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Status Updates posted by katie

  1. i am fine thank you sweetie :) i've got good friends here that are helping me :) i'm going to the beach tomorrow after i see my doctor so it's all good :)


    how are you? i hope you're ok :) much love xxx

  2. thank you for your message, it means a lot to me! hugs!!! xxx

  3. hey aub, sorry for the late reply i got a load of crap going on coz i found out the guy i've been seeing for 4 months is engaged to someone else (who he told me was a lesbian and always had been) who's pregnant with his child and they're getting married in july! and if that wasn't bad enough he had lied to me saying he was seriously i'll and had a 70% chance he could die which was a lie too :O lol so erm yeah i've been better but he's not worth my emotions!


    how are you? did you enjoy your vacation with ez? i hope you did


    love katie x

  4. haha fair enough stormy take care x

  5. yeah i'm all good just in the chat at the moment :) x

  6. haha all good i hope? lol i've been using muse chat since like 1999 when it was black with coloured fonts so i wouldn't be surprised if a few people know who i am on here :p x


    how are you? x

  7. hey aub how's it goin? hope you're ok :) take care love katie x

  8. haii!! how are you? x

  9. hello! how are you? x

  10. hellloooooo!! how are you? :) been a while since we last spoke i hope you're well, take care xxxx

  11. i am? lol or was that sarcasm? hmmm x

  12. naaawwwwww thanks!! i love you too :) how are you? hope you're well xxx

  13. thank you :) what does it say? lol x

  14. you're welcome my dear! :) i'm good thanks ^_^ good luck with your exams, hope everything goes well! :) talk soon, take care!! xxxx

  15. hey thanks for adding me to your friends list! :) how are you? x

  16. hey sweetie! thanks for the message! :) i love muse soooo much they are just the best! :)


    i'm not too bad thanks, how are you?


    take care, hope to talk again soon xxx

  17. you're welcome :)


    how are you? x

  18. hey, sorry my internet stopped working! :( x

  19. hey :) how's it going? x

  20. oh ok sorry i didn't know that i just saw somone else had done it and posted sorry lol it worked though :) teehee i won't do it again PROMISE!! :) are you going too? x

  21. lol panic over it's cooled down here now... we had a bad thunderstorm yesterday!

  22. not bad, you? x

  23. Michael melted too it's ok :) lol Maybe if you scoop us up and put us in the freezer we will harden up and be able to re-mould ourselves? haha x

  24. There's no time, I've already begun to melt!! Haha!!


    How are you?

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