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My Master's Thesis


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Hello to everyone, my name is Sean Davis and I am currently researching for my Master's Thesis. I am writing about Intertextuality and Musical Narrative in The Resistance. I suppose I'm posting here to see if there is any other work published about MUSE and to get some input about how Orwell's 1984 factors into the album.


Thanks in advance!

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Books about Muse?


only the biography ends after they completed BH&R


That's not exactly the kind of literature you'd need to contribute to that level of study. I think you're going to have to approach it all quite technically - I doubt you will find any useful equivalent comment out there, which would be a point of concern for me if I was writing this, as usually you want to include the opinion of other linguists on a given topic.

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That's not exactly the kind of literature you'd need to contribute to that level of study. I think you're going to have to approach it all quite technically - I doubt you will find any useful equivalent comment out there, which would be a point of concern for me if I was writing this, as usually you want to include the opinion of other linguists on a given topic.


I suppose he could research (and compare with) how other artists have approached it. Muse aren't the only ones to have used references from 1984.


And I suppose there's also the other books that Matt has referred to which influenced him in the songwriting. And then there's the news stories and of course the conspiracy theories though I'm not sure how far you can go because some of his influences aren't exactly that authentic and it may be difficult to find good references.

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I suppose he could research (and compare with) how other artists have approached it. Muse aren't the only ones to have used references from 1984.


And I suppose there's also the other books that Matt has referred to which influenced him in the songwriting. And then there's the news stories and of course the conspiracy theories though I'm not sure how far you can go because some of his influences aren't exactly that authentic and it may be difficult to find good references.


Good points :) But from my own experience in this field, its less about influential literature and more about the critical context of the piece itself. Say if I wanted to write about '1984' then there is a wealth of critical response to this text already, and so the opinion which I would be producing could be either reinforced or countered by existing opinion. Just to give a bit of context on my waffling, I love this kind of literature, and writing on it: - I did a thesis on 'Der Prozess' (The Trial - Kafka) :happy:

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Some interesting ideas, my thesis is based more in musical analysis and narrative. I will be focusing on the intertextual references of the album and their meanings (as derived from 1984 and also just general meanings); I'll be looking into the Chopin and Saint Saens quotes as well as the chromatic harmony and romantic stylistic influence in Exogenesis.


And don't worry about my getting an entire thesis out of this, there have been dissertations on the Beach Boys so I think I'll be fine.

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