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^^:D really love ur spirit and optimism la..


always look on the bright side of life.


Aaw, thanks. :) U nice!


Have to be positive lah, if not can collapse from the suckiness of life sometimes. The dark side of criminal work doesn't help as well....


Okay rant over. Silly shopping qn: Should I get red baju raya (inspired by Matt) or green (Dom)?


:stunned: What is Chris' signature colour?

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Argentina?! :eek:


*checks musewiki*


Its only a "strong" rumor but a rumor non the less. Well, ours too but isn't SEA the only fitting region in the whole world to have a tour after the neighboring Aussies? And Latin region tours usually comes after US tours which they had last month and I doubt they'll be back[besides Vegoose] in a long time.


well, i wonder why the bangkok rumour is not mentioned at all in musewiki.. when is vegoose btw? i thot it was supposed to be on 26-29 of sept? or is it october? gah.. how lucky are the ozs to get to see RATM for next year's BDO eh?


Aaw, thanks. :) U nice!


Have to be positive lah, if not can collapse from the suckiness of life sometimes. The dark side of criminal work doesn't help as well....


Okay rant over. Silly shopping qn: Should I get red baju raya (inspired by Matt) or green (Dom)?


:stunned: What is Chris' signature colour?


oh yeah.. am not gonna let this thing spoil my ramadan and raya mood.


oohh.. i love my baju raya and it is green!! :D but not as lime green as dom's pants.. lol.


chris been wearing a lot of black. i think. but black for raya..:stunned:

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well, i wonder why the bangkok rumour is not mentioned at all in musewiki.. when is vegoose btw? i thot it was supposed to be on 26-29 of sept? or is it october? gah.. how lucky are the ozs to get to see RATM for next year's BDO eh?




oh yeah.. am not gonna let this thing spoil my ramadan and raya mood.


oohh.. i love my baju raya and it is green!! :D but not as lime green as dom's pants.. lol.


chris been wearing a lot of black. i think. but black for raya..:stunned:



Vegoose is in October. Check out the Vegoose thread, there's a link for a LIVE FEED of the festival.


Black is perfect actually. Can wear to work (cheapskate), slimming effect and suits the "tiredly waiting for Muse" feeling :D. So thanks!


Is it wrong that i feel like 'offering' something so Muse will come? Like nazar if Muse come back tumbang lembu seekor :D

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so they're going back to US in october? :stunned:


should we nazar? haha.. i oready posa nazar for 2 days the last time they were here.


wow. that must be the actual reason we get to have so much fun back then *hugs*





chris been wearing a lot of black. i think. but black for raya..:stunned:


i have black!! i have black!!


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+ 1 ! :'( but what to do... they only break even the last time they were here. so they mite think twice before coming here again. the whole thing was just a rumour anyways. nothing is certain now. perhaps if we're lucky, like ann mentioned earlier they mite still come before going to argentina. but it's difficult for me to see that happening. there's still next year tho..


think the 7/8 dec thing is the festival in argentina, deb.


Waiting for them just makes it worse at least on my part. :( If they're going to drop by anywhere at SEA before flying to Argentina then they're just gonna visit in one country and go to Argentina afterwards. Still a slim chance for a whole SEA Tour.


Aaw, thanks. :) U nice!


Have to be positive lah, if not can collapse from the suckiness of life sometimes. The dark side of criminal work doesn't help as well....


Okay rant over. Silly shopping qn: Should I get red baju raya (inspired by Matt) or green (Dom)?


:stunned: What is Chris' signature colour?


Chris loves black.

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Argentina?! :eek:


*checks musewiki*


Its only a "strong" rumor but a rumor non the less. Well, ours too but isn't SEA the only fitting region in the whole world to have a tour after the neighboring Aussies? And Latin region tours usually comes after US tours which they had last month and I doubt they'll be back[besides Vegoose] in a long time.


Arias, I like your reasoning, makes a lot of sense. Hope Muse think the same way :D



should we nazar? haha.. i oready posa nazar for 2 days the last time they were here.


wow. that must be the actual reason we get to have so much fun back then *hugs*





:LOL: Ya lah. Got to hug them some more, must be your efforts faz.




For motivation:


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:ohmy: matt looks so hot there la.. no, no. think of dom.


wow. that must be the actual reason we get to have so much fun back then *hugs*




i have black!! i have black!!



:LOL: with the three of us nazar for muse, plus it 's ramadhan.. am sure muse will be coming in this region sooon.


think i need to buy something red and black for this raya. am going for a muse theme baju raya. 1st raya green, 2nd raya red and 3rd raya black.


Waiting for them just makes it worse at least on my part. :( If they're going to drop by anywhere at SEA before flying to Argentina then they're just gonna visit in one country and go to Argentina afterwards. Still a slim chance for a whole SEA Tour.


Chris loves black.


aww.. i feel for u la illuminatist. i was thinking the same thing. it's kinda ridiculous for 'em to play in one country in this region and heads to argentina. they need to do a proper SEA tour. soon, damnit!! :mad: eh, no. i mean, soon, please..:)

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i hav a muse shirt! my friend who went to see them in monaco bought one for me! yay. Now my other finnish friend is gna see them in helsinki on the 17th which is 13 more days... apparently im the one who's most obsessed with muse but still havent seen them live. How ironic eh?


Anyways im just assumin that u guys are talkin about clothes to wear for the concert. Raya means concert rite? its about time that i learn some words

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i hav a muse shirt! my friend who went to see them in monaco bought one for me! yay. Now my other finnish friend is gna see them in helsinki on the 17th which is 13 more days... apparently im the one who's most obsessed with muse but still havent seen them live. How ironic eh?


Anyways im just assumin that u guys are talkin about clothes to wear for the concert. Raya means concert rite? its about time that i learn some words


:LOL: Ur so adorable! :D


Raya for us is Aidilfitri, the Muslim celebration at the end 1 whole month of fasting in Ramadhan. So we go crazy buying clothes, hence the 'Muse-themed' colour madness. Plus the shopping distracts from Muse-realted frustrations, lol.



The only Thai celebration I know is Songkran. What is Loy kratong?


In an ideal world, all the obsession with Muse should come into their dreams or something, so they understand that they have to come to SEA!

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ohhh woops...haha, ive made a fool out of myself again, sry muslim ppl! i didnt knw it is ramadhan so that means u guys hav been fastin! wow, i respect u muslim people man. i cant control my love for food hehe. U guys must be pretty damn happy :).


Loy Kratong is basically a celebration that shows appreciation for water. We would make these "kratongs" which are like pretty decorated banana tree trunks floating on the water with candles and incense sticks.

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What's nazar? :$


wow look at the way Matt's looking at his red sparkly guitar... such passion in his eyes! :eek:


speaking of muse obsession.. i dunno whether you guys noticed but Matt used to wear black suspenders with white overalls, or white suspenders with black overalls and...

i got myself black suspenders :$:eek: lol and i've only worn them to work when i was working at TGIF last year. but still, its nice to dress up in something that has to do with Muse :happy:

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aww.. i feel for u la illuminatist. i was thinking the same thing. it's kinda ridiculous for 'em to play in one country in this region and heads to argentina. they need to do a proper SEA tour. soon, damnit!! :mad: eh, no. i mean, soon, please..:)


And they'll just waste a lot of gas for that flight. think about the costs they'll be shouldering after that illogical trip. if that happens.


Ramadhan (sp?) will end on Oct. 12 right? Cause our President announced a public holiday on the 12th for that celebration. You guys did a great job of fasting, that must be hard.


Muse-themed clothings for a day, that's so cool.

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yeah.. therefore it's only appropriate for 'em to have a SEA tour than going to argentina coz we're sooo freaking near oz and nz. and yeah u got that rite. 12 oct is the last day of ramadhan i think. it's kinda sad that ramadhan is almost over. i like fasting n going to terawih at nite. it's way more fun than raya.. it'll feel so weird to be able to eat at day time after a month of not doing so..


What's nazar? :$


wow look at the way Matt's looking at his red sparkly guitar... such passion in his eyes! :eek:


speaking of muse obsession.. i dunno whether you guys noticed but Matt used to wear black suspenders with white overalls, or white suspenders with black overalls and...

i got myself black suspenders :$:eek: lol and i've only worn them to work when i was working at TGIF last year. but still, its nice to dress up in something that has to do with Muse :happy:


nazar is umm.. ayo dunno how to explain la. will wait for miele or adyla to explain. heh.


Hey everyone!

If it were true, can we all head to Bangkok just to see Muse for a 90-minute slot? :p


waiting for muse arrival at the airport + 4-5 hours of waiting outside the std b4 the gig starts + 90 minutes of concert + waiting for them to leave the std + (maybe) stalk 'em somewhere in bangkok + sending 'em off to their next destination at the airport = yeah.. i reckon it's money and time worth spending. :happy:

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yeah.. therefore it's only appropriate for 'em to have a SEA tour than going to argentina coz we're sooo freaking near oz and nz. and yeah u got that rite. 12 oct is the last day of ramadhan i think. it's kinda sad that ramadhan is almost over. i like fasting n going to terawih at nite. it's way more fun than raya.. it'll feel so weird to be able to eat at day time after a month of not doing so..


Tom's a wise man, I expect him to do what is right that is touring the whole SEA.


I have a high respect to you guys cause you strictly follow the rules of not eating at day time. It must be hard. I can't remember my history class anymore, but what do you guys celebrate during ramadhan again? What's raya by the way?


waiting for muse arrival at the airport + 4-5 hours of waiting outside the std b4 the gig starts + 90 minutes of concert + waiting for them to leave the std + (maybe) stalk 'em somewhere in bangkok + sending 'em off to their next destination at the airport = yeah.. i reckon it's money and time worth spending. :happy:


I think I'll do that if ever they visit Manila. Although not my cup of tea but for the sake of seeing Muse more than 1 time stalking them can be a good excuse :LOL::LOL:

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Tom's a wise man, I expect him to do what is right that is touring the whole SEA.


I have a high respect to you guys cause you strictly follow the rules of not eating at day time. It must be hard. I can't remember my history class anymore, but what do you guys celebrate during ramadhan again? What's raya by the way?


i seriously like the way u mentioned that. Tom, the wise man.


ramadhan is more than just fasting actually. it's a month for prayers and forgiveness. so we have extra prayers to do at night, recite the Quran and everything. a very spiritual month.


wow..did u study about ramadhan for history?


raya is according to miele (2007) :

"Raya for us is Aidilfitri, the Muslim celebration at the end 1 whole month of fasting in Ramadhan". (236) She explains it better than me.



I think I'll do that if ever they visit Manila. Although not my cup of tea but for the sake of seeing Muse more than 1 time stalking them can be a good excuse :LOL::LOL:

trust me. it's so worth it. the last time they were in KL i did all that except the stalking part..and i got lucky!:D

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nazar is umm.. ayo dunno how to explain la. will wait for miele or adyla to explain. heh.


em, nazar is kind of like, promising to do something in return for something else. I've seen my chinese friends shave their head supposedly in return for getting "straight A's"..

so it's like promising to do "__________ (insert appropriately unselfish act here)" in return for Muse coming to Thailand, for example.


So kak faz, what exactly did u nazar the last time muse was here? Fasting?

waiting for muse arrival at the airport + 4-5 hours of waiting outside the std b4 the gig starts + 90 minutes of concert + waiting for them to leave the std + (maybe) stalk 'em somewhere in bangkok + sending 'em off to their next destination at the airport = yeah.. i reckon it's money and time worth spending. :happy:


hah, that is so my plan as well! stalker!


Hi, sorry, a bit of sidetracking on Radiohead's new album - In Rainbow


Radiohead is allowing fans to pay whatever they wish for the privilege of downloading the tracks on the 10th Oct. The price? "It's up to you."


Read more


haha, i tried buying it for 0 pounds, but i don't actually own a credit card, so i'm not sure it'll work... i'm also not sure whether they're joking around though


edit : lols at :

This transaction will appear on your credit card bill as WASTE PRODUCTS LTD. or a shortened version of this.


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em, nazar is kind of like, promising to do something in return for something else. I've seen my chinese friends shave their head supposedly in return for getting "straight A's"..

so it's like promising to do "__________ (insert appropriately unselfish act here)" in return for Muse coming to Thailand, for example.


So kak faz, what exactly did u nazar the last time muse was here? Fasting?



hah, that is so my plan as well! stalker!




haha, i tried buying it for 0 pounds, but i don't actually own a credit card, so i'm not sure it'll work... i'm also not sure whether they're joking around though


edit : lols at :



oh i see.... haha so did you guys nazar anything for em? i'm not exactly sure how to use nazar in a sentance though. but yeah, did you guys nazar for em?


i read that radiohead bit in the star newspaper, and i'm really shocked! are they really THAT big to be able to sell a record for any price at all? have i been so oblivious to radiohead's success all this while? :eek::$

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But you will meet them, Isn't that what matters :LOL:


and make a fool of ourselves, no doubt about it..


matt, chris and dom drinking in a bar in thailand

us : oooh, there's muse!

us : *pretends to be prostitutes*

us : come on guys, we're just, er 10 ___ (insert thai currency here)

muse : *look at each other*

muse : no thanks


ouch, rejected :p

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