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I guess I'm just really paranoid :$:chuckle:

Believe me, I completely understand! I'm paranoid too. It's really nice to get there and have only a few people in front of you, sort of relaxing. But as long as you're in the first 50 or so you shouldn't have anything to worry about :yesey:

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How can you talk about eating much of anything before the show? My stomach is already in knots. We'll probably be there around 4PM depending on the weather. I hope to just park the car for the rest of the night and just walk to wherever. Then meet up at 6:30 inside.:LOL::LOL::eek::eek:

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So weather.com is forecasting a 50% chance of rain in Charlottesville tomorrow (which in my experience either means it will rain alot or not at all). Do any of the veterans have tips to staying semi-dry while waiting hours in line? Rain is not going to prevent me from waiting in line for the entire afternoon. I would just prefer not to be sopping wet once i get inside. I'm doubting they allow umbrellas into the JPJ arena? :unsure:

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How can you talk about eating much of anything before the show? My stomach is already in knots. We'll probably be there around 4PM depending on the weather. I hope to just park the car for the rest of the night and just walk to wherever. Then meet up at 6:30 inside.:LOL::LOL::eek::eek:


IKR? Well, if we can't eat, there's always beer. Though that might not be the best idea either :LOL:


I wonder what time JPJ lets cars in to park?

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Believe me, I completely understand! I'm paranoid too. It's really nice to get there and have only a few people in front of you, sort of relaxing. But as long as you're in the first 50 or so you shouldn't have anything to worry about :yesey:


That's definitely nice to know. Considering I've never queued before, I have never been to C-ville, and this is only my second concert, my nerves are gonna horrible until I actually get there and get in line :LOL:

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Shiner, it’s just me! None of my friends are Muse fans. Not sure how we’re still friends! :LOL:


But, I’m up for going anywhere to eat. I think Basil looks really good! Also, yay for being in the boardie row!! :D


Lynx, I don’t think any of the places are within walking distance to JPJ. I know Barracks Road shopping center is, but when Muse and U2 played in Charlottesville last year, Barracks wouldn’t let people park there (I tried), and they were towing people! There’s a parking deck at JPJ, but I’m sure they’ll charge to park. I’m thinking it’s around $12 to park there, but I’m not positive.

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I got so excited hearing the news that Muse played CE the other night. I hope we too can get it. There are plenty of songs I'd love to hear live, but that epic performance of Fury on the Absolution Tour dvd has always had me dreaming for fury live.


At their last show in Fairfax Va, there were some fans holding up a big Fury banner. But they stopped holding it up in order to enjoy the great show. Anyways, my point is that I hope we can get a special song tomorrow. I would be more than pleased for CE. Though admittedly if I heard the Fury riff or the showbiz drums I might just pass out in pure bliss ( no pun intended).


I'm not too familiar with how Muse goes about playing rare songs like CE, fury, showbiz..etc. what are the odds we too get CE? and when was the last time fury or showbiz was played in the United States?

----oh and I do remember Ruled By Secrecy recently made an appearance so that would rock my socks too

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Can't wait for tomorrow! :D


I'm a bit worried about queuing. There were already 20 people lined up for NC at 9 AM. I'm hoping there will only be a few people lined up by 8 for VA :shifty:


I'll be there! what time'll you get there? There'll be some covering I think when we're lined up. I called to ask where we should queue, and I was told the entrance by the ticket booth (main entrance, facing out to the parking lot), or the student entrance.




Any chance any of these places are walking distance from the arena?


It would be nice if we could just park, and then walk. I can't tell from the maps if that's an option, though.


Most places here are really strict on event parking. You'll see "no event parking" signs everywhere. They do tow. Be careful. It's a university town (lots of basketball/football games), so C'ville isn't afraid to tell people to shove off about event parking.


IKR? Well, if we can't eat, there's always beer. Though that might not be the best idea either :LOL:


I wonder what time JPJ lets cars in to park?


I just called and they said 6 PM?! that's crazy late. But you can never be sure with these event people....



EDIT: if you want to call the JPJ arena, their number is (434) 243-4960. I think they're open til 5 or 5:30 today. I pushed extensions 1, 1, then 2 to talk to a real person :)

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Hey guys! Shiner1, I’m in seat 4. How about you?


Great! I know who our family is sandwiched in between! We have sections 5-8! Shiner is in seats 9-10! Row G 113... that is where the party is at! Caveat... we WILL have a 8 and 10 year old with us, so we have to be on our best parental behavior ;)


All seaters are encourage to come to this meet-n-greet outside sections 107/108 at 6:30ish. Photo opportunities await, as well as mad mayhem! I always joked I would be found next to the nearest beer stand, unless is a really crappy brand. :LOL:


Again, I'll be wearing a black Muse hoodie with .MU Forum on the back and Iburnslikethesun on the left sleeve. If I'm too hot, I have my user name on the back of my t-shirt. :D


Let us all keep each other in good thoughts for safe travel and a rockin' good time! Better yet... I WANNA HEAR SUNBURN!!!!

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iNGO! You're not queueing, are you? Please take it easy!


Well, if we can't walk, we can't. That would have been nice and convenient, though. I've already ponied up the money for parking at JPJ since I wasn't sure what else would be available.


I think we have a good shot at Bliss for this show. I'd prefer CE, but I don't think that's going to happen. However, I'm psyching myself up for GL, just in case :LOL:

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I'll be there! what time'll you get there? There'll be some covering I think when we're lined up. I called to ask where we should queue, and I was told the entrance by the ticket booth (main entrance, facing out to the parking lot), or the student entrance.



:awesome: I'll be there at 8 AM. Forgive me this is a stupid question, what do you mean by covering? :$

Hm, I don't know anything about this arena. This is going to be interesting to try and find you guys. I guess I'll just look for people lined up?

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EDIT: if you want to call the JPJ arena, their number is (434) 243-4960. I think they're open til 5 or 5:30 today. I pushed extensions 1, 1, then 2 to talk to a real person :)


Thanks for #. I called and parking is $15.00. He said if you come before 6, you will most likely be turned away. If no parking is available, they do have a "cash lot" near the venue for overflow. So I guess like GA, you better queue up early to get a parking spot! :LOL:

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So weather.com is forecasting a 50% chance of rain in Charlottesville tomorrow (which in my experience either means it will rain alot or not at all). Do any of the veterans have tips to staying semi-dry while waiting hours in line? Rain is not going to prevent me from waiting in line for the entire afternoon. I would just prefer not to be sopping wet once i get inside. I'm doubting they allow umbrellas into the JPJ arena? :unsure:

You could bring a cheap poncho, then you could just throw it away before going in. You can also bring an umbrella to use all day and leave the line an hour or two before show time to put it in your car :)


Is it just me or are there a LOT more people queuing this leg of the tour?! Both of the other gigs I went to had maybe thirty or forty only in the afternoon and now there's that many in the morning? Sheesh!


And it turns out I have pneumonia... the parentals might not let me go! :( But I'm all ready recovering pretty quickly... if anyone has any quick fix tips, lay 'em on me! :p

awww I hope you feel better! Take it easy, rest, take your medicine and don't overdo anything! It's best to be able to enjoy the gig, so if you were planning on queueing early you might want to rethink that depending on how you feel in the morning. It would be terrible to be there for the queue only to exhaust yourself by the time the gig starts!

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How can you talk about eating much of anything before the show? My stomach is already in knots. We'll probably be there around 4PM depending on the weather. I hope to just park the car for the rest of the night and just walk to wherever. Then meet up at 6:30 inside.:LOL::LOL::eek::eek:


IKR? Well, if we can't eat, there's always beer. Though that might not be the best idea either :LOL:


I wonder what time JPJ lets cars in to park?


You guys are funny! Maybe I'm doing OK with the two gigs already under my belt. :LOL:


So far I have 5 of us meeting up at the restaurant-to-be-determined-later-this-evening. Minnie, did you want to join us?

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I am queuing! I'm doing a lot better, and I pwomise, I won't get you ill! :rolleyes: I've been extremely strict with myself about getting better. :)


nah, I'm not worried about me! It would just be awful if you ended up sicker afterwards. Not that that would stop me from going :LOL:

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Shiner, it’s just me! None of my friends are Muse fans. Not sure how we’re still friends! :LOL:


But, I’m up for going anywhere to eat. I think Basil looks really good! Also, yay for being in the boardie row!! :D


Lynx, I don’t think any of the places are within walking distance to JPJ. I know Barracks Road shopping center is, but when Muse and U2 played in Charlottesville last year, Barracks wouldn’t let people park there (I tried), and they were towing people! There’s a parking deck at JPJ, but I’m sure they’ll charge to park. I’m thinking it’s around $12 to park there, but I’m not positive.


OK, you are officially in the count! The official restaurant selection will take place later this evening . . .


Anyone else who wants in on the restaurant-based meet-up (or at least to be included at the table with the awesome company that is me/Lynx/Technicolor Starlight) needs to post on this thread (or send me a PM) within 30 minutes of the end of tonight's Raleigh show. I've got to be up at God-thirty for my flight to Richmond.

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It *is* funny. I'm rarely this keyed up before a show, but ... I just haven't been this excited about a band in a long, long time. :$


You and me both! The husband & kids think I've completely lost it. I think it's unfortunate that they aren't cool enough to like my music. :LOL:

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You and me both! The husband & kids think I've completely lost it. I think it's unfortunate that they aren't cool enough to like my music. :LOL:


When I told my poor husband about dinner, he said. "I'm going to be so outclassed! I mean, I like their music, but I don't even know the names of their albums, or the band members, or ... all that." :LOL:


Heh. I really think his mind is going to be blown at this show. He just doesn't realize it. That's okay, it will be fun to watch. :D

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Can't wait for tomorrow! :D


I'm a bit worried about queuing. There were already 20 people lined up for NC at 9 AM. I'm hoping there will only be a few people lined up by 8 for VA :shifty:


If it's raining, expect far few than 20 people. :LOL:



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