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Somebody or a group bombed a well known mall here and Audrey luckily didn't get in the chaos :happy:


[What time did you leave by the way? The local channels said the bomb exploded around 1pm and why where you there in the first place :stunned:]


Due to that, we're are now in travel advisory watch-lists for different countries :rolleyes:


Heard the FBI is know helping with the investigation. Odd thing is that they let the other parts of the mall that didn't get damaged to be opened. "Business as usual"

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Somebody or a group bombed a well known mall here and Audrey luckily didn't get in the chaos :happy:


[What time did you leave by the way? The local channels said the bomb exploded around 1pm and why where you there in the first place :stunned:]


Due to that, we're are now in travel advisory watch-lists for different countries :rolleyes:


Heard the FBI is know helping with the investigation. Odd thing is that they let the other parts of the mall that didn't get damaged to be opened. "Business as usual"


Dont know what else to add, except Im really sorry you guys are facing this. *Hugs*


Malaysians generally know about Abu Sayyaf, but as someone has said, anyone's capable of committing this atrocity. Despite us being in different countries, it feels like my neighbour has lost a loved one or something and cant help but feel affected by this. Maybe its the proximity thing, but SEAsians are more or less nice, friendly people so all the more condemnation to anyone responsible for this chaos.




lol i'm trying but there's no progress because i get tired easily and i dont have enough will power to push myself further. ahah. i suck at tennis too okay haha.

lol i was just kidding about the percentage bit thing :p



haha... nice try, using maths to out wit me. i noe am bad in maths but since when percentage is related to emotions and feeling eh? :p chewah..


wow... u're really trying to be fit now dont u? i love watching tennis esp federer but never know how to play. i've tried once but i sucked at it.:$



On less serious stuff, no I didnt forget u like Dom Faz. Just wanted to avoid the above 'tussle' over Dom :LOL:


I thought the 'kakak' will mengalah to adik Deb, heheh :D


Deb, how fun, tennis. I play badminton really badly so dont worry Faz bout sucking at things. but the adrenaline rush from playing games is awesome, doncha think?


*resolves to start exercising and burn off Raya-related fat*


Hmm, melalut more than usual :), better go get coffee now.

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Glorietta 2 is the mall that got bombed(1-4 are connected)


* 11 dead

* 3 missing

* 112 injured


Investigator are looking at C4 explosives but I'm hearing news that a gas leak might be plausible... Hopefully its the latter, we will be off the watch list :happy:

Prayers to those who died. Most were students and young adults helping their families and future, it just so happens that they were in the wrong place...


I want to end this topic, its rather sad. I'm reading stories of their lives in the news paper and it change my perspective on this event.




So if Dumbledore is gay... then is his love for Harry not like "father & son"? He's attracted to him? :stunned::eek:

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lol i'm trying but there's no progress because i get tired easily and i dont have enough will power to push myself further. ahah. i suck at tennis too okay haha.

lol i was just kidding about the percentage bit thing :p


yeah this whole "dumblydore is gay" thing is reaaaaaaally changing my perspective on the book.


"PRIVATE LESSONS" WITH POTTER?? :eek::eek::eek: <--- yeah something like that ahha.

it's good that u at least try to exercise and play sports. when i was ur age, i play netball and volleyball a lot. it was really fun. but now to jog for like two hours pun dah tak larat already... signs of old age. hehe..


u're putting bad thoughts in my brain now deb! haha... never thought of those private lessons to be that way... maybe dumbledore has a kind of relationship with snape too? the man trust him tooo much... but snape is in love with lily eh? and ooohhh... the reason dumbledore hired gilderoy lockhart was because he fancies him! :eek: ok, sorry been giving too much thoughts on this.



Glorietta 2 is the mall that got bombed(1-4 are connected)


* 11 dead

* 3 missing

* 112 injured


Investigator are looking at C4 explosives but I'm hearing news that a gas leak might be plausible... Hopefully its the latter, we will be off the watch list :happy:

Prayers to those who died. Most were students and young adults helping their families and future, it just so happens that they were in the wrong place...


I want to end this topic, its rather sad. I'm reading stories of their lives in the news paper and it change my perspective on this event.




So if Dumbledore is gay... then is his love for Harry not like "father & son"? He's attracted to him? :stunned::eek:


Arias, i seriously think u should concider political science as ur major when u're in uni man. am impressed with how mature ur posts are.


he's tooooooooooo OLD to be attracted to harry. ewwww... lol


peeps, a friend just texted me saying that MCR is coming on dec 9th. *googles for info*

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peeps, a friend just texted me saying that MCR is coming on dec 9th. *googles for info*


got any info yet?


Good, MCR can be the plan B gig if Muse show goes kaput. Can pujuk hati la somewhat. I just bought one of their albums at Carrefour for RM5, bargains rulz.

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got any info yet?


Good, MCR can be the plan B gig if Muse show goes kaput. Can pujuk hati la somewhat. I just bought one of their albums at Carrefour for RM5, bargains rulz.


but MCR is NOT muse! :'( i dont know to feel happy or sad whn i got the text. wish it's muse.

woah.. RM 5? original or not????

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Woh, if ur fren had texted u saying it will be muse in KL again, i'd totally keel over right now, heh. But what to do, really downgraded replacement to Muse pun can as well. not saying i'm not still hoping for Muse here or anything...


Eh mestila ori, bargain bins rulz. I even got Sergio mendez' compilation album, there's an awesome duet with John Legend in it. :cool: It's awesome la how ppl buy all the gimmicky pop stuff and leave all the cool stuff in the bargains.

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but i consider MCR as quite gimmicky pop stuff as well. :p but it's good la there's that kinda bargain. dunno why since i become a fan of muse, mcr seems sooo soppy to me now. sorry. will try to go subang or klang Carrefour to see if there's the same thing here.


she knows me too well not to just text me if there's news of muse coming to malaysia in the star. she will definitely call for that special news. :D


still can't find any info on mcr. :(

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yeah MCR is kind of a guilty pleasure, like Maroon 5, heheh. So will not spend more than RM5 for. But live gigs I will definitely go for, especially if there is no Muse.


You have a good fren there, hang on to her /him. :)


For local gig info usually I check Junkmag for info. Nothing on MCR as yet. Are we destined to just wait for stuff near the end of this year :rolleyes:

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my guilty pleasure is anuar zain! and i will spend more than RM5 for his music. oh how i love him to death now after watching him live recently. hehe..:happy: he was really sweet.


i've checked junk magazine. it is still a rumour there. but it seems that mcr has confirmed a singapore gig on dec 11th. is that rite nutcracker? btw, check out this site, they have an mcr SEA website. :eek: it's just awesome to know that mcr fans in phil, singapore, indonesia and malaysia UNITE! like that. if only we could have that....* wishful thinking*


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my guilty pleasure is anuar zain! and i will spend more than RM5 for his music. oh how i love him to death now after watching him live recently. hehe..:happy: he was really sweet.


i've checked junk magazine. it is still a rumour there. but it seems that mcr has confirmed a singapore gig on dec 11th. is that rite nutcracker? btw, check out this site, they have an mcr SEA website. :eek: it's just awesome to know that mcr fans in phil, singapore, indonesia and malaysia UNITE! like that. if only we could have that....* wishful thinking*http://mcrmysea.com/


I think we have been united, on the Bangkok gig thread, heh.


Out of nostalgia for the KL gig, I read this;http://www.think.com.my/review.cfm?rev_ID=423


Really good descriptions of Matt mannerisms.

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my guilty pleasure is anuar zain! and i will spend more than RM5 for his music. oh how i love him to death now after watching him live recently. hehe..:happy: he was really sweet.


i've checked junk magazine. it is still a rumour there. but it seems that mcr has confirmed a singapore gig on dec 11th. is that rite nutcracker? btw, check out this site, they have an mcr SEA website. :eek: it's just awesome to know that mcr fans in phil, singapore, indonesia and malaysia UNITE! like that. if only we could have that....* wishful thinking*


Yes we are united on the Bangkok gig thread but I think we should also be united with Indonesia too.


Why didn't I know about that? *runs off to INO.net* Thanks Faz. It's my guilty pleasure too :D

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Somebody or a group bombed a well known mall here and Audrey luckily didn't get in the chaos :happy:


[What time did you leave by the way? The local channels said the bomb exploded around 1pm and why where you there in the first place :stunned:]


Due to that, we're are now in travel advisory watch-lists for different countries :rolleyes:


Heard the FBI is know helping with the investigation. Odd thing is that they let the other parts of the mall that didn't get damaged to be opened. "Business as usual"


I heard on the news there's a guy claiming to our VP that he is the one who triggered the bomb but when they called the number to talk to the guy it's diverted to a government office (forget which one). They are making it comical but it's not funny cause 11 lives has been sacrificed because of that.


12pm I was hungry, decided to get back to the office right away. I was consolidating the travels of my bosses at PAL, went inside Glorietta to go to MRT.


I didn't know that, really they still opened the other side of mall? Freaky! :stunned:

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I heard on the news there's a guy claiming to our VP that he is the one who triggered the bomb but when they called the number to talk to the guy it's diverted to a government office (forget which one). They are making it comical but it's not funny cause 11 lives has been sacrificed because of that.


12pm I was hungry, decided to get back to the office right away. I was consolidating the travels of my bosses at PAL, went inside Glorietta to go to MRT.


I didn't know that, really they still opened the other side of mall? Freaky! :stunned:


those people are sick, am telling ya. :mad:



the rumour about mcr when we first heard it in the star (or something) has always been december 9th, had it not?


but if the rumoured show of singapore (dec 11th) is confirmed, i guess it's just a matter of time before ours are, then.


yes, it has always been on dec 9th. but my friend got really excited yesterday coz she heard it mentioned on hitz.fm. she's been sooo emo since. lol. even talked about how she's going to wear eyeliner, all black shirt and jeans and put on a very 'emo' face for the concert. :LOL:


Hallo people!


Nothing new to add, unfortunately. How's everyone doing?


yes Im bored, why do you ask?


have u ever had days, where u've gone half of the day fasting, then suddenly found out that 'there's no use of it' ? lol... ayoo.. penat jer. hehehe..

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hi everyone


got a reply from lamc productions. i asked tehm if muse is rily gna come.


here's the reply:


Thank you for the email....

We are sorting this out.... do you think there will be 7000 fans to see MUSE in Bangkok.


Let me know



I think it's possible. But 7000...that's quite a large number of ppl...but i hav faith!! what do u guys think?

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Okay, based on the KL experience:


Sold Out Stadium negara: 6000?

Event sold out 5 weeks before gig, and lotsa ppl complained of not getting tix.

Malaysians generally travel to Thailand alot, so perhaps some spillover here, eh?


Plus the thousands of farangs in Bangkok, especially in December (winter season), going by the healthy expat /tourist attendance in KL, fo' sho' we can meet 7000!


how bout Indonesia? Singapore? Philippines?


Perhaps you cld try posting the same message at the other SEA threads as well, then we do the maths together.


I iz bad at statistics. :$

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yes, it has always been on dec 9th. but my friend got really excited yesterday coz she heard it mentioned on hitz.fm. she's been sooo emo since. lol. even talked about how she's going to wear eyeliner, all black shirt and jeans and put on a very 'emo' face for the concert. :LOL:


haahah your friend is funny.


yeah i heard that MCR is coming on hitz.fm too. though the dates arent confirmed yet according to the DJ, he just said that hitz.fm is gonna be their official radio station.


If i go to MCR, i'll probably buy the cheapest ticks because i'm in no mood to mosh or jump around with PUNKS. OMG I TELL YOU the place is gonna be LOADED with punks man! and they scared the life out of me.


I remember during Muse, a bunch of punks with pink hair and black shirts and all those spikey accessories came early to line up with us and i thought "oh crap.. i hope they're not gonna kill anyone just to get in front". i know its very judgemental of me but that seems to be the impression i get from them. ALL of them. scary and aggressive :noey:


also, i dont intend to spend much cash on MCR because they suck live apparently, so i might as well just get the cheapest ticks then! :p


Okay, based on the KL experience:


Sold Out Stadium negara: 6000?

Event sold out 5 weeks before gig, and lotsa ppl complained of not getting tix.

Malaysians generally travel to Thailand alot, so perhaps some spillover here, eh?


Plus the thousands of farangs in Bangkok, especially in December (winter season), going by the healthy expat /tourist attendance in KL, fo' sho' we can meet 7000!


how bout Indonesia? Singapore? Philippines?


Perhaps you cld try posting the same message at the other SEA threads as well, then we do the maths together.


I iz bad at statistics. :$


i thought it was about 10,000 people? :confused:


i'm not sure i'll be able to go to Thailand.. i'm pretty sure i cant go la. meh. :(

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yes, it has always been on dec 9th. but my friend got really excited yesterday coz she heard it mentioned on hitz.fm. she's been sooo emo since. lol. even talked about how she's going to wear eyeliner, all black shirt and jeans and put on a very 'emo' face for the concert. :LOL:


have u ever had days, where u've gone half of the day fasting, then suddenly found out that 'there's no use of it' ? lol... ayoo.. penat jer. hehehe..


Tell your friend about this, found it at junkonline:


My Chemical Romance @ The MAX Pavilion Singapore, 11/12/07

You thought this day would never come, did you? But it is true, My Chemical Romance will perform in Singapore come 11 December. It's like an early Christmas present! Albeit one with dark undertones. Gerard Way and company are slated to play at The MAX Pavilion, 11 December at 8pm. Tickets are priced at S$95, S$85 and S$75 (exclusive of S$2 ticketing fee). You can now buy them at http://www.sistic.com.sg


More details http://www.singfest.sg/mailers/2007-10-19_mcr_online.htm and http://www.sistic.com.sg/cms/events/index.html?content=1289



Ayoo, so kesian faz. If ur on a diet its okla half day pun, but you're so slim already.

You're so alim la, I sld be fasting yet havent got the self-will yet....:$





If i go to MCR, i'll probably buy the cheapest ticks because i'm in no mood to mosh or jump around with PUNKS. OMG I TELL YOU the place is gonna be LOADED with punks man! and they scared the life out of me.


I remember during Muse, a bunch of punks with pink hair and black shirts and all those spikey accessories came early to line up with us and i thought "oh crap.. i hope they're not gonna kill anyone just to get in front". i know its very judgemental of me but that seems to be the impression i get from them. ALL of them. scary and aggressive :noey:

also, i dont intend to spend much cash on MCR because they suck live apparently, so i might as well just get the cheapest ticks then! :p


i thought it was about 10,000 people? :confused:


i'm not sure i'll be able to go to Thailand.. i'm pretty sure i cant go la. meh. :(


Don't be fooled by appearances Deb. I've been going to gigs since 1996, some of them entirely 'punk' gigs, and I can tell you this: some of them are all for show, 'gaya ja lebih'. Some normal looking jeans n T kid can be dangerous as well. I've known skinheads that are way more jiwang than me. ;) Generalisations sometimes dont work.


Of course you know that at potentially volatile gigs common sense and organisation is all u need. And a really strong friend for protection in case things go wrong. :D Then you can have all the fun you want!



How wrong is it that the cheapest MCR tix is about RM200 plus, about the same price of the most expensive Muse tix in KL? And compare the quality of the live performance? tis a crazy world i tell u.

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Thank you for the email....

We are sorting this out.... do you think there will be 7000 fans to see MUSE in Bangkok.


Let me know



I think it's possible. But 7000...that's quite a large number of ppl...but i hav faith!! what do u guys think?


wow.. that's amazing they contacted u.. you should tell them that 7000 is definitely possible.. there were plenty of non-malaysians in the gig at malaysia.. (even some jamaicans :D they loved malaysia)..


but as long as the tickets sell early, it's definitely possible..


in fact, if it shows sign of not selling, we will personally make a new thread here stating that the muse concert is not selling, and for these people on this forum to hence come down and support muse :D..


although to be honest, i wish it wouldn't sell out.. i wish there was only 10 people in the whole arena~ :happy:


also, i dont intend to spend much cash on MCR because they suck live apparently, so i might as well just get the cheapest ticks then! :p



ask them how was touring with muse.. then go ask muse how was touring with mcr... with those 2 questions we can start off a whole new mcr-muse rumour :p


yes, it has always been on dec 9th. but my friend got really excited yesterday coz she heard it mentioned on hitz.fm. she's been sooo emo since. lol. even talked about how she's going to wear eyeliner, all black shirt and jeans and put on a very 'emo' face for the concert. :LOL:


awesome.. i've looked at mcr forums.. looks like pretty much every of their gigs people are going to be wearing black..


guys, if you guys wanna go see mcr, how about we pay muse a tribute? let's wear, ummm, coloured pants, for instance? or those strappy thing matt likes to wear..


it'll look awesome amongst the sea of emoness and black..


*thinks hard for what chris usually wear* err, damnit, i can't wear a freaking coat to a mcr gig :rolleyes:

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