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yeah LAMC better do something special since they're being so SLOW in confirming stuff! :mad:


okay sorry got impatient there. Dreaming is fun tho' But I would just become some hermit and not know what to say to Muse. How do u guys do it? :stunned:

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yeah LAMC better do something special since they're being so SLOW in confirming stuff! :mad:


okay sorry got impatient there. Dreaming is fun tho' But I would just become some hermit and not know what to say to Muse. How do u guys do it? :stunned:



actually, right, i have no idea what to say to them.. but i think we were so star struck by their presence that we immediately couldn't give a damn that we might be embarrassing and proceeded to go talk to them...


if bangkok happens, i'm going to personally train myself to be a little bit more detached and calm so i can have a normal conversation with them.


kak faz, oooh, can teach me dancing-dancing traditional then, eh? :LOL:

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yeah LAMC better do something special since they're being so SLOW in confirming stuff! :mad:


okay sorry got impatient there. Dreaming is fun tho' But I would just become some hermit and not know what to say to Muse. How do u guys do it? :stunned:


:LOL: am not sure u should ask us really. the way i remember it i was talking too fast that made dom confused with what i was asking him.. :$ but, that man is genuinely nice to actually layan us over-excited fans.


actually, right, i have no idea what to say to them.. but i think we were so star struck by their presence that we immediately couldn't give a damn that we might be embarrassing and proceeded to go talk to them...


if bangkok happens, i'm going to personally train myself to be a little bit more detached and calm so i can have a normal conversation with them.


kak faz, oooh, can teach me dancing-dancing traditional then, eh? :LOL:


dont think i can ever be calm around them.


hey... am very proud of traditional dances tau!

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:LOL: am not sure u should ask us really. the way i remember it i was talking too fast that made dom confused with what i was asking him.. :$ but, that man is genuinely nice to actually layan us over-excited fans.


all i remembered now is dom acting super cool and matt talking super fast, and chris being, well, chris.



edit : sorry kak faz, ok ok, i genuinely want to learn traditional dancing

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all i remembered now is dom acting super cool and matt talking super fast, and chris being, well, chris.



edit : sorry kak faz, ok ok, i genuinely want to learn traditional dancing


So they were being normal while you guys were, well abnormal? :D


Faz, serious, traditional dancing was awesome its just that I was crap. :$

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i was kayu also when i first started dancing. u just need to get used to it! ;)


basically that is true, they were normal while we were a bit giddy! tengok la nanti macam maner u gonna act miele, when u finally get a chance to see 'em. would u be bold enuff like shannaz to hug matt? caution: keep away from dom, please.

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So they were being normal while you guys were, well abnormal? :D


you just hit it right on the balls :D


no wonder matt says he'd never date fans.


i was kayu also when i first started dancing. u just need to get used to it! ;)


basically that is true, they were normal while we were a bit giddy! tengok la nanti macam maner u gonna act miele, when u finally get a chance to see 'em. would u be bold enuff like shannaz to hug matt? caution: keep away from dom, please.


hehe, u planning to hug dom then, eh?


haha, my mission in bangkok : try have a normal conversation with chris.. he was sooo detached


oooh, kayu.. maybe i'm not such a lost cause when it comes to dancing then..

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basically that is true, they were normal while we were a bit giddy! tengok la nanti macam maner u gonna act miele, when u finally get a chance to see 'em. would u be bold enuff like shannaz to hug matt? caution: keep away from dom, please.


Woah getting to meet Muse :eek: I'm already getting frantic just imagining it :LOL:

What would happen if I were to hug Chris instead I wonder? But Matt n Dom so smexy so I dont know....*is a Muse slut, heheh*


I do listen to few of their songs. Although MCR mite be less experienced but with all the attention that they're getting, they should be better live performers. Gerard, i find, isnt a very good singer. And he only sings too. Im sry if i offended anybody. Its just my opinion.


My friend went to see Megadeth last night. She was close to Dave Mustaine, and had an amazing time. I couldnt go...:(


No ann, ur totally right bout MCR.


Woah. Did she take piccies? Want to see pliz?


okay guys this is the longest time I've stayed on this thread, Talk again 2moro!

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you just hit it right on the balls :D


no wonder matt says he'd never date fans.




hehe, u planning to hug dom then, eh?


haha, my mission in bangkok : try have a normal conversation with chris.. he was sooo detached


oooh, kayu.. maybe i'm not such a lost cause when it comes to dancing then..


nah... i have no guts to hug dom. nor even to talk to him again. :$


Woah getting to meet Muse :eek: I'm already getting frantic just imagining it :LOL:

What would happen if I were to hug Chris instead I wonder? But Matt n Dom so smexy so I dont know....*is a Muse slut, heheh*




No ann, ur totally right bout MCR.


Woah. Did she take piccies? Want to see pliz?


okay guys this is the longest time I've stayed on this thread, Talk again 2moro!


omg. we're seriously on fangirlyness mode now. :LOL:


gnite miele and adyla!

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i made them! me and my friend (who's entirely supportive of my muse projects, though she thinks i'm kind of nuts) slaved over them ties.. We saw them ties at mid valley, but those ties aren't tapered to a point, the ones on sale are squared at the end, plus they look more like the kind of tie emo guys / avril lavigne fans would wear..


it's the tie here -> clickie

crap, actually my friend think it looks more like this, cause i left both side visible instead of hiding one side of it


ooooh, come to think about it.. i can wear whatever the heck dom is wearing in that pic :happy:, i'd go for chris' outfit, but the jacket is too much, plus i don't have a pink shirt.


and look what i found here : chris borrowed matt's shirt, didn't he? it's the shirt matt used in concert many times and the one he used in the airport!


ooh those look interesting.. haha would it be so weird if i wore that kind of tie and suspenders? although to be honest, i dont know how to wear a tie :$ haha. i am the kind of student that wears her baju kurung on mondays so that she doesnt have to wear a tie during perhimpunan haha :p


i dont mind if the tie has a square end though. but i'm sure there're gonna be fans who are wearing the square ended ties too no? but noone is gonna think of wearing suspenders!!


nah i think that's really Chris's shirt. he wouldnt be able to fit into Matt's one! :p


do i get ice kacang too? please i want it too!! it would be awesome if they do play MM or uno and of course unintended. tho i don't actually know all the words to that song. i skipped that song a lot. tooo jiwang karat for me. :p everytime i hear that song, that mamat french yang jiwang karat in the hullabaloo dvd came into my mind. does anyone remember him? siap tangan2 lg.. adoi jiwang karat siott!!


i like ur idea adyla, we should do something in honour of muse during the mcr gig. but i feel too old to wear dom's multi-colored pants. what about dombrero hat??


and i dunno deb, i wouldnt say that mcr sucks live. they're pretty decent i guess. i just dont think i can stand looking at gerard's emo face and him screaming...


oh btw, we do go jiwang once in a while i guess ( hence my love for anuar zain.. now that's lg jiwang giler!! heh.) cant be too rock n roll all the time.


hey i want ice kacang too!!


btw, why add the karat after jiwang? soppy rust? :confused: lol yeah i dont like gerard way's face when he's screaming singing. its like he's in such emotional turmoil i actually feel his pain.


which french dude? the dude who was making out with his girlfriend? or was that in another video? i wanna hear Muse play microcuts and sing for absolution again. sucks that they only started playing that after they came here :(


:LOL: am not sure u should ask us really. the way i remember it i was talking too fast that made dom confused with what i was asking him.. but, that man is genuinely nice to actually layan us over-excited fans.




dont think i can ever be calm around them.


hey... am very proud of traditional dances tau!


aww you didn't mention that when i asked what you said to Dom! tell me mooore! i wanna know everything! :happy:


i was kayu also when i first started dancing. u just need to get used to it!


basically that is true, they were normal while we were a bit giddy! tengok la nanti macam maner u gonna act miele, when u finally get a chance to see 'em. would u be bold enuff like shannaz to hug matt? caution: keep away from dom, please.


lol i wanna hug dom :( and matt.. and chris. i want a group hug! hahaa..


but seriously though. i'd kill to have a decent conversation with any member of the group. and maybe a picture, hug and autograph too :happy: we could tell them about the wonders of nasi lemak, asam laksa and ais kacang!


man i'm in fangirl-mode now and noone is online to layan me. booo.

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oh i see :D, and here i thought u have gone nuts. that'll be awesome..


i have an idea.. we can show off our malaysian culture~ and then suddenly go drastic and be all dommish.. like before and after pics..


e.g. it'll be miele before (wearing the most un-dommish baju kurung ever, for instance), then poof, we take another picture of you wearing something very domlike, posing very dom-mish... then maybe we can attach the dom picture which we refer it from..


oooh, that'd be pwoper cool.. :p


somebody can go buy those slipknot mask and wear them, as well :rolleyes:

Hey that's a great idea mike! You can post your idea here: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=48726

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What about Chris' bday? any er, tribute?



ahhh... we should give chris a pwoper birthday in thailand! :D *goes off to brainstorm ideas*


btw, i swear chris is really wearing matt's shirt.. or maybe the shirt used to belong to chris, then matt starts growing larger, so he ditched his old weird clothes in favor of chris-hand-me-downs...


hmmm, a very viable theory.. now raise up your hand, who dares ask matt? (or chris) :D


the offending shirt i'm talking about is this :



i've no idea how old this picture is


ohhhh fan girl mode : i just found this ... that is awesomely sweet


edit : btw, if mcr happens, i'm gonna find a picture of matt/chris/dom back in the old days wearing those er, ugly, outfits, then i'm gonna dress like them ;)


*wants to know what it feels like to have their fashion sense (before dior happens, of course)*

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... that is awesomely sweet


edit : btw, if mcr happens, i'm gonna find a picture of matt/chris/dom back in the old days wearing those er, ugly, outfits, then i'm gonna dress like them ;)


*wants to know what it feels like to have their fashion sense (before dior happens, of course)*



On the shared shirt thing, yeah maybe Matt suddenly admired Chris' taste at that time? Heh.



On the MCR thing, really cool idea. I guess I should go search for Chris' old photos since the other two are so damn skinny.....


I love their fashion sense, so adventurous la.

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What about Chris' bday? any er, tribute?


We're only giving tribute to Dom since he's turning a big 3-0 this year. I know there's something special stored both for Chris and Matt in the near future.


ahhh... we should give chris a pwoper birthday in thailand! :D *goes off to brainstorm ideas*


btw, i swear chris is really wearing matt's shirt.. or maybe the shirt used to belong to chris, then matt starts growing larger, so he ditched his old weird clothes in favor of chris-hand-me-downs...


hmmm, a very viable theory.. now raise up your hand, who dares ask matt? (or chris) :D


the offending shirt i'm talking about is this :



i've no idea how old this picture is


ohhhh fan girl mode : i just found this ... that is awesomely sweet


edit : btw, if mcr happens, i'm gonna find a picture of matt/chris/dom back in the old days wearing those er, ugly, outfits, then i'm gonna dress like them ;)


*wants to know what it feels like to have their fashion sense (before dior happens, of course)*


Your theory seems right. You know how Matt sucks at choosing his clothes. :LOL:


I think I'm going to do the same thing when MCR go here in Manila. :LOL::LOL: That would be awesome.

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Oh dear, no. A mall in the Philippines got bombed, but I dont know which one.


On other news, drummarista please tell us ur going to one of the gigs in NZ and reporting back to us all about it.... :D


Hows life btw?


Ah okay. That makes more sense... I was like :eek: and also "How come my dad never said anything...?"


Haha yeah I'm going to the Auckland one on the 23rd of Nov, should be good, should be good :happy::happy: I'll definitely get some reporting in! Won't have pics though, I'm leaving that to the rest of the good folk on the NZ thread :) so I can focus on hanging onto that front barrier for dear life! :LOL:


Life's all right, got exams at the moment and am trying not to fail them haha. How's everyone doing? Malaysia/SEA all good? No-one getting pulled over by the cops and getting away for RM50, are they? Because that's shocking. You should be paying only RM20!!! :p

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Ah okay. That makes more sense... I was like :eek: and also "How come my dad never said anything...?"


Haha yeah I'm going to the Auckland one on the 23rd of Nov, should be good, should be good :happy::happy: I'll definitely get some reporting in! Won't have pics though, I'm leaving that to the rest of the good folk on the NZ thread :) so I can focus on hanging onto that front barrier for dear life! :LOL:


Life's all right, got exams at the moment and am trying not to fail them haha. How's everyone doing? Malaysia/SEA all good? No-one getting pulled over by the cops and getting away for RM50, are they? Because that's shocking. You should be paying only RM20!!! :p

LOL brilliant. my friend got away with it once for only RM2. all the spare change from the coin compartment of her car. freakin hilarious man :LOL:


if you're gonna be up at the barrier, better take some pics for your own viewing pleasure at least! i have a friend going to the Auckland one too! he showed me the picture of his ticket.. haha. its like pinkish in colour right? with the HUGE Muse logo?

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which french dude? the dude who was making out with his girlfriend? or was that in another video? i wanna hear Muse play microcuts and sing for absolution again. sucks that they only started playing that after they came here


aww you didn't mention that when i asked what you said to Dom! tell me mooore! i wanna know everything!


lol i wanna hug dom :( and matt.. and chris. i want a group hug! hahaa..


no. not the one kissing, but the one who was reeeeealy menghayati that song. if only i could find his picture.. hehe. he actually reminds me of myself during invincible. :$


that's the only thing i remember deb. sorry. think i told u almost everything that i remember the last time except one thing... and i would like that to be my secret. :ninja:


ahhh... we should give chris a pwoper birthday in thailand! *goes off to brainstorm ideas*


btw, i swear chris is really wearing matt's shirt.. or maybe the shirt used to belong to chris, then matt starts growing larger, so he ditched his old weird clothes in favor of chris-hand-me-downs...


hmmm, a very viable theory.. now raise up your hand, who dares ask matt? (or chris)


the offending shirt i'm talking about is this :



i've no idea how old this picture is


ohhhh fan girl mode : i just found this ... that is awesomely sweet


edit : btw, if mcr happens, i'm gonna find a picture of matt/chris/dom back in the old days wearing those er, ugly, outfits, then i'm gonna dress like them


*wants to know what it feels like to have their fashion sense (before dior happens, of course)*


omg i loooooove that picture of chris with his baby awwwww..... suddenly chris is very attractive to me now. lol.


i dont think chris would fit matt's shirt! he's bigger and taller than matt. perhaps they each received free shirts for free. u know like what happened to mike shinoda and phoenix in the fratt boy party dvd.


and btw, mcr is really happening! :eek: check out this website here and note the time of the concert! :LOL: they must noe there'll be a lot of kids going. so anyone going to sg wang tomorrow? 20% discount is very inviting to me...


Ah okay. That makes more sense... I was like :eek: and also "How come my dad never said anything...?"


Haha yeah I'm going to the Auckland one on the 23rd of Nov, should be good, should be good :happy::happy: I'll definitely get some reporting in! Won't have pics though, I'm leaving that to the rest of the good folk on the NZ thread :) so I can focus on hanging onto that front barrier for dear life!


Life's all right, got exams at the moment and am trying not to fail them haha. How's everyone doing? Malaysia/SEA all good? No-one getting pulled over by the cops and getting away for RM50, are they? Because that's shocking. You should be paying only RM20!!! :p


lucky you drummarista! we'll be waiting for reports then. have fun!


i got away with just saying am a teacher a couple of times! lol

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