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Status Updates posted by Ross

  1. Ross

    Get on MSN you ball :p

  2. Ross

    hop to it! :p

  3. Ross

    should probably upgrade them all then :p

  4. Ross

    might be. I'm about to upgrade mine which should hopefully fix it!

  5. Ross

    Whatsapp's being a little dick and showing me I HAVE messages but won't actually show me the messages -_-

  6. Ross

    Ah, that makes sense now :LOL:

  7. Ross

    What? :LOL:?

  8. Ross

    i couldn't understand a thing :LOL:

  9. Ross

    I know :LOL: Just... why?

  10. Ross

    I am indeed :)

  11. Ross

    :( I'd go on msn, but I can't on my phone and I need to get this stuff done :( SORRY! :(
  12. Ross

    EEP! Will you be on later? if I don't do this, my life won't be worth living :(

  13. Ross

    I will in a few - I'm just about to actually go into the kitchen and clean it up lest I get another frying pan lobbed at me - more about that later...

  14. Ross

    It's just boredom, a lack of sleep and the time of year giving things which wouldn't usually bother me too much time to get firmly stuck in my head, I'll be fine, but thanks :)

  15. Ross

    nah, my sleep pattern's even more broken than usual, mirroring my head I suppose :awesome:

  16. Ross

    no idea, i've had 5 hours sleep in the past day and a half, and I still can't sleep :(

  17. Ross

    the old one was held together with sticky tape and hope :LOL: and then it died :(

  18. Ross

    I still don't have a mic :( Money's tight at the moment :( might get one at xmas though.

  19. Ross

    I was disgustingly drunk :LOL:

  20. Ross


  21. Ross

    and on that note, I'm away, I have some stupid odds and ends to do today. been putting them off for ages though, but they must be done ¬_¬. bye :)

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