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Everything posted by de7ilznite

  1. Debbie, I just saw your profile. That's you on the right wearing the Muse t-shirt yeah? I need to get me a Muse tee too.
  2. I like all of Radiohead. I have the Bends, OK Computer, Kid A and Hail to the Thief. Their music is weird and depressing, but that's why I love it. My fave Radiohead songs are Street Spirit, Fake Plastic Trees, Paranoid Android, Everything in Its Right Place, 2+2=5, How to Disappear Completely, Anyone Can Play Guitar, Go to Sleep, I Might Be Wrong, Idioteque and Optimistic. I recommend Street Spirit, Fake Plastic Trees and How to Disappear Completely for the ultimate dose of emo-ness. And this is really depressing music, not kiddie MCR stuff. Thom Yorke is a hypomanic, poor guy. He used to get picked on a lot when he was young cuz of his funny eye. He still can't get it fixed. Mary, wow 13 different songs eh? Brilliant.
  3. Whoops, apparently Paranoid Android was actually the result of three seperate songs put together, in a similar style as John Lennon did with Happiness is a Warm Gun. Just....wow.
  4. I love how in Hate This and I'll Love You, Matt croons, "You led me ooooooon". What a poor tortured soul. adyla, those lyrics seem so familiar.
  5. mary, what subject do you teach? Obviously not English. jkjk That Paranoid Android cover is nice. Apparently Radiohead wrote two seperate songs and combined them to come up with PA. That's why there's many different sections to it. I'm just so full of useless information.
  6. Yeah d7 sounds about right. Umm no, I didn't go for that gig. I still need to see Muse live. Hey, I like the shirt he wore. Creep by Radiohead? Excellent moody song. Actually it's about unrequited love. But er...yeah.
  7. <--- The meaning of Showbiz is explained. "An act we play everyday in life...how we hide behind personalities that we create for other people" "Cave" is about dealing with depression. Shannaz, my fave live performances by them are on Big Day Out 2004.
  8. Citizen Erased is a very easy song to relate to, if you look into the lyrics. Being a teen (or a young person in general) is all about establishing your identity in this world, right? Sometimes, in the midst of that search, you tend to think perhaps you're just a nobody. Hence the title. People are mean and cruel and generally tend to not make things easy for you during this period. They spread gossip and hurt people. They "cheat, lie, cover up what shouldn't be shared". And sometimes you get fed up of wanting to explain the way you are to people ("self-expressed, exhausting for all/to see and to be what you want and what you need"). It's all about finding yourself while living up to the expectations set by others. Not easy at all. Citizen Erased is told from the perspective of a social outsider who is going through this struggle. Try to be a bit open-minded and accept me for who I am, is what Matt is trying to say. Ahem, aaanyway... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdF2HhJOg4I <--- One female fan starts to shed tears towards the end. Aww. I love the Hullabaloo version on DVD, the fans seem to get really pumped up during the chorus. I really need to watch it again, I wanna see Dom with the Slipknot mask on again. lol I used to think D12 were cool, they were actually funny compared to most rappers who tend to take themselves too seriously. I wasn't into rap that much anyway, it got boring fast. IMHO = In my humble opinion.
  9. You can't please everyone la. I mean come on, de7ilznite doesn't even sound remotely rocker-ish to begin with.
  10. Aww *hugs* It's all part of being a teenager, I suppose. That's why Citizen Erased was/is my one of my top Muse songs. Hmm ok la, call me de7. Just shorten it a bit la.
  11. Er no, there's a track by Muse literally called Piano Thing. Just piano, nothing else.
  12. Er....call me D la. Contemporary Malay music....hmm, I like Estranged, Butterfingers, OAG, Gerhana Ska Cinta, Kromok, Love Me Butch. Then there's Man Bai, Innuendo (Kau Ilhamku and Belaian Jiwa for the jiwangness ). And some nasyid eg Raihan. btw mike, have you heard Piano Thing by Muse??
  13. LP's new album isn't that great (I downloaded it ). I only like a couple of songs.
  14. Dunno. Probably wanted to make it seem all sciency. :LOL: In that song, Matt's comparing a girl to a natural disaster, metaphorically of course.
  15. Bedroom Acoustics? Eternally Missed? Map of Your Head? Recess? Easily? Futurism? Fury? The Groove? Glorious? Nature_1? Jimmy Kane? Pink Ego Box? Ashamed? Agitated?? WELL??!!?!? They have the most kickass B-sides. Perth, Western Australia. btw, I was watching the Protocols of Zion just now and it brought a smile to my face when it stated "Many people have wondered whence come the waves upon waves of musical slush that invade decent homes and set the young people of this generation imitating the drivel of morons. Popular music is a Jewish monopoly" on jewwatch.com You probably have no idea what I'm talking about, heh. Just watch the doco lah.
  16. New John Mayer album is excellent, I saw him in concert recently (was in the front row!). His new stuff is very bluesy. My fave tracks are I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You), Belief, Vultures, Bold As Love (Jimi Hendrix cover), In Repair and Slow Dancing In a Burning Room. Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" is a classic btw. Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam is also good stuff. btw have you guys heard Muse's cover of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"? It's brilliant.
  17. zy3038, not *cough* la. I meant the word "menakluki". Conquer, right? Um, I'm not married. Masih student lagi. mikeadyla true, I think Israel is their main focal point right now. They claim they have a right to have Israel due to half of their population being lost to the Holocaust (which most Holocaust deniers believe is greatly exaggerated, such as Mel Gibson's father, Hutton Gibson, as well as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad). Most people seriously doubt that 6 million out of 12 million Jews were killed during WW2 and claim it is a figure highly exaggerated by the Jews themselves. btw, the entire Protocols doco is 214 MB in *.flv format. Not sure if can upload la, my Net connection has slowed recently. Been downloading too much stuff lately. Try Torrenting it lah. It is an extremely intriguing show, trust me. As for my taste in music, I was in my John Mayer phase awhile ago (I am the proud owner of a Fender Powerhouse Strat as a result of being into the blues lately). I listen to everything lah, I pretty much have the same taste in music as Matt & co. has. Everything from Arch Enemy to Coldplay to Incubus to Tool to Silverchair to the Beatles to Eric Clapton. Queen, Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Schumann, Pink Floyd, Pantera, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Radiohead, U2, Dream Theater, Paul Gilbert, Mudvayne, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Deftones, RATM, Audioslave, Ben Folds, Linkin Park, Lamb of God, Hendrix, Jack Johnson, SOAD, Depeche Mode, Zeppelin, Metallica, Opeth, Chevelle, the Strokes, Zero 7, Wolfmother, 3eb, Beach Boys, RHCP, Soundgarden, Genesis, Bob Marley, Tupac, Prince, Bjork, 311.....argh too much la. Can go on forever. I have 4 gigs worth of music in my computer plus a huge CD collection in my car and in my room. I am a nerd la.
  18. lol I love the previous posts above about how Muse's music has "changed their life". That's hilarious! Me too, me too. Actually mikeadyla, if you read 20th century history and relate it to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, it all ties in together. Watch the documentary "The Protocols of Zion" by Marc Levin and you'll see what I mean. All the episodes were available on Youtube (I downloaded them all onto my hard drive) but I don't think they're there anymore. The Jews removed them!! Seriously though, try downloading that doco off Torrent or whatever. It briefly features Mahathir during the OIC conference when he made the famous statement "Orang Yahudi memerintah dunia secara proksi". Of course the Protocols have been disproved, that's what they want you to believe. The Jews control the media (Hollywood is practically run by Jews - which is why Mel Gibson will be out of work for awhile ), the world economy (George Soros is a Jew), start all the wars and influence US foreign policy, especially in Israel. Of course they don't want you to believe this conspiracy. I think the whole Beatles thing may even tie in with the Protocols - they're trying to create a more liberal-minded culture among the Americans that will be propagated through music and various forms of media (all forms of guitar-based music, even heavy metal, can be traced back to the influence of the Beatles). This will be so people will start to abandon their respective religions (Islam, Christianity etc) so that Atheism will be commonplace. One day the Jews may try to rule the world via the New World Order and perhaps force everyone to convert, like the Spanish Inquisition. It will be much easier for them to do so, because people's morals will be more slack by then. Jews make up only 0.22% of the world's population, yet are controlling the world behind everybody's backs... Or I could be talking gibberish... Hmm, I'll try looking into Matthias Chang, thanks for that!!
  19. I haven't seen this level of obsession since I first discovered the band. In those days my friends were like, what's so great about Muse la?? After awhile, I finally gave up trying to convince them that they were just plain fucking awesome and that everyone should listen to them. But yeah, it's so comforting to see people finally understand me now. I've felt alone for soooo long. The way you guys sprout gibberish about why you love the band = reminds me of myself so long ago. mikeadyla, what's Matt's conspiracy theory about the Beatles?? Apparently, they've read a lot of David Icke's conspiracy theories, especially those relating to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion *cough*orang Yahudi ingin menakluki dunia*cough* (<--- is that the right word??). Anyway, you guys should check that one out. Ooh ooh ooh....for more Musey goodness, check out The String Quartet's covers of various Muse songs. They give the songs a more classical vibe. Amazing stuff.
  20. Matt looks weird with short hair. Some of you are like terlalu obsessed with Muse. They're like a boyband now or something. How so? I love Incubus myself.
  21. You know what they say, a real man is confident enough to be in touch with his sensitive side. Men who try too hard to be cool and macho are actually all pussies on the inside.
  22. Um, do people here see Matt as being slightly effeminate or something? lol
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