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When do you have to go back to school? I have another month of holiday :D




Have I mentioned that I love love that photo? :eyebrows:



Dunno. Maybe because most of the girls think that he should be with them, or want the wild Matt back. Nobody changed him, it's called maturing. Anyway, we better close this conversation, before we get in trouble.


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I remember Chris explaining those shoes in the making of Knights of Cydonia video... Funny.


aww...the photobomber! :awesome:


happy friday tarts! :happy:


Happy Friday tart tankers!


Isn't it hot in the tank, I should open the windows..

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22. Catachrismic: the type of chrisgasm had when he plays the harmonica.


23. Chrisgasm: A state of arousal or total ecstasy caused by some form of exposure to Chris Wolstenholme, whether pictures, those sexy bass lines or otherwise.


24. Chrisian - Chris worshipper


25. Chrisism- the act of loving Chris.


26. Chrisis- When one cannot get enough Chris.


27. Chrisist- One who loves Chris.


28. Chrisly- normally refers to a piece of clothing or shoe that looks like it should be worn by Chris.


29. Chrismas - The celebration of Chris’ birthday


30. Chrisness- a term used to express the actions caused by one’s “inner Chris”. Can also be used to describe something that relates to Chris.


31. Chrisology- The study of Chris Wolstenholme.


32. Chrisostrophic- Something that is affected greatly, whether good or bad, by influences of Chris Wolstenholme. Usually results in a major change.


33. Chrisotologist- one who specializes in treating Chris addicts.


34. Chrisotology- A branch of medical science that was specifically created to treat Chris addicts.


35. Christ- another name for the awesomeness that is Chris Wolstenholme.


36. Christening - Introducing to the world of Chris obsession.

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