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Everything posted by de7ilznite

  1. We need more kids like him to destroy the plague known as bad taste in music in our country. He is the future. Check out the drumkit of Mike Portnoy, drummer of DT. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Portnoy#Equipment He is a self-confessed huge Muse fan, his list of influences are on the same page. DT did a brief cover of Stockholm Syndrome live once: Some people remark the structure of their song "Never Enough" is a bit of a ripoff of SS. I know, I'm a geek.
  2. I think I already like this kid. You're a rebel! Rap and blink-182 is lame, they were popular in my high school too. Absolutely rubbish music. Arnold, check out Dream Theater if you want to listen to some inspired drumming.
  3. Hey Arnold!! Wahahaha. I like that show. Erm, anyhoo, try to intro your friends to Muse by showing their best songs: New Born, Hysteria, TIRO, SS, Hyper Music, SMBH, Starlight etc. First impression makes all the difference. Just dl Showbiz la, Matt once said he's actually ok with mp3 downloading!! He downloads mp3s himself in his spare time. He just really loves music, that's all. My BM is plain awful, this is why I sometimes don't feel Malay enough. I'm much more comfortable with English. But thanks anyway. I'm fine with people speaking whatever the hell they want, it doesn't bother me.
  4. Yeah, very lame of me. My arsenal of peribahasa is not that great.
  5. Hamba tak mau tunjuk!! Tak mau!! Tak maaaauuuuuuuu..... Hamba teramat hilang muka jikalau hamba berbuat demikian. Kalau anda hendaklah terhibur, sila menonton hiburan sensasi di TV Tiga. Sesuai untuk semua lapisan masyarakat. TV Tigaaaaaa....untuk andaaaaaaa
  6. Wow, everyone can suddenly speak Bahasa Istana. Macam sungguh formal la. :LOL: Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi. I completely forgot what that means. mikeadyla, really! Microphone I rosak la. :LOL: Saya amat terhibur la. Hiburan sensasi. :LOL:
  7. It's ok la. We all can campur2 skit la!! That's the Msian spirit.
  8. You kena bukak minda skit. Takpelah, we're all Malaysians at heart.
  9. lol I used to speak Malay really badly when I was young. It took me awhile to master the accent so I could fit in with people. 'Till then, I felt like a bit of an outsider sometimes
  10. Mmm, don't remember much lah. Dah lame tak pegi sana. Masa I balik Msia, I hanya gerti perkataan basic jer. So, susah nak fit in skit.
  11. Saya Melayu. Tapi mak bapak saya belajar kat England dulu masa I kecik lagi. Saya lahir kat Malaysia, tapi tinggal kat England dari umur 3 hingga 9 tahun. Sebab tu I ni cam maksalleh skit.
  12. Sori la.....I tak berapa fasih cakap Melayu berbanding ngan Bahasa Omputih. I more comfortable ngan speaking la. I was raised to speak English since I learned how to talk and only started learning Malay when I was 10. So, I tak natural sangat. Takpe...I masih patriotik la.
  13. If Muse ever comes back to Malaysia, we should definately organise a gathering so we can see them together and get to know each other before/after. Shannaz, I'm straight, but if I ever swung in the opposite direction, I'd go for Matt too.
  14. I swear, I love this thread. Malaysian Muse fans are cool. Hmm, I'll need to watch something really funny first to laugh spontaneously. I can't just fake it, but a lot of people tell me they feel like laughing too when they hear me crack up. I have loads of weird Japanese comedy videos downloaded from Youtube, Rowan Atkinson vids, Dead Ringers etc. Yes, I like to laugh. btw, my microphone doesn't work at the moment, but I'll try to get it fixed soon. I'm not sure what the problem is. Malay dudes laugh like Satan? Wow, I've never even heard Satan laugh before. I need to go out more, I think. A Malaysian Muse gathering sounds good.
  15. My friends tell me I have a funny laugh. When we were in the cinema to watch Mr Bean, they said my laugh was funnier than the movie itself. And...yeah, I can be a bit strange sometimes. You don't have to be a white guy to be weird, Mike. Matt = Silver Surfer? Genius. He'd be using his silver Manson while side-shuffling on his surfboard onstage.
  16. He is a bit strange, isn't he? But that's why we love him. He does sort of remind me of myself sometimes, personalitywise. XD
  17. Dom would make a cool Spidey. Superman sounds ideal for Chris. Matt....um, an alien? Haha.
  18. ^ OMG does anyone remember the movie The 5th Element? Remember the car chase scene where there's Arabic music playing in the background?? It's called "Alech Taadi" by Cheb Khaled. I downloaded it, incredibly catchy tune. Then there's "Desert Rose" by Sting ft. Cheb Mami. Another good song. Arabic music ftw!!
  19. Yeah, I somehow love 'em even more now, if that's possible. The influence is apparent on City of Delusion.
  20. 10 bucks Aussie laa. 10 ringgit would be like pasar malam price already. XD This was shortly after I bought Absolution (2004 I think). They weren't that big down there at the time, so their older CDs were cheaper. I had already downloaded OoS and Hulaballoo as well - I was completely addicted to them after that.
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