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Tell me about it, I have been unable to sleep, waking up at 4 AM and I'm tense everywhere for the excitement!! :dance: :dance:


Yes, this is intense. Can't say I've ever experienced anything like it.


Yikes, I've committed blasphemy.


I probably have been listening to them every day for the past year! And the songs are still playing in my head to carry me through.


I'm so confused. To listen or not listen? To peek or not peek at the other threads? Matt's, center, or Chris's side? Barrier or a bit back?


Anyway, I will make sure not to post anything on here about the other shows.


Barrier all the way! If I had GA tickets, that's where I'd be! No blasphemy, I guess I'm just too addicted...:$


I had an idea: Mom4Muse suggested putting a sign on the table at the Pavillion for whoever wants to meet at 6 PM. I will bring my Resistance single CD (I just got it today!) and put it on the table, so you know which table it is. This way, if you don't have it, you can also see the new pic that's in the sleeve.


Let me know what you think :)


Good idea!


So sorry - I actually love Undisclosed Desires and I got to see that live at the VMAs and Matt's voice was absolutely amazing on it. Ah - Eternally Missed would be lovely too. If only they could play for three hours.... If only my entire life could be at a Muse concert that never ends... :) ALL Muse songs are great - the worst Muse song is better than any other song by anyone else!!! :musesign:


I love UD, too, though I've gotten some flack for that. Umm...can you say sexy? I think that keytar proves Matt's virility. :chuckle:


Oh yeah, I've heard the Atlanta people have a stalking committee for their gig...anyone for a Philly after-show stalking committee? Eh? Eh? Anyone? I'll give you candy. Or a cheesesteak. Pweeease :supersad:

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Are there really no porti-potties (or w/e they are called lol). Like....NOTHING AND NOWHERE to take a wiz?????


There will be a portable toilet in the back of my van (yes, I found one at a sporting goods store today). I suppose I could let you guys use it if you promise not to sprinkle when you tinkle.


I am going to call Wachovia again on Monday morning to get more info on this wristband thing they are doing. I want to find out a little more about how it really worked in Atlanta, but this picking up a wristband early, leaving, and not coming back until 5 or 6pm, and being able to get in the front of the line, is NOT COOL with me.


I will try to remember to ask them (Wachovia box office as opposed to Comcasttix) about bathroom facililities at that time.


I am going to be lurking in the Atlanta thread tonight. I will probably break my abstinence and become a little slutty by watching any videos that get posted.


Congrats, SilentSpartan on winning! Looked like you took Muser voting techniques to a new level!


Oh, the Pavillion opens at 5pm, so if anyone gets there before 6pm and is the first one there to save a table, you could always write .mu or something on a napkin and put it on the table for all to see.

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I'd like to call them too. Got a number for me? :p I'm too lazy to look myself.


So many ppl line up each yr for shows...they better have a porta-potty. And this wristband thing IS NOT FINE with me either. I'll have to have my friends go with me then and there, as opposed to holding a spot in line for them. I'll have to ask wachovia if they're gonna follow the same procedure. Unless you ask first. XD

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I'd like to call them too. Got a number for me? :p I'm too lazy to look myself.


So many ppl line up each yr for shows...they better have a porta-potty. And this wristband thing IS NOT FINE with me either. I'll have to have my friends go with me then and there, as opposed to holding a spot in line for them. I'll have to ask wachovia if they're gonna follow the same procedure. Unless you ask first. XD


Don't have the number handy, but I am definitely calling them first thing Monday morning; maybe tomorrow, but I doubt it will be open on a Sunday.


The wristband thing is fine with me as long as when you get a wristband, you have to stay there in line for your spot, not get to leave for all day. Don't try holding spots for people if you are in line in front of me, that's all I can say.

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Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to this board... only have a post or two under my belt from wayyyy back when, but I decided to come lurk a bit since Sioux was talking so positively about this place on facebook (HAY GURL HAY).


I'm having a bit of a conundrum over this concert, because I have GA tickets (YAY) and was planning to get there as early as possible to ensure i was on the barricade (apparently with all you fabulous people). But here's the rub... I was also in the Museum contest, but was 6th place due to all the shady voting business. Because they saw how hardcore into the contest I was, and because they knew I would have won if the voting situation was different (their words) the station contacted me and offered me after-show meet and greet passes :D


BUT!!! Here's the problem--I have to meet a WB label rep dude in the pavillion at 6:30 to get my passes. Do you think if I get there early, get (hopefully) to the barricade with my friends and stake out my place I'll be able to go to get my passes AND be able to get back to the barricade? I'm freaking out. I know people in the front get very protective of it... but by spending all day outside, I will have rightfully *earned* that spot, right?


What are your thoughts? I'd love your imput... I'm kind of nervous about it.

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2 DAYS!! :dance::musesign::dance:


i read in the atlanta thread muse didn't come on until 8:50 and SSPU came on at 7:30 so does that mean doors open at 6 or 6:30? the ticket and livenation say the show starts at 7. i am leaving here around 5 since my buddy works until 4:30 and it's about an hour and a half commute and would like to go in when i can to get merch and get settled.

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Hmm, anyone else just have trouble accessing the board?



I have busy like crazy trying to get everything in order personal and work-wise before Tuesday.


There is a separate VIP entrance. I don't know what kind of credentials or ticket you need to get to use it, though.


Doors open at 6pm (that's when you can get in the concourse for the merch stands and to your seats.) SSPU scheduled to start 7pm. Muse might then be on 8:15ish or later.


I think it will be weird, and interesting, if people from other cities and around the world watch and post on this thread on Tuesday, then being able to read what they say the following day.




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Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to this board... only have a post or two under my belt from wayyyy back when, but I decided to come lurk a bit since Sioux was talking so positively about this place on facebook (HAY GURL HAY).


I'm having a bit of a conundrum over this concert, because I have GA tickets (YAY) and was planning to get there as early as possible to ensure i was on the barricade (apparently with all you fabulous people). But here's the rub... I was also in the Museum contest, but was 6th place due to all the shady voting business. Because they saw how hardcore into the contest I was, and because they knew I would have won if the voting situation was different (their words) the station contacted me and offered me after-show meet and greet passes :D


BUT!!! Here's the problem--I have to meet a WB label rep dude in the pavillion at 6:30 to get my passes. Do you think if I get there early, get (hopefully) to the barricade with my friends and stake out my place I'll be able to go to get my passes AND be able to get back to the barricade? I'm freaking out. I know people in the front get very protective of it... but by spending all day outside, I will have rightfully *earned* that spot, right?


What are your thoughts? I'd love your imput... I'm kind of nervous about it.


Hi Kate!!! Glad to see you on here!


Hey everyone this chica here is a true true fan and TOTALLY deserves to meet the lads - if you all could help her out with this conundrum of her somehow it would be awesome of you! :D

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I REALLY doubt that :(


They have played it at every Muse show I've been to except for at Holiday Havoc - but they only played 11 songs total at that show. I don't know what the set list was in Atlanta, but I know they'd switched out Newborn for Sunburn in Asia. I personally would prefer to hear Sunburn because I haven't heard them play that for a few years. It could be either... but I doubt both.

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