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Hi, i don't think i'm as big a fan as u guys, but i have some pretty cool photos to share.. :)












Let me know if you guys want some more...

damn!!! ur photos r great!!! could u post more of the pics??? or could u email them to me coz i really need the pics...thanxxxx!!!

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awesome pics..pbc06..keep them coming! or upload the whole bunch sumwhere if possible;)


and Tired.Unhappy, thanks so much for the videos..must have been hard work recording the whole gig?


crazy_mary, were u by any chance wearing a blue shirt that nite?

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Hi, I'm kinda like late posting in this forum but still I wanna join. Hehe. I'm a huge fan of Muse like u all. I've waited for this moment for the past 6 years. Last nite was superb. I can't say nothing alse. I tried to sing all songs, but I couldn't until I lost my breath becoz I was jumping and singing at the same time... puff...


Unfortunately I came late, but thanks to u guys I manage to watch the part I miss. Thanks a lot guys! FYI, u guys should share this pics here http://www.microcuts.net/gallery/categories.php?cat_id=229. There are bunch of Muse gigs pics there.


Everything about last nite's gig already mention by u guys. The good, the bad, the superb and the best is all true. I couldn't agree more.


Btw, I wish that they could make last nite's gig into VCD. Please... please... I can't get enuf of it.

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yup.. muse rocked stadium negara last nite... it was incredible.

it's a good thing i figured out how to use my camera.. the 10x zoom sure came in handy since i was sitting at the RM143 section! ;)




OMG those r gr8 pix mate! i knew i dun haf to bring any camera coz there'll be al ot of greater pix on the net eheh.. plus i wanted just to enjoy the show.. thanks for the baloon pix.. was waiting to touch the balloons but i didnt see 'em at all..and i couldnt do the starlight clap coz i was crushed to the barrier.. i couldnt even jumped either:( but wat am i complaining about? i was rite at the front!!! couldnt take my eyes off matt and dom since they were freaking near. felt like watching TV. cant believe i was in a MUSE concert!!!! my highlites of the show:

1. the piano session of the concert. love matt so much. apocalypse and butterflies!!! cant believe that he actually said thank u to his crew when that dude moved the piano up front of the stage. awww.. so nice.

2. seeing matt's underpants:LOL: it was blue (not my mind, but the colour of the underpants!!)

3. seeing 'em arriving at the std, pure luck really, saw dom and matt came out from that silver, black tinted window vehicle. screamed, dom turned and waved but i was shoved (yet again) by the same bodyguard at the airport!!!:mad:

4. meeting up wif other crazy ( cant believe that i was not alone) muse girls fans..


they are almost certain will be back in australia around september..i read an interview with dom in NST.

not sure they will swing by this part of the world or not

plisss, plissssssssssssssssssssssssssss come againnnnnnnnn!!! did anyone listened to the hitz.fm interview??


no zy3038, i was wearing green and cream stripy shirt..

thot of sharing my fair of cellphone pix. they're lousy.. cant actually zoom in much..



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YES HE IS. i saw him on stage before the gig with the sound techs and everything (i dunno why people were taking pics of the sound techs. they must've thought that they were members of the band. hah. noobs) and i freaked when i noticed Tom Kirk! he's sooo much more good looking compared to what i've seen in photos. really. he is. :happy:




me neither. i used my camera phone to take vids, not full vids though, cause at parts where people were gonna jump, i stopped videotaping cause i was afraid i might lose my phone. haha paranoid me :p anyway, after rewatching the vids i took, i cant really hear what song it was. the crowd was too loud!




omg i want that :eek: seriously i do! notice that take a bow is in brackets? hmm i wonder why.




yeah i was really disappointed that they didnt play Bliss. i kinda assumed that the balloons were gonna be released from the ceiling rather than backstage.. so when i noticed the ceiling was clean, i was kinda bummed. so i was REALLY surprised to see the Bliss balloons coming out from backstage during SS!




haha yeah he did! i read a small article on the newspaper today, he said that the asian crowd is 'quite cool'. lol :LOL: so cute of him. haha.




i'm hereee! i'm here! lol i couldnt go online last night cause i was DEAD TIRED. my whole body was aching, i had to bathe and wait for my damn hair to dry and my sister was hogging the computer. lol




yeah the first thing i was looking at. he was wearin black pants unfortunately :(




me too!! i was right at the fourth row from the stage with my friends. and when KOC started, i got scared. the massive pushing started. i was literally pushed back and forth, left and right. i felt like i was gonna fall to the left, then the left side pushed me back to the right. and vice versa. i felt like i was gonna fall to the front, but they pushed me back. it was really really... funny actually. i was squished too. and then suddenly this really FAT SWEATY guy came in front of me and i was pushed towards him and it was utterly disgusting. i think his back-sweat was on my face...

but to be honest, it was all worth it.

and after hearing about vspirit's singapore experience, i was praying that they wouldnt play hysteria after koc, but they did. and thats when i got really scared. luckily the friends i was with were guys, so they kinda 'protected' me. nyehehe. again it was so squishy the strangers standing left and right of me were jumping er.. alternately. and i was stuck in the middle so my left side was up while my right side was down .. it was all very... complicating. so in the end we couldnt take it, we went towards the back. but i was kinda convinced that this crazy brutality will only last the first few songs and it'll slowly mellow out towards the middle. oh well.


it was much more 'tamer' at the back, so thats where i kinda enjoyed the gig more. althought i couldnt get a good view cause i'm short, i still managed to take vids with my cameraphone. not good vids though.


and i stayed behind at the carpark, but when my friend's mum arrived at the stadium to fetch us home, we left and muse left at the same time too! so we kinda caught them at the road, only their car/van/mvp windows were SOOOO tinted i couldnt see a thing. its like as if they painted the windows black. seriously i couldnt see a thing AT ALL.


and i cant believe they played apocalypse please and hoodoo and assassin! this is obviously the best gig of my life and this beats linkin park's gig by a miiiile. in a non-biased way too. even my sister is a full fan of Muse now. ;)


oh, and i forgot to mention. I SURVIVED A MUSE GIG! no broken bones, no scratches, no bruises, nothing. :) it feels great to be alive! wheehooo.


i'll upload pics and vids soon. ;)


I have to agree with you that last night's gig beat LP's gig ... hands down man!! i have to admit...i've seen LP twice, once in KL, once in Singapore. I'm even an LPUer for god's sakes...but OMFG....Muse is the best live act ever!! in terms of having the greatest musical experience a concert/gig can give, Muse deserves the crown!! they totally rocked last night! it was awesome....i still cant get over the way Matt's fingers just glided and caressed the piano.

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Sensates! I also took a couple of pics of Jason Lo with some girl and her boyfriend! I also heard the boyfriend cursed Jason Lo becoz he hugged his girl lol . Was that you? If you want I got the pics.


No.. that wasn't me.. and he didn't hug any of us...LOL


MUSE's music still ringing in my head for so long!!! Anyway thanks to all who share their photos/vids.. also thanks to Vspirit for putting the video on a server... much easier to dl this way.

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i'm uploading all videos on youtube now....

will update once finished.


p/s: i was so tempted to clap along during starlight but i just can't...both hands are occupied.


dude u rock!!!! i cant believe that u r that patient to do all those recordings.. i couldnt stand looking at my phone's screen for to long rather than looking at the live show on stage.. that's some hardwork u did there.. thankssss...


I have to agree with you that last night's gig beat LP's gig ... hands down man!! i have to admit...i've seen LP twice, once in KL, once in Singapore. I'm even an LPUer for god's sakes...but OMFG....Muse is the best live act ever!! in terms of having the greatest musical experience a concert/gig can give, Muse deserves the crown!! they totally rocked last night! it was awesome....i still cant get over the way Matt's fingers just glided and caressed the piano.


they indeed deserve the crown.. i was actually half deaf in the middle of the concert that i was afraid of losing my hearing capabilities..:LOL: and i was scared that the barracade mite fall. i can actually felt it almost falling a lot of times.. but those galaxy people, security n that huge dude who wore the muhammad ali trainning centre/ camp shirt were seriously sweating trying to keep the barricade intact.. terrifying :eek:

but anyways.. this is the best concert that i've ever been to.. way better than incubus, LP and DEFINITELY beeeettttter than hoobastank... wooooot muse!!!! plisss come again

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dude u rock!!!! i cant believe that u r that patient to do all those recordings.. i couldnt stand looking at my phone's screen for to long rather than looking at the live show on stage.. that's some hardwork u did there.. thankssss...




they indeed deserve the crown.. i was actually half deaf in the middle of the concert that i was afraid of losing my hearing capabilities..:LOL: and i was scared that the barracade mite fall. i can actually felt it almost falling a lot of times.. but those galaxy people, security n that huge dude who wore the muhammad ali trainning centre/ camp shirt were seriously sweating trying to keep the barricade intact.. terrifying :eek:

but anyways.. this is the best concert that i've ever been to.. way better than incubus, LP and DEFINITELY beeeettttter than hoobastank... wooooot muse!!!! plisss come again


well i don't really have to look at the phone screen ...i only look at it occasionally to make sure it's in focus...most of the time my eyes on the stage or the giant screen...

the only thing is i have to keep my hand still and i can't clap or anything but i can move my head though...

i noticed some of the vids..it's moving with the drum beat,,,that means during that time i;m banging my head a little


other than record the video and once in a while taking pictures..i have to at least 2 times taking photo of this sweet couple sit in front of me...beautiful young girl and handsome young man..i feel a bit jealous of them


and i also met a quite bitchy couple while queuing ..they bitch about everything around them..it's so funny

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Brilliant concert! Bruised but given the chance I'll do it all over again! :D:musesign:


Grabbed both setlist and towel. :p It's from the Mandarin Oriental...guess that's where they're staying.


i didnt get the set list but got one of the drumsticks and towel instead...

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well i don't really have to look at the phone screen ...i only look at it occasionally to make sure it's in focus...most of the time my eyes on the stage or the giant screen...

the only thing is i have to keep my hand still and i can't clap or anything but i can move my head though...

i noticed some of the vids..it's moving with the drum beat,,,that means during that time i;m banging my head a little


other than record the video and once in a while taking pictures..i have to at least 2 times taking photo of this sweet couple sit in front of me...beautiful young girl and handsome young man..i feel a bit jealous of them


and i also met a quite bitchy couple while queuing ..they bitch about everything around them..it's so funny


then u haf some skills of recording there.. i did the same thing using my cellphone, but when i looked at my recording again.. it was horrible. didnt actually met anyone bitchy while waiting at entrance B.. just some great girls who have the same obession as i haf and exchanging stories, thoughts and opinions of drooling over how hot matt and dom are..:LOL:


seriously! i can't believe you can tahan of all the massive amount of people pushing forward.

if i were you, i could have broken any limbs. :D


i assume u'r talking to me.. i felt my ribs being squashed at the first few songs .. couldnt even sing along coz of that.. but i kept saying to myself.. it's MUSE.. my chest and rib hurts.. and my knees are bruised.. but worth it..;)


still awesome pix there pbc06

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OMG!!! drumstick!!?!?? did they throw the guitar picked too ?

if it wasnt because of my hungry stomach, i should have wait there too. :(



yeah they threw the guitar pick sometime right after the whole thing. they only threw one pick if im not wrong. was hoping there'd be more. we stayed quite a while screaming and shouting at the stage crews asking them for the setlist but they gave someone else instead. but we still waited and got these instead lol. totally worth it!






We were at the front row and my wife got bruised badly from the bodies being carried out of the pitt. Crazy shit.




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