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Liz, thank you so much for the call, too!

I didn't get to go for the gig, but that doesn't matter so much anymore 'cause a fellow fan called me up when Lifehouse was performing one of my fave songs, and I got to hear the entire song. LIVE. That's all that matters.

I was screaming, singing along, crying, and laughing - all at the same time, during the call.

Liz, you rock my world. I'm basically the happiest fangirl alive now.

I don't care even if my mum finds out that I lied to her to get to the venue (haha, I'll be in deep trouble!), but you guys just rock.


You may not know how much that meant to me, but it really did - a whole lot.

And I can't thank you enough. This is the first time someone did something like that for me. :)


And you deserve all that you got, be it meeting Lifehouse or getting to see them up-front.

You are one awesome friend.


Please tell us how the whole gig went, although judging by the call, it was just beyond amazing.

I hope Lifehouse comes again (and performs at a larger venue), and we can attend their gig together! :D

Edited by anordinarymiracle
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Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it :happy:


The pics are from my friend, but I'm sure she doesn't mind as long as you give her credit for it ;]






Ah cool.What's ur friend's name?

(I've saved the pics though on my comp..for me gaze at:$ )

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liz holy shit i'm so envious of you right now. argh i regret not texting you to call me or anything! :( :( how was lifehouse's gig? did you meet them again? was Jason Wade really nice? what was the setlist? haha so many questions!


ok thats it lah, the next time any band comes in town, liz i'm going with you. you're like.. so lucky. confirm can meet the band wan haha :D

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I'm back in Malaysia! What a week!


Guys, it was the least I could do since you weren't able to make it yourselves! :] Glad you enjoyed the calls. Faz, I called you during Am I Ever Gonna Find Out. Since you mentioned you enjoyed listening to Stanley Climbfall, I figured that was the closest I could get for you to Wash! Debbie, I wanted to call you too but I didn't have your number :( Don't worry, I took videos for you! :] I think you'll especially like the neat little ending they did for Broken!


The concert last night was ... out of the ordinary. I don't believe it has sunk in me just yet that I have seen them. There are so many "human" things that I have to attend to right now like unpacking my luggage and repacking it because I'll be heading back to college in awhile. Then of course I'll have to get back down to reality pronto because I'll need to submit my (late) internship application and the beginning of a tough semester is about to kick off. The only thing that I'm really bothered to do now is to sit down and write a proper 10 page review of the Lifehouse gig though before I forget any important details!


Let me just leave you with my favourite shot from the night though:



I love that Jason's pair of chucks were so worn and dirty. Haha <3 Yeah, I'm weird like that. .. and no, this is not feet porn.


Safe to say, when Jason gets down on his knees (which he did a LOT of times during the gig), this is my view of him:



Tell me, how the hell am I supposed to go back to college after experiencing something like that?!


Bracing myself for a very very bad case of withdrawl right now.

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I'm back in Malaysia! What a week!


Guys, it was the least I could do since you weren't able to make it yourselves! :] Glad you enjoyed the calls. Faz, I called you during Am I Ever Gonna Find Out. Since you mentioned you enjoyed listening to Stanley Climbfall, I figured that was the closest I could get for you to Wash! Debbie, I wanted to call you too but I didn't have your number :( Don't worry, I took videos for you! :] I think you'll especially like the neat little ending they did for Broken!


The concert last night was ... out of the ordinary. I don't believe it has sunk in me just yet that I have seen them. There are so many "human" things that I have to attend to right now like unpacking my luggage and repacking it because I'll be heading back to college in awhile. Then of course I'll have to get back down to reality pronto because I'll need to submit my (late) internship application and the beginning of a tough semester is about to kick off. The only thing that I'm really bothered to do now is to sit down and write a proper 10 page review of the Lifehouse gig though before I forget any important details!


Let me just leave you with my favourite shot from the night though:



I love that Jason's pair of chucks were so worn and dirty. Haha <3 Yeah, I'm weird like that. .. and no, this is not feet porn.


Safe to say, when Jason gets down on his knees (which he did a LOT of times during the gig), this is my view of him:



Tell me, how the hell am I supposed to go back to college after experiencing something like that?!


Bracing myself for a very very bad case of withdrawl right now.


:shifty:Looks like people in this thread have some obsession for chucks as well :shifty:


:p Haha..... Lol... Awwww....... So lucky for you Liz and such a great experience ^^

2 concerts almost back to back.... Yeah, I get what you mean when you say how the hell am I suppose to go back to college. It is a real mind blowing experience. And after that, everything seems dull in comparison right? Lol! Sort of felt that too after Muse concert :rolleyes::p


Nice for all of you who have went to either Ash or Lifehouse concert :happy: I do hope they do come to Malaysia one day :( then the chances me of being able to go is much higher =D =P


Anyway, haven't been here for a week and phoar!! at the post =P Thank you for the LH pictures Liz ^^ And miss all of you :happy::kiss:

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I'm back in Malaysia! What a week!


Guys, it was the least I could do since you weren't able to make it yourselves! :] Glad you enjoyed the calls. Faz, I called you during Am I Ever Gonna Find Out. Since you mentioned you enjoyed listening to Stanley Climbfall, I figured that was the closest I could get for you to Wash! Debbie, I wanted to call you too but I didn't have your number :( Don't worry, I took videos for you! :] I think you'll especially like the neat little ending they did for Broken!


The concert last night was ... out of the ordinary. I don't believe it has sunk in me just yet that I have seen them. There are so many "human" things that I have to attend to right now like unpacking my luggage and repacking it because I'll be heading back to college in awhile. Then of course I'll have to get back down to reality pronto because I'll need to submit my (late) internship application and the beginning of a tough semester is about to kick off. The only thing that I'm really bothered to do now is to sit down and write a proper 10 page review of the Lifehouse gig though before I forget any important details!


Let me just leave you with my favourite shot from the night though:



I love that Jason's pair of chucks were so worn and dirty. Haha <3 Yeah, I'm weird like that. .. and no, this is not feet porn.


Safe to say, when Jason gets down on his knees (which he did a LOT of times during the gig), this is my view of him:



Tell me, how the hell am I supposed to go back to college after experiencing something like that?!


Bracing myself for a very very bad case of withdrawl right now.


oh wow. if i were you i don't think i'll ever be able to continue my life properly after all that you've been through. meeting Ash, then Lifehouse and of course the Sg F1 night race. in the span of what? 8 days? u've got some awesome and perhaps once-in-a-lifetime experiences there that i could only dream of having. the fact that u're so young makes me wanna do something about my life right now haha...


Liz, did u ever get to play a chord for Jason during the gig? coz that shot meant that you must be so effing near him. u must be in the front row? oh, the envy!!! haha.. i would love to read yr 10 page review of the Lifehouse gig. so i hope u can post/ link it here. hopefully there'll be more pictures and vids from both Ash and LH gigs? heh heh.. thanks for the call again.

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Liz, if u do post the 10 page review dont forget Ash as well ok, please? :D If possible every little gesture pun cerita la.



Faz, why u wish can tag along? If it's work I'm having worries too, but Liz has inspired me to live more dangerously :LOL:


Aida, replied oredi. Will try to confirm with u as far as I can, buut my work is a abit of a last minute thing la.Damn la, why the two shows so dekat tarikh one?



Anyone else up for Manics / + Ash? Any currently silent Singaporeans / Thais? :p

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Liz, if u do post the 10 page review dont forget Ash as well ok, please? :D If possible every little gesture pun cerita la.



Faz, why u wish can tag along? If it's work I'm having worries too, but Liz has inspired me to live more dangerously :LOL:


Aida, replied oredi. Will try to confirm with u as far as I can, buut my work is a abit of a last minute thing la.Damn la, why the two shows so dekat tarikh one?



Anyone else up for Manics / + Ash? Any currently silent Singaporeans / Thais? :p


Haha, I'm from Singapore :)

Big LH fan here, but Muse is great too! :D

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I'm back in Malaysia! What a week!


Guys, it was the least I could do since you weren't able to make it yourselves! :] Glad you enjoyed the calls. Faz, I called you during Am I Ever Gonna Find Out. Since you mentioned you enjoyed listening to Stanley Climbfall, I figured that was the closest I could get for you to Wash! Debbie, I wanted to call you too but I didn't have your number :( Don't worry, I took videos for you! :] I think you'll especially like the neat little ending they did for Broken!


The concert last night was ... out of the ordinary. I don't believe it has sunk in me just yet that I have seen them. There are so many "human" things that I have to attend to right now like unpacking my luggage and repacking it because I'll be heading back to college in awhile. Then of course I'll have to get back down to reality pronto because I'll need to submit my (late) internship application and the beginning of a tough semester is about to kick off. The only thing that I'm really bothered to do now is to sit down and write a proper 10 page review of the Lifehouse gig though before I forget any important details!


Let me just leave you with my favourite shot from the night though:



I love that Jason's pair of chucks were so worn and dirty. Haha <3 Yeah, I'm weird like that. .. and no, this is not feet porn.


Safe to say, when Jason gets down on his knees (which he did a LOT of times during the gig), this is my view of him:



Tell me, how the hell am I supposed to go back to college after experiencing something like that?!


Bracing myself for a very very bad case of withdrawl right now.


Hey Liz!


Omg, thanks for the review and pics! Please post up your 10-page review, it'd be so nice to read about all the minute details about the very awesome concert!


Haha. I can totally understand how you feel! Everytime something so out of the ordinary happens in my life, I feel like I can never go back to school and lead the normal life again. Haha. But nothing can compare to the experience you had at Ash's and LH's gig, and of course, F1! :LOL: I haven't actually been to any concerts/gigs yet, I'm hoping alot that LH will be back for SingFest next year! You'll be coming if they do, right? :)


P.S. Thanks for the call again. Thanks for everything! :LOL:

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I'm back in Malaysia! What a week!


Guys, it was the least I could do since you weren't able to make it yourselves! :] Glad you enjoyed the calls. Faz, I called you during Am I Ever Gonna Find Out. Since you mentioned you enjoyed listening to Stanley Climbfall, I figured that was the closest I could get for you to Wash! Debbie, I wanted to call you too but I didn't have your number :( Don't worry, I took videos for you! :] I think you'll especially like the neat little ending they did for Broken!


The concert last night was ... out of the ordinary. I don't believe it has sunk in me just yet that I have seen them. There are so many "human" things that I have to attend to right now like unpacking my luggage and repacking it because I'll be heading back to college in awhile. Then of course I'll have to get back down to reality pronto because I'll need to submit my (late) internship application and the beginning of a tough semester is about to kick off. The only thing that I'm really bothered to do now is to sit down and write a proper 10 page review of the Lifehouse gig though before I forget any important details!


Let me just leave you with my favourite shot from the night though:



I love that Jason's pair of chucks were so worn and dirty. Haha <3 Yeah, I'm weird like that. .. and no, this is not feet porn.


Safe to say, when Jason gets down on his knees (which he did a LOT of times during the gig), this is my view of him:



Tell me, how the hell am I supposed to go back to college after experiencing something like that?!


Bracing myself for a very very bad case of withdrawl right now.


And I wanted to text your cousin's number too but then i didnt get round to do it because i've been so busy during the weekend and my computer so conveniently died during raya. But now of course my comp is alive and well la haha. Kak faz has my number! Ah well, I hope your cousin is fine with the credit you used! lol. I remember when i called my friend who couldnt make it for the Incubus @ Sunburst gig, I called during her favouritest song ever Talk Shows On Mute, omg, she got damn emo she was like "why did you call me!!!". I thought i was doing something nice :( Glad to know that its only her who has that weird reaction la haha.


I wanna see the videooos! Did you meet up with your friend Andy? Is that even his name? haha i forgot, he's the dude who went for the switchfoot gig with you methinks.


OMG la i cant believe you got up so close! you could practically touch his chucks wei. MY chucks are still white and brand new :LOL: I know they only look better old and worn out but I cant stand the thought of someone stepping on my shoes! :(

Wah. Hand porn in the down-on-his-knees pic wei. Is Jason Wade married? :eek:


And I agree with what kak faz and miele said, after reading about your experience with Ash, Lifehouse and the F1 race, omfg I wanna live my life more dangerously too :LOL: Srsly man, I have like so many regrets this year. :( I've got to get it in my head that I'm only young once! Might as well just take advantage of that.


Liz, you're one heck of a legend la, haha. Cant wait to read your 10 page review on the gig! I really want to read that :D

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Miele...I've replied to u as well, with the pros & cons of Bangkok VS Spore...I'm arguing my case to a lawyer, tough one here :p


Bangkok Rock tix will only go on sale 16 Oct, so still have time to think


All hail to Liz for inspiring us all to heck, just do it! ;)

Edited by weresodisco
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I think I'll be writing the review(s) when I'm completely cut off from the internet. Here's hoping I do not procrastinate!


Liz, if u do post the 10 page review dont forget Ash as well ok, please? :D If possible every little gesture pun cerita la.

Miele, I believe 6 out of 10 pages for the Ash review would be filled with the detailed numerous hair flips that Tim made during the concert. :LOL:


The bad thing about the Ash concert is that I did not have my camera around! It was in my bag and the security helped us in the front row to put it down on the other side of the barrier - so I couldn't reach it! But fret not, my friend L has plentyyy of videos from the night and I'm only waiting for her to update so I could link you guys :]


She uploaded this that day:

(Even the official Ash site linked her video!) Don't you just love Tim's Irish accent & hairflip? XD





@ Deb, no sadly I did not meet the guys personally again but I blame that on the organizers. Sigh. and yes, Jason Wade's married - for almost 8 years now! To Braeden, an absolute darling and also his childhood sweetheart (of sorts lol). The song Somewhere In Between was written for her when Jason wasn't sure if she was only a friend or something more. Safe to say, he played that song to her and they became an item! Lol. So cute, right? At the mean time though, here's the Lifehouse setlist! (which I now have, thanks to Angie! also managed to get Bryce's pick :happy:)


1. Make Me Over

2. Spin

3. Am I Ever Gonna Find Out

4. Interlude - Quasimodo

5. Simon <3

6. Hanging By A Moment

7. Blind

8. Somebody Else's Song

9. From Where You Are

10. Bridges

11. Better Luck Next Time

12. Whatever It Takes

13. You and Me

14. First Time



15. Storm !!

16. Disarray

17. Broken


I added phone credit for my cousin lol. She's been an absolutely wonderful host! I promised her I would only bother her once a year though lol. Also, I have come to understand the public transport in Singapore. I can take a bus now from anywhere to Vivo City! Take that, Nut! Lol.



I haven't actually been to any concerts/gigs yet, I'm hoping alot that LH will be back for SingFest next year! You'll be coming if they do, right? :)

I don't think I want Lifehouse to play Singfest 2009, they wouldn't play a complete set then (unless they headline the festival like Travis this year - heh). I'm hoping they would play at proper and appropriate venues the next time they head over to this region! I'll definitely be there again though for sure. I have to see Everything live - at least! And to have Jason signing my pair of Chucks. Lol.



I wanna see the videooos! Did you meet up with your friend Andy? Is that even his name? haha i forgot, he's the dude who went for the switchfoot gig with you methinks.

Yeah, I met up with Andy! He passed me a DVD filled with .mpeg files from his camera! Vids from Death Cab, Stereophonics, Travis, Switchfoot etc! If the vids from his youtube channel aren't clear enough for you, I could always get you another copy if you want....


Miele...I've replied to u as well, with the pros & cons of Bangkok VS Spore...I'm arguing my case to a lawyer, tough one here :p


Bangkok Rock tix will only go on sale 16 Oct, so still have time to think

I hope you guys make it for the Bangkok one as well as the Singapore one. The bad thing about missing Singapore is that Manic probably won't play a proper full set for the Bangkok festival, but if you go to Singapore only, you won't get to see Ash! Would be fun to join you guys! But I doubt I could head down to SG again after last week. I'm so broke!


And you guys... <3. I'm only doing all this because I was inspired by your trip to Bangkok last year! LOL living dangerously?! Taking chances, I would say :$ It definitely comes with a cost though! But when it pays off, it really is worth everything. I'm only bracing myself for something horrible to come my way soon. Last week was too good to be true!

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Haha, I'm from Singapore :)

Big LH fan here, but Muse is great too! :D


Awright cool. U going for Manics 24 Nov. I only have 2 Manics albums but going to buy all now ;)


And I agree with what kak faz and miele said, after reading about your experience with Ash, Lifehouse and the F1 race, omfg I wanna live my life more dangerously too :LOL: Srsly man, I have like so many regrets this year. :( I've got to get it in my head that I'm only young once! Might as well just take advantage of that.


Liz, you're one heck of a legend la, haha. Cant wait to read your 10 page review on the gig! I really want to read that :D


Word / you go girl / seize the day etc. :LOL:




Miele...I've replied to u as well, with the pros & cons of Bangkok VS Spore...I'm arguing my case to a lawyer, tough one here :p


Bangkok Rock tix will only go on sale 16 Oct, so still have time to think


All hail to Liz for inspiring us all to heck, just do it! ;)


Haha, thanks, you've helped in organising my scattered / fickle thoughts la. And yeah Liz, u do rock, at such a young age pulak tu.





And you guys... <3. I'm only doing all this because I was inspired by your trip to Bangkok last year! LOL living dangerously?! Taking chances, I would say :$ It definitely comes with a cost though! But when it pays off, it really is worth everything. I'm only bracing myself for something horrible to come my way soon. Last week was too good to be true!


Thanks for the link, but cant view it at work, damn. Oh and thank you to L too.



Haha inspired by Bangkok? So nice la you :$ But your taking chances is a what is awe-inspiring. Dontla say bad karma pulak. All the good u did for us would surely bring more good karma instead :)

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Guilt-stricken, I don't think I've ever been more jealous of anyone before. :(


Also, are any of you travelling to Singapore to see Motley Crue?


ME!!! wishes..:stunned:

I'm back in Malaysia! What a week!


Guys, it was the least I could do since you weren't able to make it yourselves! :] Glad you enjoyed the calls. Faz, I called you during Am I Ever Gonna Find Out. Since you mentioned you enjoyed listening to Stanley Climbfall, I figured that was the closest I could get for you to Wash! Debbie, I wanted to call you too but I didn't have your number :( Don't worry, I took videos for you! :] I think you'll especially like the neat little ending they did for Broken!


The concert last night was ... out of the ordinary. I don't believe it has sunk in me just yet that I have seen them. There are so many "human" things that I have to attend to right now like unpacking my luggage and repacking it because I'll be heading back to college in awhile. Then of course I'll have to get back down to reality pronto because I'll need to submit my (late) internship application and the beginning of a tough semester is about to kick off. The only thing that I'm really bothered to do now is to sit down and write a proper 10 page review of the Lifehouse gig though before I forget any important details!


Let me just leave you with my favourite shot from the night though:



I love that Jason's pair of chucks were so worn and dirty. Haha <3 Yeah, I'm weird like that. .. and no, this is not feet porn.


Safe to say, when Jason gets down on his knees (which he did a LOT of times during the gig), this is my view of him:



Tell me, how the hell am I supposed to go back to college after experiencing something like that?!


Bracing myself for a very very bad case of withdrawl right now.


Wow very very nice pics :D:D

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Faz, why u wish can tag along? If it's work I'm having worries too, but Liz has inspired me to live more dangerously :LOL:


yeah la.. it's always work. plus, i have to bertugas for spm this year since last year i asked someone else to cover for me. :(


And I wanted to text your cousin's number too but then i didnt get round to do it because i've been so busy during the weekend and my computer so conveniently died during raya. But now of course my comp is alive and well la haha. Kak faz has my number! Ah well, I hope your cousin is fine with the credit you used! lol. I remember when i called my friend who couldnt make it for the Incubus @ Sunburst gig, I called during her favouritest song ever Talk Shows On Mute, omg, she got damn emo she was like "why did you call me!!!". I thought i was doing something nice Glad to know that its only her who has that weird reaction la haha.



And I agree with what kak faz and miele said, after reading about your experience with Ash, Lifehouse and the F1 race, omfg I wanna live my life more dangerously too :LOL: Srsly man, I have like so many regrets this year. I've got to get it in my head that I'm only young once! Might as well just take advantage of that.


Liz, you're one heck of a legend la, haha. Cant wait to read your 10 page review on the gig! I really want to read that :D


i should've given Liz yr number! so sorry. i just cant think properly these days.


carpedium (sp??) !!! :D it's true deb, you're only young once! so better do the things that u always want to do now before u're tied to other commitments. speaking of being young, am i too old to get a pair of chucks? haha.. not like Dom's super-cool-silver ones, but the basic black ones. i've always wanted to buy a pair but always got distracted by other shoes heh heh..


I think I'll be writing the review(s) when I'm completely cut off from the internet. Here's hoping I do not procrastinate!




@ Deb, no sadly I did not meet the guys personally again but I blame that on the organizers. Sigh. and yes, Jason Wade's married - for almost 8 years now! To Braeden, an absolute darling and also his childhood sweetheart (of sorts lol). The song Somewhere In Between was written for her when Jason wasn't sure if she was only a friend or something more. Safe to say, he played that song to her and they became an item! Lol. So cute, right? At the mean time though, here's the Lifehouse setlist! (which I now have, thanks to Angie! also managed to get Bryce's pick :happy:)


1. Make Me Over

2. Spin

3. Am I Ever Gonna Find Out

4. Interlude - Quasimodo

5. Simon <3

6. Hanging By A Moment

7. Blind

8. Somebody Else's Song

9. From Where You Are

10. Bridges

11. Better Luck Next Time

12. Whatever It Takes

13. You and Me

14. First Time



15. Storm !!

16. Disarray

17. Broken


I added phone credit for my cousin lol. She's been an absolutely wonderful host! I promised her I would only bother her once a year though lol. Also, I have come to understand the public transport in Singapore. I can take a bus now from anywhere to Vivo City! Take that, Nut! Lol.


I don't think I want Lifehouse to play Singfest 2009, they wouldn't play a complete set then (unless they headline the festival like Travis this year - heh). I'm hoping they would play at proper and appropriate venues the next time they head over to this region! I'll definitely be there again though for sure. I have to see Everything live - at least! And to have Jason signing my pair of Chucks. Lol.


And you guys... <3. I'm only doing all this because I was inspired by your trip to Bangkok last year! LOL living dangerously?! Taking chances, I would say :$ It definitely comes with a cost though! But when it pays off, it really is worth everything. I'm only bracing myself for something horrible to come my way soon. Last week was too good to be true!


wow 17 songs and u managed to get the setlist and Bryce's pick. i don't think i like u now.. haha. jeles giler. that's a great setlist for a very last minute show. i watched some vids on youtube and they were great! it looked so intimate and the end bit of Broken was amazing. it's interesting that they open with make me over with that guitar intro. is it true that the front row people got to put their elbows on the stage? :eek: damn close la u to the guys!! wish they'll come again and hopefully i'll be able to see 'em.


nice... at least we did something that inspired people eh miele? :LOL: but our trip to bangkok is nothing compared to yr experiences in S'pore la Liz.


ME!!! wishes..:stunned:



Wow very very nice pics :D:D


u're really going? yay!! :D but you're under age!! :p:LOL:

Edited by crazy_mary
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Dammit I really really wish I could! But school, and parents, and money...:stunned:


Aww, what part of Malaysia are you in? Are you close to Johor Baru?

And have any of you that have been to Singapore gone to Zouk? If so, is there ID checking/age limits?

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u're really going? yay!! :D but you're under age!! :p:LOL:


OF COURSE im not. PFFFFFT. *bersabars*


Aww, what part of Malaysia are you in? Are you close to Johor Baru?

And have any of you that have been to Singapore gone to Zouk? If so, is there ID checking/age limits?


I live in JB (: I believe Zouk does have age limits :rolleyes:

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@ Deb, no sadly I did not meet the guys personally again but I blame that on the organizers. Sigh. and yes, Jason Wade's married - for almost 8 years now! To Braeden, an absolute darling and also his childhood sweetheart (of sorts lol). The song Somewhere In Between was written for her when Jason wasn't sure if she was only a friend or something more. Safe to say, he played that song to her and they became an item! Lol. So cute, right? At the mean time though, here's the Lifehouse setlist! (which I now have, thanks to Angie! also managed to get Bryce's pick )


1. Make Me Over

2. Spin

3. Am I Ever Gonna Find Out

4. Interlude - Quasimodo

5. Simon <3

6. Hanging By A Moment

7. Blind

8. Somebody Else's Song

9. From Where You Are

10. Bridges

11. Better Luck Next Time

12. Whatever It Takes

13. You and Me

14. First Time



15. Storm !!

16. Disarray

17. Broken


I added phone credit for my cousin lol. She's been an absolutely wonderful host! I promised her I would only bother her once a year though lol. Also, I have come to understand the public transport in Singapore. I can take a bus now from anywhere to Vivo City! Take that, Nut! Lol.


I don't think I want Lifehouse to play Singfest 2009, they wouldn't play a complete set then (unless they headline the festival like Travis this year - heh). I'm hoping they would play at proper and appropriate venues the next time they head over to this region! I'll definitely be there again though for sure. I have to see Everything live - at least! And to have Jason signing my pair of Chucks. Lol.


Yeah, I met up with Andy! He passed me a DVD filled with .mpeg files from his camera! Vids from Death Cab, Stereophonics, Travis, Switchfoot etc! If the vids from his youtube channel aren't clear enough for you, I could always get you another copy if you want...


Aww so sweet la, if someone ever sings a song to me.. an original song summore, wah, i'm his wei. :LOL: Aww I love Make Me Over! and SIMONNN!! <33 and what a nice way to start the encore with Storm :happy: omg they closed with Broken!! Where is 'From Where You Are' from ar? I cant find it on any of the albums i have.. :confused:


Omg yeah wei I'd love to hear Everything live. do they still play it? I remember watching this video on youtube, quite a christianny video using that song, its like all over youtube la really, anyway, yeah it was like so touching :supersad: and ever since then, I really love 'Everything' la :happy: Even my church did a sketch/skit with that song. pretty neat stuff :)

Lol Liz chucks are so expensive la, i bet you wont wear your chucks once Jason Wade signs em right? :chuckle: then you have to buy new ones again :(


Hey haha I honestly dont mind getting a copy, if its not too susah la :$ Lol your friend travels to Singapore so often! He should get a house there or something. srsly.


yeah la.. it's always work. plus, i have to bertugas for spm this year since last year i asked someone else to cover for me.


i should've given Liz yr number! so sorry. i just cant think properly these days.


carpedium (sp??) !!! :D it's true deb, you're only young once! so better do the things that u always want to do now before u're tied to other commitments. speaking of being young, am i too old to get a pair of chucks? haha.. not like Dom's super-cool-silver ones, but the basic black ones. i've always wanted to buy a pair but always got distracted by other shoes heh heh..


Aww SPM. I cant believe its been almost a year already since I sat for my SPM last year. :stunned: I'm so glad I got that over with :LOL:


Naww haha its fine la, i wouldn't have thought of it either! :$


carpe diem woooh! :D Nah I dont think you're too old to get a pair of chucks. I was watching Heroes (SEASON 3!!) and I noticed that SYLAR was wearing chucks! lolololz. so cute la. Go buy a pair! :D I'm very happy with mine, haha.

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speaking of being young, am i too old to get a pair of chucks? haha.. not like Dom's super-cool-silver ones, but the basic black ones. i've always wanted to buy a pair but always got distracted by other shoes heh heh..

You're never too old to get a pair of chucks. My very own mother wears a pair of black chucks to work <3 She says it's comfortable. LOL.:LOL:




wow 17 songs and u managed to get the setlist and Bryce's pick. i don't think i like u now.. haha. jeles giler. that's a great setlist for a very last minute show. i watched some vids on youtube and they were great! it looked so intimate and the end bit of Broken was amazing. it's interesting that they open with make me over with that guitar intro. is it true that the front row people got to put their elbows on the stage? damn close la u to the guys!! wish they'll come again and hopefully i'll be able to see 'em.

Aww don't hate me :( I'll shake hands with you the next time I see you to pass on the "Jason Wade" handshake :LOL: The sad part about the setlist is that ... they've been playing almost the exact same setlist for over a year now! I wish they would ... play other songs like Only One and Take Me Away! But eh, I suppose I shouldn't ask for too much. I'm happyyy. :happy: There are moments during the gig where I'll nudge at my sis and ask her to film Bryce, because I knew that he would be singing the chorus to Better Luck Next Time. Kind of a spoiler I suppose because I've heard so many LH bootlegs prior to this lol.


Yeah, there was absolutely NO barricade at all. It was just us and the stage. Kyaa. Super duper close! Even closer than I was to Explosions In the Sky last time because there were no annoying camera guys in front of me for Lifehouse! Just Jason!


I pray hope LH will come back so we can all go together next time! Jason promised he would. But I wouldn't bet against anything that Jason said because he told fans in Europe repeatedly that Lifehouse would be heading to tour Europe soon but the last time they played there was in 2002! That's the one bad part about their record label, I suppose. Geffen just refuses to send them over as often as the overseas fans would like to. I think they've only recently realized about the South East Asian market after playing that one gig back in July @ the Philippines!



Aww so sweet la, if someone ever sings a song to me.. an original song summore, wah, i'm his wei. :LOL: Aww I love Make Me Over! and SIMONNN!! <33 and what a nice way to start the encore with Storm :happy: omg they closed with Broken!! Where is 'From Where You Are' from ar? I cant find it on any of the albums i have..


Omg yeah wei I'd love to hear Everything live. do they still play it? I remember watching this video on youtube, quite a christianny video using that song, its like all over youtube la really, anyway, yeah it was like so touching. and ever since then, I really love 'Everything' la


Hey haha I honestly dont mind getting a copy, if its not too susah la Lol your friend travels to Singapore so often! He should get a house there or something. srsly.

From Where You Are is a song Jason wrote for an

. The Lifehouse community actually just recently lost one of our fellow boardie member to a tumor in her brain and this song means a lot to us because it relates really well to her. Sigh. Amazing how one song can connect all of us together. Jason has told a few fans in the US that FWYA will be in the next new album!


The last time we heard Everything live in full would be a good year back I think. But back in July (July 5th to be exact), on Jason's birthday - about 23 of us from the forums went to a show in Milwaukee to pass Jason his birthday present and some cupcakes. Lol. After the crowd sang Happy Birthday to Jason, the rest of the band left the stage and armed with his guitar alone, he sang a teaser to Everything for the fans!


Andy actually lives in Singapore. Haha! Well, I could get one copy for you in our next Muser meet up ;]


I finally managed to upload the video of Broken from my camera. Filmed by my sister. Youtube kinda messed up the quality though - but you can still hear (with an almost inaudible Jason).


Five things I like from it:

1) Jason throwing his guitar pick right in our faces! Lol.

2) Ben tucking his hair behind his ears.

3) Bryce twirling in the background.

4) Rick standing up as he hit the last beat.

5) Mhmm. Jason falling down to his knees right in front of my eyes!



Ok.. Sorry, enough of this Lifehouse talk for now! PS: I'm now working on page seven in my review. Lol.



Coooome. Please, I need somebody to go with!

Try googling on google blog search to see whether there are any other lone fans heading for Motley Crue! I happened to find my Ash buddy, L, through a random blog search. I kid you not!


All the best and I hope you make it for the gig!







A lot of people came up to us to ask about the banner! Haha. They ask silly questions like, "Are you from KL" well d'oh! :LOL:


You can view L's videos HERE. :D Keep checking back, I'm sure she'll update more!


Edited by guilt-stricken
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