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Status Updates posted by DeadBodiesEverywhere

  1. Amarante, no norte, nao muito longe do Porto sabes. Agora ainda vivas in Viana?

  2. fixe... de onde és em portugal?

  3. oh portuguesa e tambèm fala francês... como eu hehe

  4. Pau, are you gonna put a proper picture of you so I can add a whole face to that eye once for all or what? :awesome:

  5. Well ok I am but it's a secret :D

  6. ¬¬ in no vampire ...or am I ? :p

  7. yeah :awesome: but now only with sugar, no more light one because it contains aspartam and aspartam = evil if you didn't know :D What about you ??? :D

  8. no lol it didnt even come to my mind i swear :D how are you dear paulina? (even you said you not gonna reply lol)

  9. Awww dont be sad my dear paulina. I'm not far...

    I will always be there :eyebrows: ...forever

  10. ola :D obrigado por o friend request :D que tal?

  11. PAU!! what's up ?? :D yes I miss talking to you actually hope to see you soon on chat and u okay too :D

  12. awwwww dont worry ill talk for you again :p:D

  13. ola obrigado por a friend request :p

  14. Hooo Feliz aniversario :D:D:D:D

  15. o que me faz rir é que no estrangeiro muito pessoal acha o Portugues brazileiro é bem mais bonito do que o brazileiro :/ é um bocadinho enervante de vez em quando :mad:

  16. yeah I know :D she could turn me into erm...like....mmmh a psychologist who knows omg ?? :stunned:


  17. Oh and did I mention you looked really greek between? :awesome:

  18. mmmmh... did u know you look so typically greek ? U know if someone told me you were not greek honestly I couldnt believe him :wtf: You HAVE TO be greek, only greek you can be, always will be yep :happy: Really you are greek no doubt about it, the greekiest greek someone can possibly be indeed :awesome: yep... mmhh anyway thanks for the add :awesome:

  19. ah esta bem é só que me parecia fix falar comos os brazileiros sabes :p

  20. Nao nao es lol :D nasci no portugal e fui pará suiça quando tinha 4 anos :p mas sempre tenthei continuar a falar portugues :nerd:

    E vocé ?? Sempre viveu em portugal ? :awesome:

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