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good question. perhaps u can write an assignment on this one. make a research and let us know. hehe.. but yeah shame on us malaysians for not knowing our history that much eh? and speaking of history, i hate our country's politics right now. it's got to a point where it's bloody ridiculous since this issue about Anwar Ibrahim came out. and like right now my whole family is watching this debate that they're showing on channel 9. it's seriously is stupid imo. a lot of people like to bash the government and think the recent election is an excellent result that will help to make us a better nation. but look at us now. both the govt and the opposition are like bickering and fighting to have the power and rule our country that in the end we are suffering. prices are still going up and i wonder how Anwar's gonna reduce our oil price? :rolleyes: it's easy to talk and promise things. for me actions always speak louder than words. haaaiiiihhh.. why can't they just get along? :mad: sorry for the rant but am just bloody annoyed with our leaders right now :(



am gonna watch The Dark Knight this weekend! woot!!


Yay Dark Knight!! Cool cool!


Dark Knight: yeah, I'm getting very excited after hearing Gary Oldman and Michael Caine praising Heath Ledger's acting to the heavens even before he died. Gila otai actors puji dia tuh!


Muse: I read here: http://www.gigwise.com/news/44056/guns-n-roses-nirvana-muse-best-cover-stars-of-all-time that Feeling Good was the 5th best cover version ever. The top four: Jimi Hendrix,Nirvana and the Beatles. Awesome company huh? Bet Matt would be happy.


Worst cover version ever? Celine Dion, of ACDC's 'You shook me all night long'.


ahhh Heath Ledger is awesomee :happy:

what's the meaning of otai?? :$



And why is all the good stuff is on Aug 2? Even Stephanie Meyers new book, breaking dawn is also out in Aug 2(but i think in Malaysia it might be on Aug 4....)


But I still haven't got Ecwipse. But my friend brings her Eclipse to school, so I shall read her book while I wait for moine. :happy:


Okay i googled "Mat Salleh Caucasian"

and i got lotsa blogposts talking about how Mat Salleh came from the word 'Mad Sailor'. apparently, back in the old days when there were lotsa caucasian males (they were mostly Sailors) in M'sian pelabuhans, all doing perdagangan and stuff, the sailors were usually drunk, partying non stop, etc etc. so when the locals see these sailors, they were always drunk, acting wild and crazy and stuff. the other Englishmen referred to these sailors as "Mad Sailors", and the locals had pronunciation problems, so they said it as "Mat Salleh".


So.. maybe the Sabah hero Mat Salleh was named after "Mat Salleh", and not the other way round? haha.


source: http://kyspeaks.com/2005/02/23/mat-salleh/


Oh, apparently now, Mat Salleh might be named after a man called 'Mud Sulley' who apparently pissed off the Sultan of Selangor.

and apparently, 'Minah Salleh' is from 'Minor Sailor'.


source: http://bleargh.net/index.php/2008/04/21/origin-of-mat-salleh/


pretty interesting stuff :happy:


yeah Heath Ledger is memang a very good actor wan la. he acted in Brokeback Mountain man! :eek: and he was really devoted to playing the Joker. my friend told me this, apparently he locked himself up alone in a hotel room for 3 months just to try and 'understand' how to be the Joker, or how to be insane or something. he's just so dedicated la :happy:

it's so tragic that he's dead now :(


did you know there's someone on the board who looks soo much like Tyson Ritter? :eek: its incredible.


Lol, Mad Sailor.

Interesting indeed.


So sad lah..his daughter baru 3 yrs old ):


Who is it??

Yah... It so boring and annoying! :mad: Ever since when the annouce the general election is going to start soon, I've already stop reading the main section of the STAR newspaper. Everyday and everything is about politics only. Boring sial


Yah exactly BORING. Everyone has to talk about POLITICS at school. :stunned:

Everytime someone talks about the politics of this country, TAB enters my head.

Damn you lizard people. :stunned:

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:eek: Wow.... Woot! Great research... I don't think I have evn half of your patience to find out about this :p Lol... When the history is not written doen, it get a bit confusing :erm: Thanks on the info dear. You did a great job :kiss:


Hehe.... Maybe fly fm will do that if we are lucky :rolleyes: :chuckle Hmm... you couldn't make it on Sunday? for mix fm


Hmmm.... I dunno whether can we pre-order it or not because I saw the release date in Stephanie Meyer's website...


:LOL: Nick Wheeler and Tyson Ritter is hot! Tyson look hot especially in swing swing and it ends tonight :happy:



lol it was on the first page of the google results i got anyway :) plus it was interesting! and i had lotsa free time haha.


Nah its not that. i'd rather go for Saturday's one. i dont know who rich costley (sp?) is, and i only know a few of Alicia Keys, One Republic and Jason Mraz's songs. not really worth it la for me. might as well let the tickets go to someone who is a bigger fan than me :happy:


ooh.. i shall check out MPH or Borders sometime this week and ask if i can pre-order it :D


haha yeah Tyson looks really hot in swing swing and the last song. in dirty little secret too! not so much for move along though :confused:


haha i'll pm you :p

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But I still haven't got Ecwipse. But my friend brings her Eclipse to school, so I shall read her book while I wait for moine. :happy:


Yah exactly BORING. Everyone has to talk about POLITICS at school. :stunned:

Everytime someone talks about the politics of this country, TAB enters my head.

Damn you lizard people. :stunned:


:LOL: Awww.... quickly read it then :D


Yah... Your schoolmates talks about politics? :eek: I wonder why aren't they bored about it.... TAB? :LOL: The lyrics is about politics:rolleyes: :chuckle

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lol it was on the first page of the google results i got anyway :) plus it was interesting! and i had lotsa free time haha.


Nah its not that. i'd rather go for Saturday's one. i dont know who rich costley (sp?) is, and i only know a few of Alicia Keys, One Republic and Jason Mraz's songs. not really worth it la for me. might as well let the tickets go to someone who is a bigger fan than me :happy:


ooh.. i shall check out MPH or Borders sometime this week and ask if i can pre-order it :D


haha yeah Tyson looks really hot in swing swing and the last song. in dirty little secret too! not so much for move along though :confused:


haha i'll pm you :p


:LOL: Oh... You meant the ticket is for the Sunday's singfest. :rolleyes: I thought you meant you don't listen to radio on Sundays :p:LOL:



Hehe.... He does. Dunno why he doesn't look so good in move along thou. But Nick Wheeler looks :stongue: in Move Along

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But I still haven't got Ecwipse. But my friend brings her Eclipse to school, so I shall read her book while I wait for moine. :happy:


Lol, Mad Sailor.

Interesting indeed.


So sad lah..his daughter baru 3 yrs old ):


Yah exactly BORING. Everyone has to talk about POLITICS at school. :stunned:

Everytime someone talks about the politics of this country, TAB enters my head.

Damn you lizard people. :stunned:


lol i dunno nuts about politics :LOL: i dont think any of my friends care that much. ahhaha. life of a teenager, aye? :p


faster read it!! Eclipse, in my opinion, is way better than the New Moon. teehee :chuckles:


yeah thats why, his daughter is still so young :( she didnt get to know how awesome and talented his father really is. sigh. its so asd la :(


:LOL: Oh... You meant the ticket is for the Sunday's singfest. :rolleyes: I thought you meant you don't listen to radio on Sundays :p:LOL:



Hehe.... He does. Dunno why he doesn't look so good in move along thou. But Nick Wheeler looks :stongue: in Move Along


LOL yeah he does! Nick Wheeler looks exceptionally good in Move Along. yay i have another Nick Wheeler fan friend haha :D

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lol i dunno nuts about politics :LOL: i dont think any of my friends care that much. ahhaha. life of a teenager, aye? :p


faster read it!! Eclipse, in my opinion, is way better than the New Moon. teehee :chuckles:


LOL yeah he does! Nick Wheeler looks exceptionally good in Move Along. yay i have another Nick Wheeler fan friend haha :D




When I saw him in Move Along, I am like OMG! He is soooo cute!!!!!


Wow... you know a lot of look alikes:LOL: :eek: Who is it?!

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huh? lol no i meant, i found another friend who is also a fan of Nick Wheeler :LOL:


i dont know that many 'mat salleh's la :p


:LOL: I thought you mean you know another person who look like Nick Wheeler :LOL::LOL:


Not that hard to know Mat Salleh in this board :rolleyes::p


Hehe.... Great :D I thought a lot of people would like Nick Wheeler for his cute/boyishness look

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I wrote this at about 4am this morning but then my internet got screwed over. Sigh.




Hey guys, I'm gonna make this as spoiler-free as I can ;)


We definitely need a dark knight in our city streets! (And Christian Bale too, please?!)


One of the best, most anticipated movie - ever. I have no qualms over the fact that this movie will definitely be worth whatever you're paying for in the theaters. I just came back from the midnight screening and I don't think I can ... fall asleep! So haunting and brilliant was the cast that you would feel very much absorbed into the whole storyline!


As much as I hate to say this, but I actually did find myself sympathizing The Joker a tiny bit more than I did for Batman. That's not a goood thing, seeing that I am usually oblivious to everything else when Mr Bale's hands are waving around... (Please do remember, while watching the movie, to check out his hands sliding around the wheel of his Lamborghini :LOL: ) Much respect to Heath Ledger though. Truly, he portrayed the Joker brilliantly. He definitely added an insane modern touch to his character. Christian too deserves praise because he maintained the awesome portrayal of Bruce Wayne again similar to the first movie - though he definitely seemed a little more intimidated in a few scenes. He can't possibly go wrong though (I'm probably biased haha).


But I need to watch this movie again. I don't think there were any major flaws at all in the movie. Perhaps there were tooo many going on in that 150 minutes and your brain starts to get a tiny bit weary, but that's exactly when Christopher Nolan, the brilliant director, snaps you right back to reality and doesn't insult your intelligence one bit - despite fucking up your brain like that! He's definitely good at that, what with movies like The Prestige and Memento.




Let's just say I doubt I can think coherently in class in a few hours' time.




Now that I've had a little bit of sleep and a long train ride to college, I figured I may actually still like the first movie better than this second one. To compare the both of it is actually unfair though because both movies had two different plots dwelling into completely opposite ... issues. On to comments with possible spoilers in them:



I didn't think the chemistry between Rachel and Harvey was ... as fiesty as I would've hoped it would be. What with both willing to die for the other etc.. I just didn't buy it. Now, if Rachel died because of say, trying to protect Bruce's identity as Batman though, that would be a completely different story. I would've cheered and admired her. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and Bruce still felt it was his responsibility to put her in that position. Three cheers to Alfred for burning her letter though!


Another issue I would like to address would be the suspense and kan cheong-ness that you would've felt when you watch the movie. Gosh, kan cheong sial la. I found myself biting my nails and seating at the edge of my seat. Even attempted to hit my cousin's arm who was sitting beside me because I felt I couldn't take it at one point. Every time The Joker comes on though (which is plentiful, really) you would kinda find yourself fidgeting uncomfortably in your seat - not at will. You might come to care for his character though eventually - not sure if that would be pity - but seriously he was actually kinda cute in a childish but twisted manner (Heath Ledger in drag!!). The Joker's preaching actually makes a lot of sense, what with how we shouldn't be governed by the rules that we set ourselves etc. There were plenty of awesome quotes in this whole movie. Alfred & Lucius (Michael Caine & Morgan Freeman) definitely played the lighter and humorous roles. Even the supporting cast is spot-on.



I'm sure I have more than that to add.. but my brain is currently dead at the moment, over the thought of Bruce Wayne's leather jacket and swimming trunks.Excuse me while I go rehydrate myself.


Sigh... I can't wait to re-watch this movie again!

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Otai: short for "old-timer" meaning very senior / experienced la.


politics: all the drama not helping anyone. Rakyat kena fend for themselves :mad: Whatever.


weresodisco: waaaarh bestnya, u going for Travis! Photos /recordings pls? Have loadsa fun yeah (but of course) :LOL:

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Oh and speaking of the current affairs in Malaysia,


Dear police officers closing off roads headed towards the city center.


Road blocks are ... not necessary! It took me three hours to get to college today (stuck on the road for a looong time, eventually took the train). I cannot imagine how much worse it must've been for the people driving to work. Sure, I understand that you're preventing any ... unwanted riots that may or may not happen. Trust me though, causing massive traffic jams would only bring to an even more aggravated crowd that could be persistent to start a riot just to prevent you from having any break time at all.




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Yeah, ITA. Only got to High Court on time bcoz I told the police I was a DPP :$ Sorry.....


On happier news: Muse played Dead Star as an opener @ Mexico! So jealous yet happy for the Mexicans.




Amazing ending, TAB, PIB and KOC. I would just die from the absolute greatness of that. Gila sials.

Edited by miele
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I wrote this at about 4am this morning but then my internet got screwed over. Sigh.




Hey guys, I'm gonna make this as spoiler-free as I can ;)


We definitely need a dark knight in our city streets! (And Christian Bale too, please?!)


One of the best, most anticipated movie - ever. I have no qualms over the fact that this movie will definitely be worth whatever you're paying for in the theaters. I just came back from the midnight screening and I don't think I can ... fall asleep! So haunting and brilliant was the cast that you would feel very much absorbed into the whole storyline!


As much as I hate to say this, but I actually did find myself sympathizing The Joker a tiny bit more than I did for Batman. That's not a goood thing, seeing that I am usually oblivious to everything else when Mr Bale's hands are waving around... (Please do remember, while watching the movie, to check out his hands sliding around the wheel of his Lamborghini :LOL: ) Much respect to Heath Ledger though. Truly, he portrayed the Joker brilliantly. He definitely added an insane modern touch to his character. Christian too deserves praise because he maintained the awesome portrayal of Bruce Wayne again similar to the first movie - though he definitely seemed a little more intimidated in a few scenes. He can't possibly go wrong though (I'm probably biased haha).


But I need to watch this movie again. I don't think there were any major flaws at all in the movie. Perhaps there were tooo many going on in that 150 minutes and your brain starts to get a tiny bit weary, but that's exactly when Christopher Nolan, the brilliant director, snaps you right back to reality and doesn't insult your intelligence one bit - despite fucking up your brain like that! He's definitely good at that, what with movies like The Prestige and Memento.




Let's just say I doubt I can think coherently in class in a few hours' time.




Now that I've had a little bit of sleep and a long train ride to college, I figured I may actually still like the first movie better than this second one. To compare the both of it is actually unfair though because both movies had two different plots dwelling into completely opposite ... issues. On to comments with possible spoilers in them:



I didn't think the chemistry between Rachel and Harvey was ... as fiesty as I would've hoped it would be. What with both willing to die for the other etc.. I just didn't buy it. Now, if Rachel died because of say, trying to protect Bruce's identity as Batman though, that would be a completely different story. I would've cheered and admired her. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and Bruce still felt it was his responsibility to put her in that position. Three cheers to Alfred for burning her letter though!


Another issue I would like to address would be the suspense and kan cheong-ness that you would've felt when you watch the movie. Gosh, kan cheong sial la. I found myself biting my nails and seating at the edge of my seat. Even attempted to hit my cousin's arm who was sitting beside me because I felt I couldn't take it at one point. Every time The Joker comes on though (which is plentiful, really) you would kinda find yourself fidgeting uncomfortably in your seat - not at will. You might come to care for his character though eventually - not sure if that would be pity - but seriously he was actually kinda cute in a childish but twisted manner (Heath Ledger in drag!!). The Joker's preaching actually makes a lot of sense, what with how we shouldn't be governed by the rules that we set ourselves etc. There were plenty of awesome quotes in this whole movie. Alfred & Lucius (Michael Caine & Morgan Freeman) definitely played the lighter and humorous roles. Even the supporting cast is spot-on.



I'm sure I have more than that to add.. but my brain is currently dead at the moment, over the thought of Bruce Wayne's leather jacket and swimming trunks.Excuse me while I go rehydrate myself.


Sigh... I can't wait to re-watch this movie again!


Wow :stunned: looks like you really enjoyed it huh? i'm having a VERY hard time not clicking on the spoiler button :LOL:




Yeah, ITA. Only got to High Court on time bcoz I told the police I was a DPP :$ Sorry.....


On happier news: Muse played Dead Star as an opener @ Mexico! So jealous yet happy for the Mexicans.




Amazing ending, TAB, PIB and KOC. I would just die from the absolute greatness of that. Gila sials.


OMG! they opened with Dead Star holy shit! its like Hullabaloo all over again :LOL: thats just brilliant.




Wow... that Encore was just epic :eek: the Mexicans are so lucky! why didnt Muse do anything special for their Asian fans huh :(

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Wow :stunned: looks like you really enjoyed it huh? i'm having a VERY hard time not clicking on the spoiler button :LOL:






OMG! they opened with Dead Star holy shit! its like Hullabaloo all over again :LOL: thats just brilliant.




Wow... that Encore was just epic :eek: the Mexicans are so lucky! why didnt Muse do anything special for their Asian fans huh :(


Ending with KoC?! :eek: Wow... That must be bloody breath taking

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^ yeah ..bloody breath taking giler! Deadstar as an opener and Muse also played SPACE DEMENTIA! one brilliant setlist la.. :stongue::eek: i've always wanted to see Deadstar live.. tak adil!:'(


deb, great job. u found some interesting facts there. i give u an A for ur effort. hahaha... please, no spoiler on The Dark Night. it's the only movie that am really looking forward to watch this year.


our politics freaking sucks!


i can't get over it. can't believe it. matt with his summer hair -- i almost didn't recognize him for a sec--and Dom with his yummy super tight yellow pants playing deadstar and space dementia. and those sexy robots on the background. jeles giler weeiiii... bloody hell they even played a freaking new new born riffs ( well, i think so.) I WANT TO SEE MUSE LIVE AGAIN OR I'LL NUTS! haha.. sorry about the drama. am pretty tired and work as well studies are killing me right now. lol..

Edited by crazy_mary
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OMG! they opened with Dead Star holy shit! its like Hullabaloo all over again :LOL: thats just brilliant.




Wow... that Encore was just epic :eek: the Mexicans are so lucky! why didnt Muse do anything special for their Asian fans huh :(


I Totally Agree, Deb. Hehe.


They did Hoodoo for us, that was pretty special. Sunburn was nice as well, and I remember Matt was impressed we knew the old songs :D



^ yeah ..bloody breath taking giler! Deadstar as an opener and Muse also played SPACE DEMENTIA! one brilliant setlist la.. :stongue::eek: i've always wanted to see Deadstar live.. tak adil!:'(


deb, great job. u found some interesting facts there. i give u an A for ur effort. hahaha... please, no spoiler on The Dark Night. it's the only movie that am really looking forward to watch this year.


our politics freaking sucks!


i can't get over it. can't believe it. matt with his summer hair -- i almost didn't recognize him for a sec--and Dom with his yummy super tight yellow pants playing deadstar and space dementia. and those sexy robots on the background. jeles giler weeiiii... bloody hell they even played a freaking new new born riffs ( well, i think so.) I WANT TO SEE MUSE LIVE AGAIN OR I'LL NUTS! haha.. sorry about the drama. am pretty tired and work as well studies are killing me right now. lol..


Yeah la, forgot about Deb's great research. Fwoh cikgu kasik bintang / A tuh! :LOL:


Faz, rileks beb. Apa kata if u have a bit of free time we go check out some shows nanti for relaxation? PATD ke?



Awww.... I am so go to Muse concert if they are coming and even if their lowest ticket price is 110 :D


Sigh.... When are they coming back? :(


Siiiiiiiiiigh, yeah, this Mexico thing is really bringing the PMS full force.


What's are u guys punya limit on a single tix price for Muse? Mine's RM500. But then I spent loads going to Bangkok already...... :p

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I Totally Agree, Deb. Hehe.


They did Hoodoo for us, that was pretty special. Sunburn was nice as well, and I remember Matt was impressed we knew the old songs :D


Yeah la, forgot about Deb's great research. Fwoh cikgu kasik bintang / A tuh! :LOL:


Faz, rileks beb. Apa kata if u have a bit of free time we go check out some shows nanti for relaxation? PATD ke?


Siiiiiiiiiigh, yeah, this Mexico thing is really bringing the PMS full force.


What's are u guys punya limit on a single tix price for Muse? Mine's RM500. But then I spent loads going to Bangkok already...... :p


:LOL: Yeah... And I remember for Hysteria , when they started the song, everyone was singing to it even thou it is not chorus. I think Muse is quite shocked with the energy the crowd is giving that night. That night I totally :eek: at Muse and :eek: at the crowd which is why it is so unforgettable. :happy:


Single tix price? Wow! You bought yours for 500?! That's a lot!

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I Totally Agree, Deb. Hehe.


They did Hoodoo for us, that was pretty special. Sunburn was nice as well, and I remember Matt was impressed we knew the old songs :D



Yeah la, forgot about Deb's great research. Fwoh cikgu kasik bintang / A tuh! :LOL:


Faz, rileks beb. Apa kata if u have a bit of free time we go check out some shows nanti for relaxation? PATD ke?



Siiiiiiiiiigh, yeah, this Mexico thing is really bringing the PMS full force.


What's are u guys punya limit on a single tix price for Muse? Mine's RM500. But then I spent loads going to Bangkok already...... :p


ahhh... kenangan bersama MUSE. :LOL: i think as DMH said the crowd sang their hearts out when Hysteria was on. it was pretty quiet --but mad and suffocating-- when they opened with KoC. guess the crowd wasn't that familiar with BHAR songs at the time or just terpaku to finally see Matt, Dom and Chris on stage in front of their eyes that they couldn't sing. i know i did. am glad that matt was impressed with us. they should COME BACK. can't believe that i've spent the last two hours youtubing muse and david archuleta at the same time. fuh... what a combo.. teen pop and pure awesome rock. pening kepala siot. hahaha.. but good two hours off from work and my desertation. lol.. ULTRA PMS and ODD now.


set. i have to go for PATD. my friend asked me to go. that's why i can't go to sing fest. so yeah.. would be awesome to go with u too. we should go together! wow, i used a lot of 'go' now, didn't i ? lol.. gah, something's wrong with my brain. :LOL:


think i'll go up to a thousand for muse. but if let say they are playing at some nice places that i haven't been to around SEA areas, i'll deffo be willing to be spending more. Holiday+ travelling + Muse = heaven yeah? :D


:LOL: Yeah... And I remember for Hysteria , when they started the song, everyone was singing to it even thou it is not chorus. I think Muse is quite shocked with the energy the crowd is giving that night. That night I totally :eek: at Muse and :eek: at the crowd which is why it is so unforgettable. :happy:


Single tix price? Wow! You bought yours for 500?! That's a lot!


best concert ever. hands down. gosh, i wish i could relive the moments during the concert like right now.


the tix was like 2500 Baht so that's like 250++ i think. but if u add the plane tix, the lodging, the shopping, the transport and the food there.. that's like a lot la i think. :LOL: anything for muse man.. :D


EDIT: ooh i wanted to say something about the road block. but i forgot what i wanted to say..

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ahhh... kenangan bersama MUSE. :LOL: i think as DMH said the crowd sang their hearts out when Hysteria was on. it was pretty quiet --but mad and suffocating-- when they opened with KoC. guess the crowd wasn't that familiar with BHAR songs at the time or just terpaku to finally see Matt, Dom and Chris on stage in front of their eyes that they couldn't sing. i know i did. am glad that matt was impressed with us. they should COME BACK. can't believe that i've spent the last two hours youtubing muse and david archuleta at the same time. fuh... what a combo.. teen pop and pure awesome rock. pening kepala siot. hahaha.. but good two hours off from work and my desertation. lol.. ULTRA PMS and ODD now.


set. i have to go for PATD. my friend asked me to go. that's why i can't go to sing fest. so yeah.. would be awesome to go with u too. we should go together! wow, i used a lot of 'go' now, didn't i ? lol.. gah, something's wrong with my brain. :LOL:


think i'll go up to a thousand for muse. but if let say they are playing at some nice places that i haven't been to around SEA areas, i'll deffo be willing to be spending more. Holiday+ travelling + Muse = heaven yeah? :D




best concert ever. hands down. gosh, i wish i could relive the moments during the concert like right now.


the tix was like 2500 Baht so that's like 250++ i think. but if u add the plane tix, the lodging, the shopping, the transport and the food there.. that's like a lot la i think. :LOL: anything for muse man.. :D


EDIT: ooh i wanted to say something about the road block. but i forgot what i wanted to say..


Haha....I think the crowd is not very familiar with BH&R songs at that time but once the crowd recognise it is KoC.... the whole stadium went wild and everyone started to jump up and down especially those at the mosh pit. I think those are one of the experience or memories that I won't ever forget :happy:


Do you know the ticket price for PATD? Because I want to see whether is Avril's cheaper or PATD is cheaper...I memang cheapskate betul la :p


The ticket price for Avril Lavigne is


Free Seating: Rm 188, 138, 98

Free Standing: 338, 268 168


It's not too bad I guess. A little expensive for someone who hasn't work yet like me :$:p


Wow... That is quite a lot. But then I think I could only buy such expensive ones after I start working or else my dad is so gonna nag me to death :rolleyes::p

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^ yeah ..bloody breath taking giler! Deadstar as an opener and Muse also played SPACE DEMENTIA! one brilliant setlist la.. :stongue::eek: i've always wanted to see Deadstar live.. tak adil!


deb, great job. u found some interesting facts there. i give u an A for ur effort. hahaha... please, no spoiler on The Dark Night. it's the only movie that am really looking forward to watch this year.


our politics freaking sucks!


i can't get over it. can't believe it. matt with his summer hair -- i almost didn't recognize him for a sec--and Dom with his yummy super tight yellow pants playing deadstar and space dementia. and those sexy robots on the background. jeles giler weeiiii... bloody hell they even played a freaking new new born riffs ( well, i think so.) I WANT TO SEE MUSE LIVE AGAIN OR I'LL NUTS! haha.. sorry about the drama. am pretty tired and work as well studies are killing me right now. lol..


omg i didnt notice space dementia! i only looked at the opener and closer. wah.

but they only played 16 songs.. we got 3 more songs.

AND WE GOT FREAKIN CITIZEN ERASED!!!!! <3333333333333 and Hoodoo! and Apocalypse Please! and er.... er... others that i cant think of right now and i'm too lazy to go check our setlist haha.


yay i get an A! :D from a proper qualified teacher! and i didnt even have to sit for a test haha :D


eh? what summer hair? i want pics! where did you get the pics from? hahaha i wanna seeee. roar. i'll go search right now.


ahhh... kenangan bersama MUSE. :LOL: i think as DMH said the crowd sang their hearts out when Hysteria was on. it was pretty quiet --but mad and suffocating-- when they opened with KoC. guess the crowd wasn't that familiar with BHAR songs at the time or just terpaku to finally see Matt, Dom and Chris on stage in front of their eyes that they couldn't sing. i know i did. am glad that matt was impressed with us. they should COME BACK. can't believe that i've spent the last two hours youtubing muse and david archuleta at the same time. fuh... what a combo.. teen pop and pure awesome rock. pening kepala siot. hahaha.. but good two hours off from work and my desertation. lol.. ULTRA PMS and ODD now.


set. i have to go for PATD. my friend asked me to go. that's why i can't go to sing fest. so yeah.. would be awesome to go with u too. we should go together! wow, i used a lot of 'go' now, didn't i ? lol.. gah, something's wrong with my brain. :LOL:


think i'll go up to a thousand for muse. but if let say they are playing at some nice places that i haven't been to around SEA areas, i'll deffo be willing to be spending more. Holiday+ travelling + Muse = heaven yeah? :D




best concert ever. hands down. gosh, i wish i could relive the moments during the concert like right now. .


argh. the Muse gig wasnt so nice for me.


i made a big mistake of moving to the back when i was at the front because i couldnt tahan the rowdiness. but seriously la, the moshing got too much for me. especially when it was the WHOLE CROWD that was moshing, and not just one little area. gosh i'm surprised my bones didnt get crushed or anything. the pushing was just horrible for me. i think all the rowdy people were just letting loose, after being so gig-deprived and all that. but i regret moving towards the back because i went SO far behind, towards the cheaper tickets part, i feel so ripped off. and the crowd towards the back wasnt so energetic! it was quite potong stim la actually. argh :mad: but nonetheless, muse were still great :)


i wish i could relive the moment too. maybe then i would stop bickering about going too far behind and actually just enjoy the show :LOL:


i'd actually rather go for PATD instead of Avril. maybe i'll get the cheapest tickest for Avril la. and the cheapest standing tickets for PATD.


Haha....I think the crowd is not very familiar with BH&R songs at that time but once the crowd recognise it is KoC.... the whole stadium went wild and everyone started to jump up and down especially those at the mosh pit. I think those are one of the experience or memories that I won't ever forget


Do you know the ticket price for PATD? Because I want to see whether is Avril's cheaper or PATD is cheaper...I memang cheapskate betul la


The ticket price for Avril Lavigne is


Free Seating: Rm 188, 138, 98

Free Standing: 338, 268 168


It's not too bad I guess. A little expensive for someone who hasn't work yet like me :$:p


Avril is so expensive. AND WHY DOES SHE GET STADIUM MERDEKA? ARGH! stupid mainstream-ness :mad:


has the newspapers even announced that PATD is coming yet? i dont see any advertising :erm: i hope PATD will be cheaper though. since its in Stadium Negara and all :D

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omg i didnt notice space dementia! i only looked at the opener and closer. wah.

but they only played 16 songs.. we got 3 more songs.

AND WE GOT FREAKIN CITIZEN ERASED!!!!! <3333333333333 and Hoodoo! and Apocalypse Please! and er.... er... others that i cant think of right now and i'm too lazy to go check our setlist haha.


yay i get an A! :D from a proper qualified teacher! and i didnt even have to sit for a test haha :D


eh? what summer hair? i want pics! where did you get the pics from? hahaha i wanna seeee. roar. i'll go search right now.




argh. the Muse gig wasnt so nice for me.


i made a big mistake of moving to the back when i was at the front because i couldnt tahan the rowdiness. but seriously la, the moshing got too much for me. especially when it was the WHOLE CROWD that was moshing, and not just one little area. gosh i'm surprised my bones didnt get crushed or anything. the pushing was just horrible for me. i think all the rowdy people were just letting loose, after being so gig-deprived and all that. but i regret moving towards the back because i went SO far behind, towards the cheaper tickets part, i feel so ripped off. and the crowd towards the back wasnt so energetic! it was quite potong stim la actually. argh :mad: but nonetheless, muse were still great :)


i wish i could relive the moment too. maybe then i would stop bickering about going too far behind and actually just enjoy the show :LOL:


i'd actually rather go for PATD instead of Avril. maybe i'll get the cheapest tickest for Avril la. and the cheapest standing tickets for PATD.




Avril is so expensive. AND WHY DOES SHE GET STADIUM MERDEKA? ARGH! stupid mainstream-ness :mad:


has the newspapers even announced that PATD is coming yet? i dont see any advertising :erm: i hope PATD will be cheaper though. since its in Stadium Negara and all :D


Haha... I guess if PATD suck, they might only suck in the vocal part :rolleyes: how bad can their instrument skill be :p But Avril only has the voice so if it suck it might be....really badd... And once I saw her live concert and it is reallly bad... LOL


Does anyone knows how much is PATD tickets? :erm: Hmm.... Time to bug my brother :rolleyes::p

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Haha....I think the crowd is not very familiar with BH&R songs at that time but once the crowd recognise it is KoC.... the whole stadium went wild and everyone started to jump up and down especially those at the mosh pit. I think those are one of the experience or memories that I won't ever forget :happy:


Do you know the ticket price for PATD? Because I want to see whether is Avril's cheaper or PATD is cheaper...I memang cheapskate betul la


The ticket price for Avril Lavigne is


Free Seating: Rm 188, 138, 98

Free Standing: 338, 268 168


It's not too bad I guess. A little expensive for someone who hasn't work yet like me :$:p


Wow... That is quite a lot. But then I think I could only buy such expensive ones after I start working or else my dad is so gonna nag me to death :rolleyes::p


i don't think i can ever forget the fact that i was suffocating and felt like my ribs were crushed right at the barrier that night. scary.. but then seeing dom smiling and matt laughing on stage were also priceless. :D


omg, avril cekik darah betol. i don't think am going to see her. Panic is more affordable i think. i'll be getting the cheapest tix but it's a bummer that it's not going to be at Std Negara. baru ingat nak imbas kembali kenangan manis at Std Negara hehehe.. it's here


omg i didnt notice space dementia! i only looked at the opener and closer. wah.

but they only played 16 songs.. we got 3 more songs.

AND WE GOT FREAKIN CITIZEN ERASED!!!!! <3333333333333 and Hoodoo! and Apocalypse Please! and er.... er... others that i cant think of right now and i'm too lazy to go check our setlist haha.


yay i get an A! :D from a proper qualified teacher! and i didnt even have to sit for a test haha :D


eh? what summer hair? i want pics! where did you get the pics from? hahaha i wanna seeee. roar. i'll go search right now.



argh. the Muse gig wasnt so nice for me.


i made a big mistake of moving to the back when i was at the front because i couldnt tahan the rowdiness. but seriously la, the moshing got too much for me. especially when it was the WHOLE CROWD that was moshing, and not just one little area. gosh i'm surprised my bones didnt get crushed or anything. the pushing was just horrible for me. i think all the rowdy people were just letting loose, after being so gig-deprived and all that. but i regret moving towards the back because i went SO far behind, towards the cheaper tickets part, i feel so ripped off. and the crowd towards the back wasnt so energetic! it was quite potong stim la actually. argh :mad: but nonetheless, muse were still great


i wish i could relive the moment too. maybe then i would stop bickering about going too far behind and actually just enjoy the show :LOL:


i'd actually rather go for PATD instead of Avril. maybe i'll get the cheapest tickest for Avril la. and the cheapest standing tickets for PATD.



yeah we got CE and the best ever Assassin!


lol.. u deserved the A. haha.. it was a very good research. good job! :D





but can u ever imagine an insane intro like this? chris was just :eek: matt should let him sing some songs for the new album!

and they even get a HAARP signing session! lucky mexicans! :stunned:


from the mexican thread:





Hi Malaysia fans, i'm from Slovenia and want to share with you my Supermassive black hole Video cover:




Hope you like it :)


hey! awesome.

Edited by crazy_mary
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