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Buxomflirter Queef

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Status Updates posted by Buxomflirter Queef

  1. maar als sammy geen mod meer is hoe kan hij mij dan alle mod roddels vertellen!

  2. Als de nieuwe Sammy verwacht ik natuurlijk wel net zo veel roddels ;)

  3. can you come back to skype? Or are you too busy? :supersad:

  4. what does that even mean!

  5. you're such a cocktease!

  6. I thought the post I quoted was about Sven (which I still think he should have gotten an infraction for but I blame sammy for that). Fully agree with NG action.

    don't hate me :(

  7. hahah damn those relatives!

  8. haha bless him, he's already way too excited about those pie charts!


    Aww why is it hard work and why would you feel guilty :supersad:

    Meh it was ok. My family isn't really christmassy, not really any contact with extended family, sis in the UK, bro at in laws so we just have dinner like any other day cause mum is still stressed from her birthday the day before :chuckle:

    3 weeks minus 5 days. so basically only 2 weeks :'(


  9. Fooling? Everybody is super srsbsns :mad:

    Eugh isn't it. I don't really care it's during christmas (I'm at home so has mummy to take care of me :chuckle:) but I've missed about 5 much needed revision days aghhh. Did you have a nice christmas at least?

  10. I'm sorry we've been whinging about the awards when you were ill, Noods :(

  11. your moments take too long! It's 1am and I'm old :'(

  12. I didn't receive anything :S

  13. dude where are you. You said 10 minutes :phu:

  14. only just saw it. will be on bb

  15. You cheeky sods! I bet it were the Brits who were boozing and being a nuisance there in the first place :phu:

    Ohh was it really, now that is interesting!Too small, hmpf. Hope you didn't forget to put your pants on :chuckle:

  16. swamp :LOL:

    Still can't believe "we" swapped NY for some holiday country. America could have been speaking Dutch :mad:

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