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So yeah guys as you all know, there's going to be another Uprising on twitter next saturday, some of you want a different hashtag this time.

so to make it fair, I'm going to make a poll, with the different hashtags we usually use on twitter, then everyone votes for their favorite.


here's what I have :











Any other suggestions, let me know asap, because I'm going to make the poll tonight.

I vote for the bold one. :D

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#MattBellamysTurban ftw. :yesey:


And re the vid so far we have:


[Piano Intro] ~ HelloMrBellamy (maybe)


You and me are the same ~ Alliana0x

We don't know or care who's to blame ~ Alliana0x


But we know that whoever holds the reigns ~ Bellamy’sSocket

Nothing will change, our cause has gone insane ~ Bellamy’sSocket


And these wars they can't be won ~ petraenmylou

And these wars they can't be won ~ petraenmylou


Do you want them to go on and on and on? ~ Mizutsu

Why split these states When there can be only one ~ Mizutsu


And must we do as we're told? ~ Nutmegs

Must still do as we're told? ~ Nutmegs


[Arabian Thing] ~ JoJo_2805


You and me fall in line ~ Kriistaque

To be punished for unproven crimes ~ Kriistaque


And we know that there's no one we can trust ~ About 27 Shockwaves

Our ancient heroes They are turning to dust ~ About 27 Shockwaves


And these wars they can't be won ~ maffoo

Does anyone know or care how they begun? ~ maffoo


They just promise to go on and on and on ~ *Isadora*

But soon we will see There can be only one ~ *Isadora*


United States

United States of


[Arabian Thing] ~ A Pretty Visitor


EuraSIA! ~sthursfield


SIA! ~ About 27 Shockwaves


SIA! ~ Alliana0x’s MuserHamster




EuraSIA! ~ Tureann








EuraSIA! SIA! SIA! SIAAAAAAAA! ~ Falling.Down


Collateral Damage ~ Everyone

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loving # MattBellamysTurban, but #musers is quicker to type :p


would have joined in the vid but no camera at present - long story :mad:



Is'nt there anyone that can help you out maybe,then you can still join the vid ;)


Commimg to the vid,tomorrow will be the day,when everyone can start filming there part of the song,does everybody agree with that :D

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A mic is not realy a problem,cause you just to playback youre part of the song,there is nobody arround you that can help you with the camera maybe?


There was one person, but her camera got recently destroyed by a certain some one :erm: *is the person who destroyed accidentally the camera*

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