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I just like long-hair-Chris :D

C'mon you have to admit that he was cute :D

No,just no.

I loved the curls and the pedro moustache but the long-hair-Chris was simply awful. :noey:


I love how Chris at the very start says:"Mm...i don't know" when asked if Glastonbury was the crowning moment of their career.

Dude,it's not the first time they headline the Glasto and it's not like they have formed the band just last week and Glasto is their one big chance to make it through. :rolleyes:

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I think it's just because of the Edge, since he was the first real big musician to join them on stage...or am I wrong?

In BDO there was some musician who joined them and they played Back In Black,I think. :erm: I just can't remember his name.



I just don't get what's the big deal that Edge played with them. So what? :rolleyes:

I quite like his hair in this pic too :D


The curls and the beard were the best. :happy:

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Nick Cester from Jet

I should really go to bed since I have to work tomorrow but I slept today until 14:00 o'clock :LOL:




I didn't sleep at all today. I got back from the party at 7 a.m but now I'm too excited about the upcoming Muse gig I can't sleep. :p

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I wish I could attend a muse gig in the next weeks but I have to save my money for my new amp...:( bloody amps, they are too expensive :(

Fuck the amps, go to a Muse gig. :yesey: You can always buy them next time.


Omg,so cuuuuuute!! :happy:



edit: okaaay,this is definitely not good. I'm feeling a little nauseous and I still have that stomachache but tomorrow I'm leaving for my festival. I don't want to spend 2 days in the middle of a forest with a food poisoning. :supersad:

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no I can't, the boys of my band will kill me if I don't get a new amp :eek:

my cat just tried to catch a huge grasshopper :LOL: stupid cat




Matt just called Pantera a death metal band...oh matt, there's so much you don't know about metal :LOL: (I'm listening to interviews on youtube^^)


Edit: Maybe it's because you didn't sleep?

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no I can't, the boys of my band will kill me if I don't get a new amp :eek:

You're in a band? :eek:


my cat just tried to catch a huge grasshopper :LOL: stupid cat

Because of my granny's cat there are no birds in our garden anymore. He has eaten them all. :erm:

Matt just called Pantera a death metal band...oh matt, there's so much you don't know about metal :LOL: (I'm listening to interviews on youtube^^)

Pantera was an American heavy metal band from Arlington, Texas, formed by the Abbott brothers, Vinnie Paul (drums) and Dimebag Darrell (guitar) in 1981

From wiki. :p

Edit: Maybe it's because you didn't sleep?

Maybe it's because I've drunk too much coke and a shitty cider at the party. :LOL:

I really have no idea. I often eat too much and then later regret it. :erm:

Edited by HullaGirl
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you don't know Pantera? :eek:


mmhmmmm cider :D I like cider :D


Yes I'm in a band but we just started, it's pretty fresh but a lot of fun. We dream about being Muse's support band one day, but who doesn't? :D


My cat's way to small and way to lazy to catch birds:LOL:



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you don't know Pantera? :eek:

:$ No. For the last 3 weeks I'm mostly listening to Muse. Can't stop thinking about them.

mmhmmmm cider :D I like cider :D

Me too, unless it's a crappy one which makes your belly feel bad. :supersad:

Yes I'm in a band but we just started, it's pretty fresh but a lot of fun. We dream about being Muse's support band one day, but who doesn't? :D

:awesome: What is your band called?

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:D yep, I am indeed a bassist, although I bow down in total reverence to Mr Wolstenholme and his epic bass skills. The one thing we definitely have in common is crazy hair, mine's a bit like the early days promo shots :LOL:


Ooh, you play bass, too. :awesome:

I always wanted to play bass... I ended up learning a few basslines on the ukulele because it sounds hilarious, but I want to *actually* play bass. :LOL: And you have crazy hair!





I wonder how Chris feels about such a large version of his least favorite photo as a full page thing in a magazine? :p

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Hi,Allison. ;)

we're called Meet the Freaks :D


yeah that's why I lol'd about Matt saying that they're a death metal band...:LOL:

What's the difference? :$

Ooh, you play bass, too. :awesome:

I always wanted to play bass... I ended up learning a few basslines on the ukulele because it sounds hilarious, but I want to *actually* play bass. :LOL: And you have crazy hair!

I once played a guitar, for about a year or so. But i just bored with it because I wasn't any good and quit. And now I'm thinking of picking up the guitar again.




I wonder how Chris feels about such a large version of his least favorite photo as a full page thing in a magazine? :p

Why did you post it here? :'(

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the main difference is in the vocals, they are mostly clean in thrash metal (see Metallica). Death Metal sounds a bit like a pig in pain when it comes to the vocals. (I don't really like Death Metal)


pick it up again, you just have to practice every day and you'll see that you'll be good at it in no time :D



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