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Status Updates posted by blissfullymuse

  1. I would like to transfer some monies into your account, could i have your sort code and account number please

  2. Yeah i think he will....well im hoping so

  3. Ahh lol


    I dunno if he'll tell us more...i think we may have to wait until monday :(

  4. Thanks hehe....Maybe mention belly flops and they will reply

  5. Ohh good stuff! No probs im glad i was helpful :)


    Enjoy the gig! x

  6. Yep as soon as it hits 9am tomorrow morning it'll turn into a buy tickets sign and you'll be able to make your purchase :)

  7. Crackle Monster GRRRRR

  8. Edited the picture fo Teh Lulz

  9. Have fun tomorrow



    (yeah i changed what was originally put here but it was a bit harsh to someone...not you but someone else)

  10. Happy New Year!!!!


    I hope you have a fab 2009


  11. Gooood

    Meh im ok, bit pissed off but i wont bore you dear...its been an ok weekend though


  12. Aw cheers Kev


    How are you hun?


  13. My jaw hit the floor when he told us, he cancelled our lecture week before last because he was touring with them...i want his job too so hopefully with his skillz i'll be doing it soon!


  14. Yar really, when i have my next lecture(weds) i'll ask him ;)


  15. Noel, my tutor is Oasis' official tour photographer





  16. Kev weird question but do you know how many posts i have posted since i joined here?

  17. Yeah and i have them near where Dom lives shuuuuuushhhh lol

    Aw i hated School so i feel your pain!


  18. Haha awesome.

    Im good thanks, just doing some work for my photography class which i LOVE :)


  19. Hey AM!!!

    How are you?


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