4. Ross

    Yeah, I essentially have a metric fuckton of phonecalls to make, alongside trying to get a hold of my dad (a feat comparable to surviving on a diet of oxygen), go to my old high school tomorrow to attend a leaving thing for one of my favourite teachers who's retiring (ulterior motive - need character references for jobs). All of this while having a sleep pattern which is essentiall up at 4pm, sleep roundabout now. I may well just write today off completely and try and get a couple of hours at about midday, maybe a touch later. -_-


    *continues nestling*


    That may well be a thoroughly decent plan. Honey om nom nom :happy:

  5. Ross

    Nope, I've just been a bit all over the place trying to do 101 things and getting precisely NONE of them done >_<




    It's not so bad that I can't breathe or anything (although the hayfever-induced blocked nose = me having to mouth breathe >_<), just a really annoying tickly cough :( it 's more irritating than anything else ¬_¬ It might not even be that, since it hasn't bothered me since I was like... 7, it might just be because of the mouth breathing ¬_¬

  6. Ross

    Did the money for the Ross Noble DVDs go through?

  7. Ross

    Aww man, I know, I've not been on the board as much at all really tbh, and even less at stupid o'clock. Although with that being said, I might well be back on the board at stupid o'clock constantly - Hay fever's making me feel like someone has poured cement into my nostrils AND it's triggered what might be the asthma which hasn't bothered me for fucking years!

  8. Ross

    Hullo! how's you?

  9. Ross

    Stating the obvious man, but PABH were fucking immense. I'm aching all over, but it was worth it + I got a setlist haha

  10. No, I refuse :p besides, you pack a fair punch, and you caught me right on the shin when you kicked me :p


    told you you'd still be up haha

  11. dude, you'll need to pitch up at the same time as me with photo ID:




    I am emailing you to confirm your tickets will be available for collection on Sunday (6/6) from 10am onwards.


    The collection box office will be on-site at Finsbury Park located near to the entrance of the event.


    You will need photo ID of each person using the tickets and the order reference xxxxxxxx

    Any questions please call us

  12. Ross

    not yet but I have something sitting in the post office which is either them or my Rage ticket, so I'm going to the sorting office tomorrow :)

  13. Ross

    I might just use that actually :p

  14. Ross

    ramble ramble ramble :p

  15. Ross

    did I say that? :LOL:

  16. Ross

    well I was :LOL: this is what happens when me and Mr Daniels come together :LOL:

  17. Ross

    I did indeed. was that enough of a surprise for you? :p


    It'd have been better if nobody else was in the house and I didn't have to worry about waking people up :LOL:

  18. Ross

    I did! Haven't you seen my new sig? It has arguably my favourite quote of yours EVER!

  19. Ross

    perhaps. the fact I have a canadian twin is a rather strange prospect :LOL::p

  20. Ross

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' :LOL: That's weird as hell

  21. Ross

    what, like exact as in birthdate? that's just creepy :LOL:

  22. Ross

    haha, nah, like I said, no point in sleeping, eh? It's hard to sing quietly though :LOL:

  23. Ross

    probably because you were all dangly on them :p

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