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if it was meant to be, it was meant to be! XD i saw a dude's picture with both Matt AND Dom!! aaargh oh the envy! apparently he BUMPED INTO them at er... some indian or arabian street in Singapore. damn it now i'm wishing Malaysia was about Singapore's size. that would heighten the chances of us meeting them eh? ;)


you know, Kuala Lumpur is really not that huge. definitely smaller than the whole of singapore, at least. And KL is all the band will have time for during their stint here.

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haha, i think it's the Japanese you've got them mixed up with. although i'm not sure about the punctuality of the English people in general. but hey, let's not generalize. and sides, from the reviews of previous gigs i have read, they (the band) are generally pretty punctual. it is even understandable if they were about fifteen minutes late you but can't help but raise your brow when it's triple that, heh.

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huh? it is entirely up to you, mate. although, if you do have stuff you need to bring and are confident that you'll be able to hold on to it come hell or high water, then by all means bring a bag along. i think you, at least, are going to need to bring stuff anyway. just make sure it's something that doesn't require too much attention (ie: you probably don't want to bring Gucci purse, if you own one, but i guess you don't need me to tell you that, huh?). i find one of them sling/messenger ones works well for me. mind, i can't 100% say for sure that you won't lose your bag but it minimizes the risk. if you are really paranoid, though, then it's probably best you don't bring anything, or at least bring only stuff that won't devastate you too much losing (packet tissue, a few bucks, a bottle of water, the like). things like your cell and ID you can probably stuff in your jeans pocket so do that.

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omg gucci? holy shit. you must've thought i was someone else... most of my stuff are brandless, mind you. and i thought of bringing you know, the usual stuff like money, handphone, (i normally dont being my ic with me), a bottle of water or two, uhh... tissue... marker pen (you know, just in case ;)), a cd booklet thing and er... thats all i can think of. all in a sling bag. but damn it i'm really paranoid O_O

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nope, not too late. since it's confirmed, anyone who hops on hereafter can only make a good difference. ^_^ remember to copy and paste the info together with the list of attendees and add yourself in it. ^_^


and xzedorax? are you still looking around for that elusive pitt ticket?

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nope, not too late. since it's confirmed, anyone who hops on hereafter can only make a good difference. ^_^ remember to copy and paste the info together with the list of attendees and add yourself in it. ^_^


and xzedorax? are you still looking around for that elusive pitt ticket?


Yerpp. still looking for it. why? are you gonna sell yrs since yr going to to have the numbered seat? lemmeknowlemmeknow.!!! :rolleyes:

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wow, one would think that you have some sort of radar working for you. that was really quick.


but yeah, i'm thinking of selling off my pitt ticket. i have to be honest, though, while i bought it at a 30% discount, i intend to charge the normal price to help cover some of the cost i've put out for the previous concert...and not to mention that it being cheaper than the worth of my numbered seat doesn't sit quite right with me. so, yeah. still think you want it?


p/s: btw, you wouldn't happen to be friends/colleagues with someone called dann, would you?

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wow, one would think that you have some sort of radar working for you. that was really quick.


but yeah, i'm thinking of selling off my pitt ticket. i have to be honest, though, while i bought it at a 30% discount, i intend to charge the normal price to help cover some of the cost i've put out for the previous concert...and not to mention that it being cheaper than the worth of my numbered seat doesn't sit quite right with me. so, yeah. still think you want it?


p/s: btw, you wouldn't happen to be friends/colleagues with someone called dann, would you?


dann? nope, I don't know any person with the name Dann.


Sure, its for my friend and he said he's willing to pay RM250 for the ticket. you only have one ticket ey ?

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well, if that darn lucky guy meets muse at sum arabian or indian street down at singapore... let's think.. where would they go in malaysia?


haha, sigh~.. i can't believe that muse is coming in a few more days..


p/s.. go stalk muse at jalan bellamy or something instead of going to traders and klia.. at the very least u'll get to eat some very delicious ikan bakar..

i should know, i used to freekin work there hehehe (not technically, but, something like that)

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what hotel do we have around the stadium negara? i think they'll be at JW marriot (its the least i could think of atm)or any other 5/6 stars hotel. I think i'm going to lurk around the starhill gallery a day after, they might be there, well who knows? Just a simple wild guess. ;)

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hum...there are a few places i could name but well, it is not really that important, is it? what matters is that they will be at the stadium come showtime. and grah, i hope they won't be as late as they were for the singapore gig.

i was glad that they started late!! because i was one of the many people who were still in the queue waiting to enter the venue. :p


hello! i'm coming to KL this sunday!!! so exciting! i'm sorry but i've got a dumb question to ask. i'm not familiar with KL. can somebody tell me what is the best way to get to the stadium that day?

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