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Everything posted by Niles

  1. Niles

    Doms Drums

    Hello Doms drummers... look for the double pedal at 1:15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlbKDyVOfEI
  2. Niles

    Doms Drums

    I tried an Iron Cobra today... wow. My footwork must have changed heaps since I tried one last because it was brilliant. The previous model I'd stepped on was a Rolling Glide (which I didn't favour too much), but the Flexi Glide has the same sort of setup as my Eliminator (strap drive with radically offset cam).
  3. Niles

    Doms Drums

    cheddatom, I got the feeling before when we were talking about double vs single bass that we had different concepts of how it's possible to play with a single (speed, power and consistency), this is what I was talking about: http://www.drummerworld.com/Videos/jojomayerbasss.html
  4. Niles

    Doms Drums

    I was about to say ther I never have a problem getting caught anymore for some mysterious reason, but then I realised it's because I only wear board shorts...
  5. Niles

    Doms Drums

    Cool, indeed. That first pic on the "The Man" page is great, he looks as though he uses the same sticks as me, too, Pro-Mark 747Ws. Q: What's "Buchler 200E"? If I may make some suggestions, his drums aren't really deep at all, the floors and bass are standard sizes with the rack being at that shortest end of what's common. IMO these are deep toms: For OoS the splash was an 8" A Custom, not A, and playing ghost notes and pedalling the hats is not really a jazz influence, it's very common (I can't think of a drummer that doesn't do those things). Downloading now. EDIT: Nice KC ride. That's leading with the right hand.
  6. Niles

    Doms Drums

    Just leave it alone. It's not close-minded, it's being opinionated.
  7. Niles

    Doms Drums

    I'm pretty sure he'd kick ass on whatever equipment he chose to use. How I feel about double bass is MY opinion, it cannot be debated and it cannot be disproved. I couldn't care less what the PDFers think on the matter, this is my opinion and it is not subject to repeal by popular opinion. I don't care that you raised this topic on another forum, I care that you think their opinions, for or against, will invalidate mine. Fuck it, I just don't care at all. You did it, you "disprooved" [sic] what somebody else thinks. Then start a petition and try to get me banned but, for gods sake, don't get any of whatever it is you've got on me. Got my new drums, new sticks, new heads, new hardware and O-Week starts next week. So fecking brilliant. You?
  8. Niles

    Doms Drums

    How do you make every one of your posts a lesson in irony? and Where do you get all these superlatives from? Can you find any substantiating quote of mine? Having to clarify every statement of mine because of your abysmal comprehension is so low. EDIT: No, just that bit. Fortunately we don't need to deal with that, he's a singler and that's part of why he's the best.
  9. Niles

    Doms Drums

    So... if you don't adore every facet of every drummers style, you're insulting them personally? Don't be a cretin, anyone who's not mature enough to accept anothers opinion on music deserves to be slated. Try to keep up, I said no one cares about your displeasure, though I have a vested interest in this topic. How's that reading/comprehension age going?
  10. Niles

    Doms Drums

    No... "All double bassers are fucktards." That would be insulting double bassers; "I hate double bass because [i think] it sounds like arse." That would not. The difference should be immediately evident to anyone with a year 7 equivalent reading age but, again, this seems to be more credit that you deserve. Oh and I'm insulting you because you seem to have a gene pool a grasshopper could backstroke across, but that's hardly your point, is it? That's good because, similarly, no one cares. Nothing really does except you are... let me get this straight... taking it upon yourself to defend all those slighted double bassers from my egregious (and fictitious) onslaught? Go you!
  11. Niles

    Doms Drums

    And anyone cares... why? Irony incarnated right here, you accuse me as "acting like I own the damn place," yet tell everyone that you're pissed off as though what concerns you matters to anyone other that yourself. Man, I had a whole spiel written out about the temerity of someone who starts an argument with a line as inflammatory as "Sorry to bring this back up, but due to recent stupidity, this needs to be addressed" but then tries to back away from the anthill he's stirred up by taking the mature highground due to lack of spine, or whatever, but that cute smilie totally disarmed me. Ah well, as they say; it ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper (from you). Cheerybye! Lamest fight ever this.
  12. Niles

    Doms Drums

    I think that possibly you don't know the definition of the word "ignorant". In order for me not to like I must be aware of it and, hence, not ignorant. Then, of course, your obvious response is "Well you haven't heard all double bass songs so how can you know for sure?" To which I would retort, "I don't have to watch every episode of "Australian/American/Finlandian/Somalian Idol" to know that I hate it with unprecedented fire. I do. not. like. the. sound of lots of clattering bass strokes. Comprende, Jose? Unless you're calling me an utter fool you'll find that statement unequivocally false. I don't "take offense to [sic] every little thing that disagrees with [me]", I take offense at: I also don't like: and Beacuse someone might actually think that I'd said those idiotic things. As for forming an opinion... I don't care what the hell you think, I care when you accost me for what I think, it makes me wnat to ream you for what you think (if you do). Get it? I expect most would be Meinl GenXs like on the DrummerWorld vids.
  13. Niles

    Doms Drums

    Next time, instead of warning us of imminent stupidity, just stop yourself from posting. No you can't! There are trillions of mirror drumkits in the world, 98% of them have been wrapped, 2% are polished stainless steel. 1.5% of that 2% are Ludwig brand. The hardware is the clincher, not the finish. One, and it was made of stainless steel. I said "Ludwig never made any wood drums with a mirror finish". Do you get it yet? Sure thing. I warn you , I can only estimate diameter, and I only do pro cymbals. Since you're big into quotes be a good retreiver and point out EXACTLY where I said that technicality and musicality are mutually exclusice druming traits. In fact, I suspect that if you hadn't executed the knee jerk reaction "omigoshmustdefendportnoy" and spent some more time actually comprehending the words that I've types on dozens of previous occassions you'd have noted that I love technicality. Interestingly those are the songs I've listened to. The statement stands. I've also seen him try to play Moby Dick without swing and I would say it was excruciating. Quote that! Wow you're a dumbass. I specifically said that my favourite drummers were Theodore, Weckl and Holmes, of the three TWO USE A DOUBLE AND ONE PLAYS PROG. I know that, retard. I cannot believe I'm going to have to hold your hand and discuss every famous drummer who uses a double, so here's a catch all statement: JUST WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT TAKE TO INDUCE COGNITION FOR YOU? I DON'T LIKE THE WAY THEY SOND, NO MATTER WHO'S PLAYING THEM! ANYTHING THAT A DOUBLE PEDAL IS REQUIRED TO PLAY (THAT MEANS ANYTHING I COULDN'T PLAY WITH A SINGLE) IS GOING TO SOUND BAD (IMO, IF IT'LL HELP YOU). IT STAGGERS ME THAT ANY SLIGHTLY CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENT IS PICKED UP IN PERFECT IGNORANCE BY YOU AND RUN WITH! Obviously you're attempting to beat my record, and since the only way you could interpret ignorance in my case is from your own you're doing a damn good job. In fact, you're doing a no3chris job. Your talent for reading text that was never typed, failing to recognize the importance of opinions along with your (undeserved) haughty demeanor has secured you a place in the Annals of Ignorance. Sod off. It won't take long to read through what I've typed before I type it. His kit isn't too large, 4 toms, 1 kick, 2 snare. He has 4 pairs of hats.
  14. Niles

    Doms Drums

    It would be presumptuous to presume you were being facetious, to assume you were being facetious is assumptuous, I suppose, if that's a word. I agree vigorously with every part of that. I position my hat pedal closer to me than the kick one. By resting my foot further up the foot board I get better control and you never really need to play the hats fast so there's no downside. Use your toes to control the state of the hats but use your heel/ball of foot to play them. Start your hat foot going before the song starts then bring the rest of the limbs in and concentrate on not letting the hat rhythm falter, it's be natural (almost uncontrollable) after a week or so. The goal is to develop muscle memory of what that limb playing on the beat should feel like subconsciously, so lift your foot a couple of inches off the footboard and slam it down (very Dom-esque). A brilliant song for practicing this method is Shrinking Universe (one of Muse's best songs evar IMO). Dom's riding the china cymbal on the quarters and pedalling the hats on the eighths, it's a very textured ryhthm as every limb is doing something different but two (right foot and left hand) are on set-and-forget mode. Once you've done that practice playing on the off beat, but not the on, subconsciously, good practice songs are: Tell Me Baby - Red Hot Chili Peppers (easy) Hysteria - Muse (moderate) Bullet In The Head - Rage Against The Machine (hard) Easy, moderate and hard are relative terms, they're all ridiculously simple songs. If you're havig back problems get a throne with a backrest and always keep your back straight against it, this will also help if you feel like your pedalling is pusing against you because it'll just push into the backrest. A bit, except you don't see me bitching about "opinions" on the very next page. EDIT: Wait, nothing I said about Portnoy was an opinion; he can't groove or swing, instead he shreds. Anyone can play fast... Huh? In the college I at I'm famously poor. I don't buy half that stuff because it gets too expensive. The only thing I've bought so far is a slingerland tom shell (which I'm selling), a Mapex Saturn drum kit (which I'm keeping) and a snare drum shell (which I'm keeping).
  15. Niles

    Doms Drums

    My opinion is right because i r leet drummar n u suck. Have you ever heard any Mars Volta/Led Zeppelin? Single kick, very consistent sounding. You asked (facetiously) if you had a communication disorder, or similar, I was answering equally facetiously, no offense intended. The presumption is that every drummer should use a double. If the engineer feels that my kicking is too inconsistent I'll trigger the bass drum. The doubles I play (eg. Take the Veil, Cassandra Gemini II, Achilles Last Stand, Parabola) are quite consistent once I'm warmed up, they bring the beater usually to full extension, most of the time it hits the top of my foot. Oh so you recognize what an opinion is, now, when someone's challenging yours, but you'll happily spurt out some bile similar to that on the last page any other time. ...huh(@secondpart)? Ok, I'll put your name on your quotes. Because in that case the double IS a crutch. I always prefer to improve myself before my equipment. See above. Even if I was an endorsing, touring, professional drummer I would still use a minimal kit (24 kick, 14,15,16 toms) with minimal cymbals (14 hats, 19,20 crashes, 22 ride), minimal effects (10,12 rototoms, LP vibra-slap and mounted tambourine) and minimal hardware (single pedal, regular hat stand and boom stands) because I would always prefer to improve my own technique, or find new way of producing the sounds I want from the equipment I have, to upgrading my kit. It's h4xcore too. You know you're probably completely right about consistency etc. with the double, it's mostly my elitism that's my hang-up about them.
  16. Niles

    Doms Drums

    Nor do I... in fact I don't know where you're getting it from. The single kick contingent never suggested that doubles are a crutch, in fact it's quite impossible to play most double kick work on a single, we;re simply saying that anything you can't so on a single won't sound good anyway. I'm on dialup but if that's anything like the video on Drummerworld "Now That You've Got Something to Die For" he's a paragon of everything I hate about double work. He can't groove, there's no complexity at all, just a boring 4/4 plod, a token effort really, the beat is just a vehicle for the double kick, and that sucks, as I said before. The Howards, Theodores and Bohnams of this world will be crushed. It comes from having the capacity to formulate my own opinions. He's vastly overrated. Dave Weckl is a great drummer, Jon Theodore is a great drummer, Mike Portnoy is a technically proficient yet boring drummer. The only thing impressive about it is how much praise he can garner from teenaged degenerates. That and how he can manage to hit every single item on his nation-sized wank-kits in the course of a single song, and to hell with tastefulness. His drumming is mechanical and lifeless because he has no concept of groove or swing. Oh please. He's a three trick pony. 1) Tribal tom rhythm ad nauseam 2) Ryhthmically complex, technically basic groove 3) Rhythmically basic, technically basic groove, rescued by some double work here and there You can hear this in just about every song on Lateralus. How presumtuous can you get...? NO IT DOESN'T! Do I have a communication problem, too? ANYTHING YOU NEED A DOUBLE FOR DOES NOT SOUND GOOD. Unless you play good music... That is fecking awesome. Are you sure the hats aren't "New Beat"? I don't know anything about old Premiers, sorry, the vintage section on http://www.pearldrummersforum.com will, though. I don't think you can read.
  17. Niles

    Doms Drums

    It's not about impressing someone with how fast you can go with one, or two feet. It's about what sounds better. Yes. I think double kick does not sound better. A roll on the snare sounds pleasant, a tribal ryhthm on the toms does too, a roll on the bass drum does not (eg Lars Ulrich, John Tempesta, Mike Portnoy, urgh). I have never heard full on double kick work (that can't be done with a single with a bit more effort) used in a groove that sounded good. In fact I think the only circumstance under which it sounds good is a solo, where it just fills in the gaps. When I talk about a tighter sound, it's from a producers point of view. A double kicker will generally play faster beats tighter, I cement all my chaotic rhythms together with a constant, stock steady ostinato on the hat pedal. It never stops, not even when I'm soloing. I see the single pedal as a natural inhibitor: anything I can't play on a single would be overdoing it anyway. I am dead serious about having your left foot on two pedals at once. It can be done easily. See above. There's more to playing the hats than just opening and shutting them. I just think, that as young drummers, you should be expanding your potential. Even if you are amazing on a single kick, you'll be twice as amazing with a double. Even if I wanted to look into it I have no money, having just (and I mean right then) purchased a very nice new kit and snare shell.
  18. Niles

    Doms Drums

    That's right. They can play what they want to with a double kick, they can't play what I want to. As for the playing hats with the heel and the slave pedal with the toes... you're having a larf, right? No, it's shit. ... I can't believe it, on the line below the spiel about quality being in the eye of the beholder you go on about how doubles are absolutely more stylish (on a side note: stylish? No-one has drums by Hugo Boss). EDIT: The Slingerlands are history already! Damn international sellers keep trying to do me out of my cash. These should fill the void, though: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=280079926233&rd=1&rd=1 I've no need for the 10" tom, so it's gone, next addition will be a 16x16 floor.
  19. Niles

    Doms Drums

    I don't like double kick. It's boring, like crash riding. Yes, I visit drummerworld heaps. No, they can't operate the hats perfectly. Obviously cos they're using both feet on the bass drum.
  20. Niles

    Doms Drums

    An IC is a top-of-the-line pehdaal, with free shipping you've picked up an awesome bit of kit at a price unheard of to anyone not in the US. I bought my Elim for $50 brand new over eBay. I was thinking of getting rid of the Eliminator in favour of an Axis because even it felt to heavy to be doind all the twitch strokes in what I play. I think that the IC is a heavy pedal with a light stock beater and the Elim is a light pedal with a very heavy stock beater, so I've changed the Pearl Quad beater with the el cheapo felt cylinder one that came with my first pedal, superb. A cracking decision! It'll twist everyones minds better when you can play doubles and operate your hat at the same time. I would have thought it was, too. For the record I feel like a right twat starting such an argument. 350 pound is about US$680, I'd suggest eBay because you'll get more for your money second hand. You could get a Ludwig Accent CS Elite for that, I think (I don't know how the market is in the UK), or a Gretsch Catalina Maple, or perhaps even a Mapex M-Birch.
  21. Niles

    Doms Drums

    Does the ability to identify Drums actually make you a better drummer though? Did someone say it did? I ask... what's the point of posting these lists? None refer to the present tour gear and most are so vastly wrong the mind boggles. If you actually read the posts instead of just looking for sound bites that help you, you'd have seen everyone correcting them. Furthermore none of them actually have the things in them that I underlined. I cannot imagine what you hope to achieve.
  22. Niles

    Doms Drums

    Nah, it's my fault, I went overboard with the hyperbole on my first post.
  23. Niles

    Doms Drums

    His drums have Tama written on them. Visist tama website. Find out what his drums are. Easy. Give me the URL with the specs of the Mirage kit and snares. His cymbals have Zildjian written on them. Visit zildjian website. Find out what cymbals he has. Easy. Give me the URL of the page that says he uses the KC and AC medium rides, KC fast and K dark crashes (and the A splash). The only thing ill give you credit for is the A splash. Well done you! Only YOU could have worked that one out! Damn fucking right only I could have, in fact let me highlight all the stuff that only I could have known: And, yes, it is the most comprehensive list on the net.
  24. Niles

    Doms Drums

    Yes, so saying "5B" would be incorrect then. I know it's possible, you didn't do that though, you knew it was already. BS. Ludwig don't even make a mass produced mirror finish set. They don't make any wood drums with a mirror finish. Here's how you can tell it's a Ludwig: it has Ludwig lugs and a Ludwig mount. End of story. The finish tells you nothing. In actuality it's not even a finish, it's the stainless steel shells. Cymbals *can* and it can be told that the sticks aren't Pro-Mark. Kindly don't presume to inform us of what we should and should not argue about.
  25. Niles

    Doms Drums

    You know it works better if you don't give away the information (which you could only have memorized since some of it can't be ascertained from the image) and undermine my point. I wasn't asking you, I wasn't speaking to you, I know you know about TMV. If it were you I'd get someone like Alex Acuna. Lol, don't fuck about with "by the looks of" nonsense you knew that already. Question though, how does a mirror chrome finish identify this kit as a Ludwig (with the pretense of no prior knowledge)? And you got the sticks wrong, didn't do the hardware, didn't state what kind of Ludwig set it is, when it was manufactured and what model cymbals. hahaha I get it, the humour comes from the fact that you can't recognize the difference between ego and the simlpe desire to be given credit for one's achievements.
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