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Everything posted by de7ilznite

  1. Matt was very nervous and fidgety when he was young. The way he laughs, moves his hands around. Too much energy I think. I used to be like that too. Terlalu hyper. Nuh-uh!! You like, totally don't talk liek a gurl.
  2. No he's not. More Youtube madness! Cool drum n' bass jam: Matt - funny eyes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5sbGANaROA btw, am I the only remaining guy on this thread?? Seems like the rest of you are female, right??
  3. I personally think Blackout is one helluva emo song. With its crescendo of swirling strings towards the end and the Italian-sounding tremolo guitar playing (can't think of a better way to describe it lol). The Glastonbury performance of it is amazing. The girls seem to like Unintended a lot. I've played it on guitar to a few before. btw, check out this guy's cover of Falling Away With You. It's amazing:
  4. I'm a Liverpool fan laa. Unlike others, I have the humility to admit that Milan were better. Liverpool's defence should never have tried to play the offside trap with Inzaghi la, he beat it so well to score that second goal. Wembley? Hmm, well I hope a DVD will come out for that.
  5. Personal reasons. Ever heard Endlessly live? It's beautifully atmospheric: Something else I found recently. Bunch of Matt clips of him wailing, going crazy and just being plain random live : http://www.microcuts.net/uk/news/archives/01252005-muse_borderline_v3.php btw, Milan deserved to win last night, Liverpool hardly threatened them in the second half. Inzaghi's goal was pure class.
  6. Wikipedia is your friend. He lived in Zanzibar (Africa) but his parents were Persian-Indians or something. His actual name was Farrokh Bulsara. Apparently he hardly spoke of his cultural background when he was in Queen because a.) he was gay (which was not tolerated where he was from, of course) and b.) there was still much racism towards minorities in England at the time. btw, my fave Muse song to listen to when I'm emo is Citizen Erased. I consider it to be "my" song. Cave is also a good angsty one.
  7. I think all those bands are good live, but I haven't seen any of them. Might want to check out their live performances on Youtube sometime. Fact: did you know Freddie Mercury was of Indian descent? I never knew that either, I just found out recently.
  8. Er yeah, I can sort of imitate his falsetto, not as perfect though. I like to warm up my vocals with some Led Zeppelin and Muse singing. Bit embarrassing to do it in public though. The end riff in Micro Cuts = best giler!! Apparently, the song is about how Matt was on 'shrooms once and he experienced hallucinations about walking alone in the desert. And saw knives falling from the sky. Or something. "Micro waves me insane, a blade cuts in your brain"
  9. Fugazi's allright. Hey, Matt's voice in Micro Cuts is da shiz ok?
  10. Easiest way to put it: Emo = whiny and annoying, generally shit music Muse = not annoying (sometimes genuinely soulful and thought-provoking), excellent music
  11. The "+421521542147289472148972134092749021" part obviously implies that she agrees. MCR is just plain terrible, too much whiny drama for me to stomach. They probably suck live too. Hell, I can't even tolerate listening to them on the radio, let alone live. When I say "emo", I'm referring to the genre: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emo_%28music%29 Muse does have "emotional" elements to it but then again, so does Metallica. So does Beethoven. Music is a form of art, art is all about expressing human thoughts, feelings and emotions, period. People who don't understand music that well (ie the majority of people) are prone to making this misconception regarding the definition of emo. Therefore to them, Muse = emo. POTC = Pirates of the Carribbean. I never got round to finishing watching the first two myself.
  12. I think MCR are absolutely awful. I can't understand how some ppl like MCR yet label Muse as "emo". That's pathetic. Yeah um....I kill a lot of time on Youtube. Fun Exams are around the corner!
  13. I love how Matt tries to be respectful of other bands when doing interviews, regardless of what he really thinks of them. It's pretty obvious he doesn't regard them that highly. Dom couldn't stop laughing even when the moment had passed. And here's one for you MU fans. Ok, it's not actually the MU song, but it comes pretty close.
  14. mikeadyla, I dunno. I do think MCR are kinda gay though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ78Fhgq8YM <--- Matt kinda pokes fun at them in this interview. miele & Arnold, I actually saved that video onto my harddrive and watch it quite frequently whenever I need a good laugh. I swear, the guy's voice makes me piss myself laughing.
  15. Shannaz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqunLzoMfzo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wYLuvJe3tA Easily some of the worst covers I've ever seen. First two are from Malaysia and Singapore respectively. The last one is so bad, it's good. XD
  16. So, if a guy doesn't like football, he's smart? Liverpool fan here.
  17. "Unleashed" was um, unleashed (pardon the pun) a couple of years ago. Was a good movie, I liked it.
  18. Not sure. Wouldn't put money on it. Random fact: the trailer for the Jet Li movie "Unleashed" features "Apocalypse Please". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drXYgxk_a1M
  19. lol don't be embarrassed!! I wasn't specifically aiming remarks at you anyway.
  20. Nah, if people choose to be katak di bawah tempurung, I couldn't care less. I think I finally got a peribahasa correct lol.
  21. The 28 Weeks Later trailer uses the song Shrinking Universe, an old B-Side. mikeadyla, I guess my past experiences stem from mostly immature people or those who haven't really seen the world yet. It hardly matters to me now.
  22. Ah well, we can't force everyone to be Muse fanatics like ourselves, I suppose. Nah, I don't really care what people think anymore. People will always judge and criticise you no matter what you do. The most important thing is, you're happy with yourself. Awwwww.
  23. I think being a banana has a much broader meaning, as in an Asian trying to be white. I know where you're coming from, I know plenty of judgemental Malays who speak terrible English and label me a banana! However, I find it ironic when overseas, they try to put on a fancy accent when talking to white people and it sounds so fake! Leaves me in stitches everytime.
  24. Yeah. In real life, we're all ugly and have no friends. Just kidding. Really.
  25. That means I'm a banana too. I don't really care, I'm pretty much used to that label these days. I learned Malay late, it's not my fault. Yes, I'm a music nerd. Well, more specifically, my drummer friend who I regularly jam with is a huge DT freak. I'm not that much of a fan myself. I have....rather fast fingers.
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