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oh god, finally u're here. * starts crying again*


think we should just go ahead with the plan. but i like ur idea of changing it to phuket. will contact air asia for it then.


yeah.. tell me about it. i haven't eaten anything since yesterday.. man..am dragging my trip to KL sentral tomorrow. :(


*Hugs u*


At least Phuket ada pantai. I cant stay at the hostel now, seeing how it's so close to the venue *gerams*


If there's no time limit to refunding, just go when u feel better. Sorry I cant go with u.

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i can't go alone. i would rather burn that 500 bucks that i've spent on flights and lodging than going alone.


help me out here. u really want to go on with the trip to bangkok on the 27th till 29th? coz am not gonna reschedule, even if muse decides to come on dec 1 ker or whatever. i have no trust in them anymore. i'll go if u go. the hostels, we can just cancel but have to phone them first.


i'll see what i can do to detour our plan to phuket if u want to. i've checked the flights to phuket and it's cheaper than the bangkok ones.

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i can't go alone. i would rather burn that 500 bucks that i've spent on flights and lodging than going alone.


help me out here. u really want to go on with the trip to bangkok on the 27th till 29th? coz am not gonna reschedule, even if muse decides to come on dec 1 ker or whatever. i have no trust in them anymore. i'll go if u go. the hostels, we can just cancel but have to phone them first.


i'll see what i can do to detour our plan to phuket if u want to. i've checked the flights to phuket and it's cheaper than the bangkok ones.


ITA with no rescheduling.


Let's go to Phuket if Air Asia can help us change the tix. Need to get away from Bangkok now.


Anything I can help with?

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hey guys i'm really feeling bad about the cancellation . does everyone of you were gonna go ? my dad was also invited by the management , you know , my dad won't let me go and i was so sad . now i realize . dad won't let me go , cuz the gig won't even happened . :'(:'(:'( but still i hope they'll give us a better explanation about that .



i hope you'll forgive me about something i've said in muselive . there ^ i've just explained it . i didn't mean to be so selfish , but i just don't wanna feel way too sad about it . hope you understand how i feel . cheers

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i hope you'll forgive me about something i've said in muselive . there ^ i've just explained it .


I'm sorry as well for overreacting. Just saw the word 'Alhamdulillah' (I'm a Muslim too) and felt annoyed since the hurt is still so fresh.


Apology accepted, no hard feelings ok?

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I'm sorry as well for overreacting. Just saw the word 'Alhamdulillah' (I'm a Muslim too) and felt annoyed since the hurt is still so fresh.


Apology accepted, no hard feelings ok?

okay . i just feel bad when i saw debates between a Muslim muser and a Christian one [at muselive] , which are messed my head up . But that doesn't mean i hate Muslims at all .

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okay . i just feel bad when i saw debates between a Muslim muser and a Christian one [at muselive] , which are messed my head up . But that doesn't mean i hate Muslims at all .


No dear, it's not about religion, it's about caring about how other people might be feeling (empathy and sympathy) and not just how you are feeling atm.


But yang udah lepas, biarkan aja deh? :)

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hey guys i'm really feeling bad about the cancellation . does everyone of you were gonna go ? my dad was also invited by the management , you know , my dad won't let me go and i was so sad . now i realize . dad won't let me go , cuz the gig won't even happened . :'(:'(:'( but still i hope they'll give us a better explanation about that .



i hope you'll forgive me about something i've said in muselive . there ^ i've just explained it . i didn't mean to be so selfish , but i just don't wanna feel way too sad about it . hope you understand how i feel . cheers


man, that was u? i thot it was quite selfish for someone to be happy about the cancellation but now u've explained urself, guess that's settles it then.


On the meetup in KL:


we still on? If yes would it be too much to ask if it can be changed to the 26th? Just asking, tak boleh takpa.


think am not in the mood for the meet up. weresodisco, u can keep the dvd. am not interested to own it anymore.


rite, am going to KL sentral tomorrow to get a refund for the concert tickets. guess i'll be going to the air asia's ticket agent there as well to change our flights miele. need to e-mail the hostel to cancel our booking on the 28th only now.

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rite, am going to KL sentral tomorrow to get a refund for the concert tickets. guess i'll be going to the air asia's ticket agent there as well to change our flights miele. need to e-mail the hostel to cancel our booking on the 28th only now.


Thank you so much for doing this, I'm really sorry cant be there with u. I really appreciate your efforts. Despite being zombified / being really down u have been nothing but gracious.

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oh dear.. adyla, u've bought the plane tickets too? do u think they'll give us refund? i seriously don't want to go to bangkok now..:(


i don't know, my sister/bro-in-law got me the tickets, now i have to explain to them i'm not going, and get them to cancel the ticket.

i hope it's refundable though, i think it is, maybe they've just booked and not paid yet.


i'm really sorry for every one of us. i feel shit now.


but good for u miele and kak faz if you're going to phuket instead. at least can still have fun.


i'm so geram that i'm not even in the mood to watch muse concert youtubes anymore.

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i don't know, my sister/bro-in-law got me the tickets, now i have to explain to them i'm not going, and get them to cancel the ticket.

i hope it's refundable though, i think it is, maybe they've just booked and not paid yet.


i'm really sorry for every one of us. i feel shit now.


but good for u miele and kak faz if you're going to phuket instead. at least can still have fun.


i'm so geram that i'm not even in the mood to watch muse concert youtubes anymore.


That says it all. So true.


Apparently we cannot get refund / change location, so have to go to Bangkok and have fun till pengsan or something. U tak nak ikut ke?


but we're planning to leave early on the 28th. Tak sanggup la.


What's a song that suits this bitter mood?

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no probs miele.


yeah la.. for the first time in months i didn't play any muse cd in the car today and yesterday. geram giler....


come adyla, we'll go for a vacation together now heh heh..


i am listening to a lot of radiohead now. tried to listen to MCR but tak boleh tahan.. man.. don't think i wanna go to see MCR too..

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That says it all. So true.


Apparently we cannot get refund / change location, so have to go to Bangkok and have fun till pengsan or something. U tak nak ikut ke?


but we're planning to leave early on the 28th. Tak sanggup la.


What's a song that suits this bitter mood?


definitely not muse.


no lah, don't think i'll be going. buat kene gelak je dengan my family. beria-ia sangat nak tgk muse. ape lagi, back to my training lah. bongengs.


avada kedavra LAMC and muse! *geram betul*

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definitely not muse.


no lah, don't think i'll be going. buat kene gelak je dengan my family. beria-ia sangat nak tgk muse. ape lagi, back to my training lah. bongengs.


avada kedavra LAMC and muse! *geram betul*


:) Thanks adyla, u finally managed to get me to smile. Tapi u xpi Bangkok xbestla, biar ur family laugh and say it's a vacation instead?


Damn I should have gone for James Morrison in KL!

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Yo! Yeah i'll still be going, i don't mind meeting you guys! But my flight to Bkk is on the 28th and the flight is at 1530 i think, from Sg.


alamak, think we'll be seeing u at the airport then . am opting for an afternoon or evening flight out. need to get out from Bangkok before 8pm.


definitely not muse.


no lah, don't think i'll be going. buat kene gelak je dengan my family. beria-ia sangat nak tgk muse. ape lagi, back to my training lah. bongengs.


avada kedavra LAMC and muse! *geram betul*


yeah definitely not muse.


:LOL: i finally told my parents that the concert is cancelled, surprisingly my mom was very concern about how i was feeling.. but i bet my bro will be laughing his arse off at me. heh.. oh well.. i deserve it.


:) Thanks adyla, u finally managed to get me to smile. Tapi u xpi Bangkok xbestla, biar ur family laugh and say it's a vacation instead?


Damn I should have gone for James Morrison in KL!


James Morrison? my sis is really excited about whitney houston coming to town. btw, anyone wants my mcr tix? i have no interest to go now.. i'll sell it at the same 20% discount price as my friend bought it..

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:LOL: i finally told my parents that the concert is cancelled, surprisingly my mom was very concern about how i was feeling.. but i bet my bro will be laughing his arse off at me. heh.. oh well.. i deserve it.



James Morrison? my sis is really excited about whitney houston coming to town. btw, anyone wants my mcr tix? i have no interest to go now.. i'll sell it at the same 20% discount price as my friend bought it..


Moms rock. :)


dah tawar hati ya? I thot if u go with ur fren to MCR can jump around and mengubat hati yg lara.....But betul la, how can ganti Muse.


Sampai bila we'll have this shitty feeling? :(

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Moms rock. :)


dah tawar hati ya? I thot if u go with ur fren to MCR can jump around and mengubat hati yg lara.....But betul la, how can ganti Muse.


Sampai bila we'll have this shitty feeling? :(


betul, my mom memang rocks!


a bit tawar hati la.. am sure my friend would be very pissed kalau i tak pegi. ok now, i change my mind. am so tak jadi selling the ticket. sorry..


exactly... i dunno how to describe how 'frust' i am.. like breaking up with someone la.. :LOL: and to read 'unforeseen circumstances' only makes me feel angry at them again. if only they'll say or do something that Pearl Jam had done before. apologize to their fans..

a short explanation from Tom Kirk would've defo make me insane about muse again..

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Muse should know that we deserve better, a better / lengthier explanation at least. How do we tell them :(


Go out for MCR / that tennis thing and have fun kay. And we'll think about fun stuff to do instead in Bangkok.


Btw someone is like attacking u in the news thread...gila fanatic.

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hehe.. with the comments i made, i was quite surprise the attack was slow. :LOL:


some fans are obsessed (i totally understand that, i used to be one). can't even criticize the band at all :rolleyes:


Okay la if obsessed in a supportive / good way, ini dah sampai pi attack orang :LOL:


damn I have trial tomorrow, so hard to concentrate now. Damn u whoever decided to cancel!

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