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oh my.... sooooooooo many of you are going!

i've asked my dad for permission to go to this gig and maybe errrr.... sponsor it too :LOL:

and he said YES!!!! :D

but he also asked me to bring along my 14 year old sister, which is fine by me.

BUT i'll have to really really confirm it later after i meet my dad again this weekend.

and it's only official after my tickets are confirmed.


but i need to know something, those who has had the balcony tickets, may i know your exact section and seat number? maybe i can choose the seats nearest to you so that we can enjoy the gig together!

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The more the merrier wise men say!


Sorry to go off-topic but does anyone else agree that Hayley Williams is too hot to be true? For the uninitiated, shes's the nicest thing about Paramore.:p





Smokin' hot.



ohhhhh hell yeah man. hayley williams rocks! i wish i had her singing voice... and her hair. heck i wish that we're best friends lol! :D i've been hoping that they'll tour to this part of the world cause they're awesome!


but of course, Muse remains in a very special and secure place in my heart that no other band or musician can ever replace :musesign:

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Haven't been in here for a long time. How are you guys? Miss you all so much XD


And why isn't Muse doing a concert in Malaysia? Muse don't like us..... :( :'( *sobs*

watching Muse is Singapore might actually cost RM 500 for the overall expenses and Chinese New Year is just weeks away. Have to save up a lot and eat maggi every day T..T :p


If I'm going, can I share accomodation with you guys, pleaseee? :D:D

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yeaaahhh...i bought oledi BNO 2010..CAT 1 confirm lya..excited wey!!!!!:D


alaa jelesnya cat 1. eh u duduk mana ah? we're supposed to collect the tix kat holiday tours & travel nye office kat jalan ipoh amende tu kan? ive been meaning to call them but ive been working 10am-10pm everyday too, so tak sempat. haiyahh..

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alaa jelesnya cat 1. eh u duduk mana ah? we're supposed to collect the tix kat holiday tours & travel nye office kat jalan ipoh amende tu kan? ive been meaning to call them but ive been working 10am-10pm everyday too, so tak sempat. haiyahh..


i myb nk join u all kt backpackers tu kot..last friday i direct trs beli kt holiday tour tu dr melaka..semangat pny pasal..huhuh..akk tu ckp i bt keja giler sanggup dr mlka utk beli tiket..aisssyhh...


if u beli online pn u kn ambk kt opis ke?..why not kt SIS tu jek???

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wahh tula i pun igt nak gi beli kat sana terus. but tah.. last2 beli online. haha so then boleh pilih nak pick up tix tu macam mana, post ke, ambik kat sistic ke, ambik kat holiday tours n travel ke, i pilih ambik kat holiday tours n travel. so last2 kne gi ambik kat sana gak. hahah but yes jom2 join kitorg kat betelbox :)

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but i need to know something, those who has had the balcony tickets, may i know your exact section and seat number? maybe i can choose the seats nearest to you so that we can enjoy the gig together!


B16, row 31 seats 10 and 11 :)


Coome gig with meeee through the veeeins of singapoooore.


Okay I'll stop being lame now :LOL:

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YOU GUYS. Florence + The Machine with The XX opening on February 7th. ECHO AND THE BUNNYMEN on February 9th. These are both in Singapore at the Esplanade Theatre. Oh god, why can't it be BNO - 3/2/09, that Flo and Echo are on the 1st and 2nd? :( Gahhh I don't know if I can even go to BNO, but if I do...I'll be missing Echo and the Bunnymen! :'(


Also, :LOL: at Debbie's new song. :p

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YOU GUYS. Florence + The Machine with The XX opening on February 7th. ECHO AND THE BUNNYMEN on February 9th. These are both in Singapore at the Esplanade Theatre. Oh god, why can't it be BNO - 3/2/09, that Flo and Echo are on the 1st and 2nd? :( Gahhh I don't know if I can even go to BNO, but if I do...I'll be missing Echo and the Bunnymen! :'(


Also, :LOL: at Debbie's new song. :p


There's also Kings Of Convenience on 19th Mar and Imogen Heap 29th Mar. And Lamb Of God 15th Apr. Going for none of these unfortunately... :(


wow.... where did all the Malaysian go to?.... :erm:


Rarely you would see this thread goes to page 2


Lol yeah i guess everyone's busy working or holiday-ing or something...

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Lol yeah i guess everyone's busy working or holiday-ing or something...


You know sometimes I do think when people are working, the replies seems to be more than when it's holiday season :rolleyes: Cause everyone is tired of working and would like to spend as much time away from it as possible :p Hehe,,,, no la. And some to relax and rest for a while, they sneak into the thread :ninja::D

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There's also Kings Of Convenience on 19th Mar and Imogen Heap 29th Mar. And Lamb Of God 15th Apr. Going for none of these unfortunately... :(

*shakes fists* blah, it's no use lamenting over the gigs in SG. I'm moving there. End of story.



Lol yeah i guess everyone's busy working or holiday-ing or something...

Aww, you forgot taking exams. HURR.


I was a FOOL to think I could manage 3 papers this time round. Back to back papers, at that. I've been up for so many hours I don't see the difference between daylight and night time any longer. I don't remember what it's like to sleep for more than 4 hours anymore. If I combine the fees (alone) for these three papers, I think I would be able to pre-order at least four of Muse's biggest Resistance package if I didn't spend so much on non-reality. Bleh. OK wait, so education is no longer reality but music and going for concerts would be reality?


I really should get my priorities right. :-/




Hi Jolynn!! Long time no see :D

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aaaaand we're back on the 1st page? :)




Liz, knowhatchamean, I can barely spell right now from lack of sleep.....bloody trials.




To whoever it was that said they were going to BNO n nak pi ramai2, lets!


zzzzzzzzzzz....sorry folks...pening tak tido.

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You know you're right. I can relate to that cuz when I'm really dreading the thing I'm supposed to do, it's always easy to go online and be distracted voluntarily lol. Are you going for a holiday?:D


:D I always go into Muse forum especially assignment time except when it's only 2-3 days to deadline. That is only when the inspiration to write will come to me :rolleyes::LOL:

Right now I'm still working but I'm around everyday for hours because I was send to the lobby (Festive Desk) to take reservation and answer enquries on Christmas and New Year. But currently it's going quite slow right now T___T because most people call to the hotel. I think it should pick up a week before Christmas =D


I'm bored to death sitting over here actually, thank God for this forum :museign:


*shakes fists* blah, it's no use lamenting over the gigs in SG. I'm moving there. End of story.


Aww, you forgot taking exams. HURR.


I was a FOOL to think I could manage 3 papers this time round. Back to back papers, at that. I've been up for so many hours I don't see the difference between daylight and night time any longer. I don't remember what it's like to sleep for more than 4 hours anymore. If I combine the fees (alone) for these three papers, I think I would be able to pre-order at least four of Muse's biggest Resistance package if I didn't spend so much on non-reality. Bleh. OK wait, so education is no longer reality but music and going for concerts would be reality?


I really should get my priorities right. :-/




Hi Jolynn!! Long time no see :D


Hi Liz!!! Haven't talk to you for a long time:D:D Looks like you are really busy on exams huh? Awww...... poor you:( After exam you will feel better already :happy: But right now it's, bring on the coffee and tea:rolleyes: lol




aaaaand we're back on the 1st page? :)




Liz, knowhatchamean, I can barely spell right now from lack of sleep.....bloody trials.




To whoever it was that said they were going to BNO n nak pi ramai2, lets!


zzzzzzzzzzz....sorry folks...pening tak tido.


Aku pun nak pergi :'(


I can save and everything but then it will be damn tight as CNY is just 2 weeks away from it.:( Lucky those who are in their early 20-ties but isn't working yet. You don't need to spend much on your family and relatives :rolleyes::p

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Haha good to have this forum for the latest gossip and stuff eh Joelyn!:p


Liz looks like there's one more act: Paramore 7th March.


Hayley Williams, baby!:stongue:


:LOL: :LOL:Yeah.... but boring if no one replies:rolleyes:

Currently reading "Fucking" thread in the Banter section. Kinda interesting actually :eyebrows::p



:LOL: You must be jumping for joy when you saw that huh, Nut:rolleyes: :dance::dance:





EDIT: Even though I want to go and see Paramore, I don't think I can have enough money to support me through that one after Muse :supersad:

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Lol I didn't know there was such a vulgar thread here lol! I don't wander much anyway so what do I know...:LOL:


I didn't really jump for joy, but it was a nice surprise! I must say for a venue like the Indoor Stadium, the tickets are not expensive. Maybe cuz they're a "kids" band HAHAH.


Any of you read 1984? It's a pretty good read imo. I had The Resistance playing in my head throughout the read lol.

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Lol I didn't know there was such a vulgar thread here lol! I don't wander much anyway so what do I know...:LOL:


I didn't really jump for joy, but it was a nice surprise! I must say for a venue like the Indoor Stadium, the tickets are not expensive. Maybe cuz they're a "kids" band HAHAH.


Any of you read 1984? It's a pretty good read imo. I had The Resistance playing in my head throughout the read lol.


:rolleyes: Haha.... I was so bored that I go to every thread to look around. I go to banter because there has the most "chat" going on in there:p That thread is actually about sexing. :chuckle: and yeah, I do agree the title is quite vulger but then that's what the person who started the thread wanted to put. Nothing much we could do about it but quite a number of suggestion to change the name....


:LOL:I thought you like Hayley A LOT. Hehe.... Maybe because they are not too sure of the response so they just put them in a smaller venue... Like Muse in Stadium Negara :rolleyes: which sold out 2 or 3 weeks before the concert :D



What is read 1984? :stunned::confused:




uh.... PDT has gone from peeving to just total....


sexing imagination


I don't think I want to look at Dom that way if I ever met him in real life.... Ekk.... I doubt I'll go in that much anymore and what's even worse is that those girls are actually (should be) quite matured, not young teenagers.... =/

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Yeah I actually checked out the thread. :LOL: Seems like most of them are in their 30s:shifty:


The greatest thing about Hayley is probably her looks! Come on, you have to admit she's hot! That red hair helps too!


1984 is a novel that the song Resistance is based on. Go read it if you're really bored! It IS partly like a romance book, if that's any consolation heehee.


Abt the PDT, I think it's just way overboard.

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Paramore in Singapore, a month after Muse. I'm heartbroken because I know I wont be able to goo!!! :'( You know whats weird? I actually want to see Paramore not for them, but for Hayley Williams. I really like her! Not only is she erm, ahem, hot, but omg her voice is fantastic. I want to hear it liiiive ughhh. Seriously, I want to sing like her so much! She is my karaoke inspiration :LOL:. No joke, my online friends, no joke.


And yeah I'm busy working and holiday-ing at the same time. Its very tiring, because on my days off thats when i go out. aghh the fatigue is catching up I say!


And about that 'fucking' thread? I read that thread all the time :LOL: its actually pretty interesting ahah! :ninja:


I didnt know The Resistance was based on 1984.. I read in a book thread on the board a few days (maybe weeks, I seem to have lost track of time lately with the monotony in my life) ago and a lot of people said that 1984 was fantastic. However, I recently found out that I totally suck at reading classics. I bought 3 Austen books, tried reading Emma, read until like Chapter 4 and switched to reading Dead Until Dark (the book the TV Show TruBlood is based on) instead :LOL:

Epic fail la. But I shall try again once I'm done with Dead Until Dark!

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Yeah I actually checked out the thread. Seems like most of them are in their 30s


The greatest thing about Hayley is probably her looks! Come on, you have to admit she's hot! That red hair helps too!


1984 is a novel that the song Resistance is based on. Go read it if you're really bored! It IS partly like a romance book, if that's any consolation heehee.


Abt the PDT, I think it's just way overboard.


:LOL: It varies from 17-30's, as long as you have experience in it before :rolleyes::p


Hayley's hair is almost like Paramore's trademark. I think people always notice her hair first before her look =D I think she started to look damn bloody hot is after the video of "that's what you get"


Ohhh.... So Muse got inspiration from that book then. All along I thought Resistance has something to do with the politics in England. :$:p



Paramore in Singapore, a month after Muse. I'm heartbroken because I know I wont be able to goo!!!You know whats weird? I actually want to see Paramore not for them, but for Hayley Williams. I really like her! Not only is she erm, ahem, hot, but omg her voice is fantastic. I want to hear it liiiive ughhh. Seriously, I want to sing like her so much! She is my karaoke inspiration . No joke, my online friends, no joke.


And yeah I'm busy working and holiday-ing at the same time. Its very tiring, because on my days off thats when i go out. aghh the fatigue is catching up I say!


And about that 'fucking' thread? I read that thread all the time. its actually pretty interesting ahah! :ninja:


I didnt know The Resistance was based on 1984.. I read in a book thread on the board a few days (maybe weeks, I seem to have lost track of time lately with the monotony in my life) ago and a lot of people said that 1984 was fantastic. However, I recently found out that I totally suck at reading classics. I bought 3 Austen books, tried reading Emma, read until like Chapter 4 and switched to reading Dead Until Dark (the book the TV Show TruBlood is based on) instead :LOL:

Epic fail la. But I shall try again once I'm done with Dead Until Dark!


I would actually want to see Paramore for their songs and definitely Hayley Williams is one of the reason ;):p


Someone has been naughty huh? :chuckle::p:

:boobs:FTW XP haha


Hmmmm.... I think of all Jane Austin's book, pride and prejudice is one of her best. Emma is just ok....=/ It doesn't have much suspence and things that actually make you quite geram:rolleyes: But then, I haven't read all of her books yet:D =P








Oh, and 1 more thing, Public holiday, public holiday!!! =D :musesign:


To all who celebrates, SELAMAT AWAL MUHARAM to all of you ^^

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