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rite we need to decide first when are we going. 27th or 28th? morning, evening? am following u miele since u have that course of urs. adyla, are u going there by train or flight??


that RM20 a day is all am looking at rite now. how to book?


shannaz, do tell us if there's any way we can help. and deb, if bkk rock festival happens, we'll go together eh??

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rite we need to decide first when are we going. 27th or 28th? morning, evening? am following u miele since u have that course of urs. adyla, are u going there by train or flight??


that RM20 a day is all am looking at rite now. how to book?


shannaz, do tell us if there's any way we can help. and deb, if bkk rock festival happens, we'll go together eh??



oh, i'll probably be there much earlier and go visit my sister first.. so actually i'm not quite sure yet.. negotiating with my parents to pay for my flight *heheh*


although twit, can i just ask when u guys are planning to go? since it'd be more fun to go with u guys

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Oh dear, I can only go on 28th noon. But I'm trying to get out of it, If I can.....


i'd have to come back any day before the 3rd (depending on air tix prices).


Okay with u guys?


Faz, is the 28th too late? Then I'll have to lie my way out of the last day of the course lah. Damn.

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dammit! i really dont know! :'( if its moneywise i think i still can figure it out, but the thing is im getting a big NO-NO from my parents!!! so how?! :'( i envy u ppl who dont have to ask permission from parents to travel! well they actually dont mind if im just like goin to bangkok for a vacation or something but goin for a concert in bangkok, thats where the big NO-NO came from! OMG im dying here!!!

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hey i hav a problem gettin on sistic site.


I think they already posted up the ticket details cos if u type on google "sistic muse" the first site has the name of the concert: 'MUSE Amaze on Tour'. But i cant enter for some reason. The server's probably broken.

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shannaz, my parents also said the same thing, but i made a deal with 'em that i'll call 'em every hour when i'm in bangkok and gave 'em miele's phone no. lol.. try talking to 'em again.


nope. nothing about muse yet on sistic, ann.


hehe, my parents are so not ur parents :LOL:

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rite we need to decide first when are we going. 27th or 28th? morning, evening? am following u miele since u have that course of urs. adyla, are u going there by train or flight??


that RM20 a day is all am looking at rite now. how to book?


shannaz, do tell us if there's any way we can help. and deb, if bkk rock festival happens, we'll go together eh??


yeah definately! :happy: aww i feel so touched you're still thinking about me with all the hype around.


the RM20 per night hotel look REALLY nice btw!


dammit! i really dont know! :'( if its moneywise i think i still can figure it out, but the thing is im getting a big NO-NO from my parents!!! so how?! :'( i envy u ppl who dont have to ask permission from parents to travel! well they actually dont mind if im just like goin to bangkok for a vacation or something but goin for a concert in bangkok, thats where the big NO-NO came from! OMG im dying here!!!


aww :( maybe you could tell them that you're going on vacation too? with a bunch of friends you have met before! and the gig is just... an activity you all planned out :p

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hehe, my parents are so not ur parents :LOL:


indeed. but i love 'em nevertheless. :happy: tho urs are cooler!


yeah definately! :happy: aww i feel so touched you're still thinking about me with all the hype around.


the RM20 per night hotel look REALLY nice btw!


aww :( maybe you could tell them that you're going on vacation too? with a bunch of friends you have met before! and the gig is just... an activity you all planned out :p


if possible i want all of us to be there. *hopes for another 25th and 27th Feb*


yeah la...that's a good suggestion.

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so..... shannaz and kak faz, any inside spies to tell us when muse and co will be leaving to phuket via flight? because i wanna know~ ;) u guys seem immensely inept when it comes to finding out about muse flights :p



edit : shannaz, u can tell ur parents that my sister will be there, she has a house (well not quite yet :p ) and everything, so whatever happens, you have a place to stay..

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Hey guys..is it confirmed really by Muse ...that they'll be on Bangkok on the 28thNov coz I dont see it yet on board?...sorry:$ They confirmed the South Africa dates already on March 2008....;)


My hands are trembling when I type now...weird:LOL:(Or just too excited?:p:LOL:)


Arghhhh...hope they give the confirmation...DEMANDS!!!!:D

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Hey guys..is it confirmed really by Muse ...that they'll be on Bangkok on the 28thNov coz I dont see it yet on board?...sorry:$ They confirmed the South Africa dates already on March 2008....;)


My hands are trembling when I type now...weird:LOL:(Or just too excited?:p:LOL:)


Arghhhh...hope they give the confirmation...DEMANDS!!!!:D



yes, it's confirmed by the organizers.. www.lamcproductions.com


grace, come on and join us..

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so..... shannaz and kak faz, any inside spies to tell us when muse and co will be leaving to phuket via flight? because i wanna know~ ;)u guys seem immensely inept when it comes to finding out about muse flights :p



:LOL: you mean immensely adept, right? Or am I confused here? :p

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