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sorry lol i wasnt bragging or anything l was more commenting on the topic of personal pics it wasnt meant to tease you if you havent seen any! going by what was said about the pics when they went up by someone a few pages (which were edited before i even saw them) back they are probably the same 1s and i didnt go searching for them specifically - i was looking at pics of him in general ie google image search and saw 1 i liked of him and the 1s i came across were on the same page. they arent from a photo shoot lol they look like 1s that someone shouldnt have taken to be honest. i wouldnt put them up on the forum unless the band did 1st. i havent been on this forum for very long so to be honest i dont know what pictures people have seen - i personally had never seen any personal pics of him before.


as for chris martin - i was just being sarky cos i dont like him but if you like them/muse are mates with them fair enough! each to their own! to be fair i like a couple of their songs!


i think maybe i should have just commented on his mouth playing on the harmonica on that post lol and nothing else!


sorry..it was partially a joke...;)

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Just finished homework and I'm promised myself that tonight I'll get a proper sleep and won't go here but hey...guess what where I'll be spending the next 2 hours? :awesome:




He looks like from a porn movie. :LOL:

Oh mama. :stunned:


am I the only one who thinks his butt in this pic is too big? :erm:

*scurries away*



Which gig is that from?

You forgot mr bellamy's belly ! :LOL:

:chuckle: so cute

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Oh my theres too many hot pics of him to comment on! However i do particularly like this little selection!!




Hulla - to me hes just got 1 of those arses you want to grab and maybe slightly dig your nails into lol thats cos its got some meat on it! ;P unlike matt's and dom's theres nothing there!! As those nice tight white trews demonstrate its perfectly rounded! ;)

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