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Buxomflirter Queef

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Status Updates posted by Buxomflirter Queef

  1. Well yeah you can go in the queue and they'll check it out right a way. Or you can just dump it i a box and from which they take the books every couple of hours. Short loan is self service at a machine so you scan them out yourself.

    It's quiet, and I like quiet! And they have sofas :chuckle: Do you work in a uni library or a community library (if that's what it's called?)

  2. 12 floors, open from 7am to 2am :awesome: Naturally I think they should have more copies of certain textbooks, and the computers are shit (I'll blame IT for that) I do suspect them of sometimes not checking out my books and just putting them back on the self (leaves frustrated me as I look at my record which says I should still have a book at home..)


    I'm one of those sad people that goes to the library in between class and just sits and reads :awesome: Did that in highschool too, the library ladies loved me :happy:

  3. Yeah I guess :) Really enjoyed history of English and like phonetics because that is slightly more science based (but not too much because I'm a n00b)

    I read that you're a liberian so I will forgive you for the english lit course :p. I like libraries :LOL:

  4. Haha I hate grammar! I failed that module :supersad:

  5. haha I have friends doing that course (though I think I've managed to convince one to swap to eng lang :shifty:) and they are lovely! The course turned me off reading, and that is not a good thing. Now I've dropped it I'm back in the game!

  6. nah! We had to hand in our titles in March :phu:

    I did lit for two years, didn't like it much. Too pretentious :noey:

  7. it's an undergrad one that has to be handed in in September so it better not take a year!

  8. The relationship between lingual-palatal errors and structural differences in children with Down syndrome.


  9. My dissertation will never be written now :'(

  10. Now I feel special! :happy: I can go to sleep peacefully now!

    Thank you for my boat! :kiss:

  11. hmm well I guess that's alright then! :D

  12. :eek: So you're just a thread-creating-whore then?! Such a harsh blow the moment I felt special :(



  13. (am secretly super excited of the thought of my own boat, but trying to play it cool :cool:)

  14. Ohh I guess that would be fun! As long as you promise not to let it sink to page 56!

  15. nope, I searched. It's gone. Lost forever! I blame kev. No, make that Kate Hudson :mad:

  16. Lost internet connection earlier, wasn't being rude!

  17. Thank yoou! :happy:

    Nom nom crunchy French sticks :eyebrows:

  18. We tried to be French! But the French fangirls just gave us weird looks when they saw that.. :chuckle:

  19. That new sonic screwdriver posted in the DW thread looks like an evil dildo.

    Thought I'd rather share that here than in the thread :LOL:

  20. Cheese is out for delivery.


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