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Hello to you too.:happy: I :LOL::LOL: because of your comment about good heroine. The good thing is that this addiction isn`t physicly hurting you.:p


imager.php?id=1911735 GIFSoup



This is true. Although I'm fairly certain that my addiction/obsession for a certain rugby player mighy be making me slightly crazy :LOL: I recently discovered that one of my 2nd cousins is friends with him on facebook. After getting slightly jealous I friend request them both then start thinking " OMG!!! what if they're dating!!! :'(" :facepalm: I should point out that I've never met him in my life, and I haven't seen my cousin since we we're kids.


It was good to share. /therapy :LOL:



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This is true. Although I'm fairly certain that my addiction/obsession for a certain rugby player mighy be making me slightly crazy :LOL: I recently discovered that one of my 2nd cousins is friends with him on facebook. After getting slightly jealous I friend request them both then start thinking " OMG!!! what if they're dating!!! :'(" :facepalm: I should point out that I've never met him in my life, and I haven't seen my cousin since we we're kids.


It was good to share. /therapy :LOL:



I think that as long as you are aware what is real life and what is just your fantasys, you are ok.:) Yeah you can be easiliy jelaous if you really like someone like that.:$

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Hai PDT.






^ arms.


Looking good, Mr Howard :cool:.


I was mostly looking at his butt.


and I thought I was the only one *coughs*.


Bad you :noey:.


Hello to you too. I *LOL* because of your comment about good heroine. The good thing is that this addiction isn`t physicly hurting you.




Exactly :yesey:. but if Dom was a REAL drug he'd be dangerous :stunned:.


This is true. Although I'm fairly certain that my addiction/obsession for a certain rugby player mighy be making me slightly crazy :LOL: I recently discovered that one of my 2nd cousins is friends with him on facebook. After getting slightly jealous I friend request them both then start thinking " OMG!!! what if they're dating!!! :'(" :facepalm: I should point out that I've never met him in my life, and I haven't seen my cousin since we we're kids.




It's good to be jealous from time to time - as long as it doesn't hurt anybody ;).


*looks at Dom's belt*...leopard print? Noooo, :wtf:. What the shit is that? :stunned:.

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Looking good, Mr Howard :cool:.




and I thought I was the only one *coughs*.


Bad you :noey:.




*looks at Dom's belt*...leopard print? Noooo, :wtf:. What the shit is that? :stunned:.


I don't mind a good spanking once in a while...

he could be ;)







Don't you just wanna kiss this man...

So hawt, I really need to wear jeans that are less warm... /faints.

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best comment ever! really!:D




:$. Well, :shifty:. Thank you then :p.


:LOL:. That photo shows the way from a weird looking kiddo with funny hair to a great man :cool:.


I found this, it`s not Dom, but I thought about him (and Matt, because of the banana, perfect combination I must say :chuckle:) right away :LOL:




:LOL:. I watched some idiot movie on TV today (Cheetah Girls? Srsly traumatizing :'(.). and they all were wearing leopard printed stuff there :stunned:. I mean, ffs they had EVERYTHING - even the bed sheets!!, in leopard print :stunned:.

Now I appreciate that Dom wears JUST SHIRTS and a belt with that print :LOL:. If it was more, it'd be too much.

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Whaaatttt - kick out from a house cause of a tattoo? That's silly :no ey:.

*huggles*. I hope it'll be okay : ).


It's not a meaningful tattoo? It is, but yep - they cannot get mad with one tattoo come on :noe y:.


Mmm they are the type. But thankfully they didn't.

My dad took one quick look at it and looked away and didn't say a single work to me the rest of the night. My mum said that i look cheap,tacky and common looking now thanks to my tattoo. And she keeps asking me why would i discrase my body like that. And yeah they have dissapointment in their tone. And they still don't understand why i got it i told them its meaningful to me but yeah they still don't understand. But thankfully i am still living in my home...

I havvn't told my grandparents cause i know for a FACT i won't be on their will and i will be dissowned and my parents told me that too... :stunned: So they arn't going to find out till they find out themselves simples... They don't really need to know.


*hugs back*

Family ey? :rolleyes:


Yup it's a meaningful tattoo. I would never get a non meaningful tattoo...


Oh well they got mad... They shouted a bit and ignored me for a while then talked to me. So yeah they are still mad at me for it... :(


he showed me his nipple ring last lesson too :eek:

yeah ive got a feeling he is going to regret most of his tats later in his life :erm:


it is such a lovely tatoo :happy:


:stunned: Nipple rings freak me out...

He is definatly going to regret them!!! I will be shocked if he doesn't!


:happy: I am still in love with it.

I am thinking of adding this on the other side of my bliss tattoo on my ankle so basically i will have bliss on one side of my ankle and on the other will be the wings :happy::





But i am not 100% yet i am going to think loads about it and ask loads of people what they think first. After all friends know what suit me more then i know what suits me :stunned:...




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Mmm they are the type. But thankfully they didn't.

My dad took one quick look at it and looked away and didn't say a single work to me the rest of the night. My mum said that i look cheap,tacky and common looking now thanks to my tattoo. And she keeps asking me why would i discrase my body like that. And yeah they have dissapointment in their tone. And they still don't understand why i got it i told them its meaningful to me but yeah they still don't understand. But thankfully i am still living in my home...

I havvn't told my grandparents cause i know for a FACT i won't be on their will and i will be dissowned and my parents told me that too... So they arn't going to find out till they find out themselves simples... They don't really need to know.


Yup it's a meaningful tattoo. I would never get a non meaningful tattoo...


Oh well they got mad... They shouted a bit and ignored me for a while then talked to me. So yeah they are still mad at me for it...



It's really sad that your parents don't know how important/meaningful that tattoo is for you. For me it's nothing wrong about tattoos and I'm sure that if I wanted one my parents would support me - as long as I'm sure it's a thing that I really want and find it important.

But hey - they shouted and soon they'll get used to it :). The most important thing about is if YOU feel good with it :happy:.

Grandparents are always like that - when I wanted to dye my hair more blonde my grandma was always saying it's WRONG to do :rolleyes:. Seems like they care too much - but that's one reason why we love them, right?


Picture of Dominic: "Pull the stick!".


Hi there, Ladies!

(Haven't been here for a long time, because school sucks. But I guess you already knew that.




I come bearing a cute picture

How are you guys doing, btw? ^^


I agree with your words here :yesey:.


I'm fine, thanks. Bought a cute box to paint and going through Dom photos for some design inspiration :).

How are you?


Lovely picture here :happy:.

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