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Yeah. Like suddenly, Malaysia's getting some pretty big international acts performing here =) Lets hope that Muse spreads the word to other kewl bands abt just how kewl Malaysian concert-goers are. Then, we'll get more big acts coming our way. And Muse can come back, again & again. The future looks bright folks.


yeah that's right man..i really hope that someday the other band will take the message from MUSE that all malaysian people were too thirsty to get their live act concert here..most probably i really hope to see after MUSE will be Coldplay..such a good band with many hits songs..


i think all organiser in malaysia must know how to get the great band like MUSE instead searching for just popular singer with all those hits song in radio..for me, they can sell more tickets if they bring the groups beside one popular artist as Kanye West ( example )..they should know most people will interested to get through with the concert, i mean the live performance by their artist and not just influenced by their reputations at international stage..i might be wrong sometimes..hehe..just my 2 cents:D

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hey debbie....this is the link to dl the song




hey thanks for that. after downloading the song, and after hearing it, i seriously feel like deleting it. its so horrible. oh god! :mad: THIS IS A DISGRACE!! :(


perhaps Muse is actually way more popular than Kanye?? :D the thing wif being popular is that u can easily get to hear his songs on the radio so there's no need to buy his album. just switch on hitz and u'll hear his song at least once every 15 mins. but wif rock music here (honest rock music from bands like muse and rage, i mean..) as its difficult for 'em to get any airplay, the only way to hear their songs is to buy their albums. hence we noe all the words to all their songs unlike kanye's fans who only knew the lyrics to the hits.. guess that was why the atmosphere was not as electric as muse? or perhaps rock gig is wayyy wilder than hip hop ones? but beasties gigs are awesome.. and yeah, pineapple kinda sux in managing concerts. my hellish pineapple concert was incubus.. dunno la, ish.. it was so disorganised.


i think u haf to take part in contest to win passes to that gig.





:yesey: my friends always asked me how i could tahan being at the rock concerts that i've been to. the pushing, the sweat and everything.. there's just something la about being in the pitt. the atmosphere is very different than just sitting or even standing at the sitting area.




but having got to stand rite in fornt, i wish that i could see a lot of things peeps at the back got to see.. but the drooling part is unaviodable if ur infront. still felt like a dream :D


lol my only muse moment was when the 3 of them came out onto stage before the pushing started. and i saw all 3 of them.. smiling at the crowd. i was so mesmerized. :happy: at that moment, i actually felt bliss.

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yeah that's right man..i really hope that someday the other band will take the message from MUSE that all malaysian people were too thirsty to get their live act concert here..most probably i really hope to see after MUSE will be Coldplay..such a good band with many hits songs..


i think all organiser in malaysia must know how to get the great band like MUSE instead searching for just popular singer with all those hits song in radio..for me, they can sell more tickets if they bring the groups beside one popular artist as Kanye West ( example )..they should know most people will interested to get through with the concert, i mean the live performance by their artist and not just influenced by their reputations at international stage..i might be wrong sometimes..hehe..just my 2 cents:D


it's hard la actually.. muse must have taken everyone by surprise.. not even muse fans thought their tickets would sell out so fast, if at all..


must have caused all other concert organizers to jump and try to find "the next best muse"..


ahh, kan senang bawak je muse datang balik, bwek.. bawak masuk 4 kali setahun pun i sanggup tgk :$

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i totally agree with that!!! :musesign: come back please!!!


see? no amount of kanye west fan would even come back for seconds, let alone 4 concerts in a year..


muse hav been gone for 2 months and still we are here on this board..



muse has always have obsessive fans.. look at this board, all this people just waiting and waiting for muse to come their way

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Some interesting things to lay out here:


I think Matt is also very much inspired by Francis Ford Coppola's films e.g. Space Dementia (from Dementia 13, 1969 ) or Apocalpyse Please (from Apocalypse Now, 1979).

I actually just finished watching the Godfather Trilogy (Coppola's most famous films) and so came up with this.


Secondly, I think Muse is becoming commercial in Malaysia, since format radio (esp Hitz) are playing Starlight to death - which is not a good thing (in my opinion). In a way, it did introduce Muse to uninitiated M'sians, but that's about it. Hitz is only going to play that song, the likes of KoC would certainly put off their majority listeners. It was a promo blitz more for the gig actually.


For me, I'd rather Muse maintain a niche base, rather than "sell out". But of course, they're already a household name in UK. Let them be unknown in the US, not because I have any ill feelings towards Muse, but because commerciality kills.


I also feel Format Radio kills. I'd rather listen to radio 4, where they play a myriad list of genres. Heck, I think me and my bro's record collection surpasses that of Hitz playlist. I'd rather Hitz not play Muse anymore, because they'll attract the "wrong" kind of audience, those who likes that particular song only, then totally ignore the rest of the band's material. Real music fans will dig up all the sources available, without relying on the radio.


Yes, I've read that some of u listen to Clash@Red fm Sundays 2-4pm. It's good! The 2 hosts are actually The Star's journalist, so they know their stuff. U cud also listen to Radio 4's AlterNation, Thurs, 10pm -1am. The DJ is knowledgeable too! And a she !


OK, thanks to those who enjoyed the Radiohead tutorial. I suppose I'll go with bands who influence Muse then. Hey, The Smiths are listed as one of them! I think I'll go with The Smiths next !


p/s : Hmmm, there are many lawyers on this board. Any petroleum engineers? Hahaha..what a weird mix

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Hallo all,


I love the Smiths ! ( I was exposed to The Smiths because Suede were influenced by them). So here goes (summarised) :


They were formed in 1982. Yup, 1980s band, so their songs are more structured on melody. Hmm..how do I describe them? You'd say pop-ish I guess. They are notable for the singer- Morrissey's unusual, witty, and controversial lyrics. And his voice is very deep and bass-y. What an irony I just sent a lyric from The Smiths ( There Is A Light That Never Goes Out)..aaah, what a beautiful song.. to Crazy_Mary for her analysis.


Sadly, The Smiths has disbanded (in 1987). But Morissey is pursuing his solo career now. They're relatively unknown outside UK/Europe, but have a remaining, faithful cult following.


To tell you the truth, I don't have all their albums, just The Queen Is Dead and my bro's compilation album The World Won't Listen.


So, for discography, I say it's better to check out wikipedia:



So, what songs of recommendation then? Plenty ! Here are some of my faves :


There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - from The Queen Is Dead, 1986

Bigmouth Strikes Again - from The Queen Is Dead , 1986

How Soon Is Now (many artistes have covered this, one of the covers was used as the TV series Charmed theme song) - from Hatful of Hollow, 1984

What Difference Does It Make - from Hatful of Hollow, 1984

The Boy With the Thorn In His Side - from The Queen Is Dead , 1986

Vicar In A Tutu - from The Queen Is Dead , 1986

That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore - from Meat Is Murder, 1985


Morissey solo albums:

The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get - from Vauxhall & I


Oh dear, I don't have much for his solo material. I'll better start digging up.


Morrissey is very politically outspoken and has criticised some politicians. Also active in animal rights. I've got to cite this, (taken from Wikipedia):


"With all my heart I urge people to vote against George Bush. It does not need to be said yet again, but Bush has single-handedly turned the United States into the most neurotic and terror-obsessed country on the planet. For non-Americans, the United States is suddenly not a very nice place to visit because US immigration officers — under the rules of Bush — now conduct themselves with all the charm and unanswerable indignation of Hitler’s SS. Please bring sanity and intelligence back to the United States. Don’t forget to vote. Vote for John Kerry and get rid of George"


As you can see, they have rather unusual and long song titles right? This sets them apart from their counterparts during their height. Do analyse the lyrics, they're witty!


Hope you'll sample them, and thanks for your time!

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p/s : Hmmm, there are many lawyers on this board. Any petroleum engineers? Hahaha..what a weird mix


well the rest of my family are engineers if that helps (i'm the only one in law).. so i have 3 people in ma family in the oil industry (out of 7 of us)


p/s zack, what's that weird thing on ur avatar?

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guess what????


muse paid me an unexpected visit yesterday!!

they took a break from giggin in the us and came to my hse!!!:D




as u can notice, they're kinda attached to each other...take photo also must take together..

dunno how to pose any other way also.:LOL:




best band in the world wif best club in the world ;)




dom was intrigued with my ceiling fan in my room the whole time..couldnt stop looking up, you see..



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ahh, kan senang bawak je muse datang balik, bwek.. bawak masuk 4 kali setahun pun i sanggup tgk :$


i totally agree with that!!! :musesign: come back please!!!


hehe..please come again...datang jgn tak datang..i'll be waiting for u:happy:


yeah.. come back please. and hopefully for multiple dates concerts and 25 songs in the setlist!


Hallo all,


I love the Smiths ! ( I was exposed to The Smiths because Suede were influenced by them). So here goes (summarised) :


They were formed in 1982. Yup, 1980s band, so their songs are more structured on melody. Hmm..how do I describe them? You'd say pop-ish I guess. They are notable for the singer- Morrissey's unusual, witty, and controversial lyrics. And his voice is very deep and bass-y. What an irony I just sent a lyric from The Smiths ( There Is A Light That Never Goes Out)..aaah, what a beautiful song.. to Crazy_Mary for her analysis.


i must say.. my students first introduce me to the smiths.:D which is kinda nice. and There Is A Light That Never Goes Out u sent me is quite interesting lyrically.. kinda remind me of a poem by emily dickinson 'a certain slant of light' which deals wif similar ideas of death and light. but the difference is that the song has a kinda contentment feel to it, compared to dickinson's rather mellow tone.


and hey weresodisco, as a placebo fan, wat do u think about 'em slagging of muse?


guess what????


muse paid me an unexpected visit yesterday!!

they took a break from giggin in the us and came to my hse!!!:D




nice! love the medal around chris's neck! :LOL:





best band in the world wif best club in the world ;)


best band in the world? Yes!! but best club in the world?? nah...:noey:

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guess what????


muse paid me an unexpected visit yesterday!!

they took a break from giggin in the us and came to my hse!!!:D




as u can notice, they're kinda attached to each other...take photo also must take together..

dunno how to pose any other way also.:LOL:




best band in the world wif best club in the world ;)




dom was intrigued with my ceiling fan in my room the whole time..couldnt stop looking up, you see..





buat lawak je.. hahaha


edit: that ur house? r u a liverpool fan?


yeah.. come back please. and hopefully for multiple dates concerts and 25 songs in the setlist!


haha, ni lagi satu buat lawak.. (but of course la i'm hoping the same kan).. lol, malaysia is like so small i would be laughing my arse off and join them touring if they have multiple dates and go like, first kl, then pahang, then perlis, then kelantan, sabah, sarawak...


the other muse fans NOT from malaysia will be so pissed off if we have 13 dates in all 13 states.. then again, most of them are already pissed off at japan for getting exactly that..

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haha, ni lagi satu buat lawak.. (but of course la i'm hoping the same kan).. lol, malaysia is like so small i would be laughing my arse off and join them touring if they have multiple dates and go like, first kl, then pahang, then perlis, then kelantan, sabah, sarawak...


the other muse fans NOT from malaysia will be so pissed off if we have 13 dates in all 13 states.. then again, most of them are already pissed off at japan for getting exactly that..



nothing is impossible ..:D if they do come to kelantan for a gig, i'll puasa 2 hari eheh..

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guess what????


muse paid me an unexpected visit yesterday!!

they took a break from giggin in the us and came to my hse!!!:D




as u can notice, they're kinda attached to each other...take photo also must take together..

dunno how to pose any other way also.:LOL:




best band in the world wif best club in the world ;)




dom was intrigued with my ceiling fan in my room the whole time..couldnt stop looking up, you see..




lol omg where did you get that from?! i wanted to take the Rock Corner one home but i was too shy to ask the workers. plus my parents would FREAK if they see me carrying a cardboard figure of the object of my obsession home into my room.. :LOL:



oh and about placebo slagging off Muse, before i opened the thread i actually thought slagging off meant copying.. :LOL: i didnt know it meant insulting. lol

anyway, about that, yeah i heard that that Molko dude didnt like Muse much. i actually saw the vid where he had to give the award to Muse.. but youtube was being really slow that day so i just watched it halfway. but i read at the comments, someone mentioned Molko disliking Muse so its quite ironic actually :LOL:

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lol omg where did you get that from?! i wanted to take the Rock Corner one home but i was too shy to ask the workers. plus my parents would FREAK if they see me carrying a cardboard figure of the object of my obsession home into my room.. :LOL:


um, i assumed it wasn't a real cardboard and is photoshopped... isn't it?

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guess what????


muse paid me an unexpected visit yesterday!!

they took a break from giggin in the us and came to my hse!!!:D




as u can notice, they're kinda attached to each other...take photo also must take together..

dunno how to pose any other way also.:LOL:




best band in the world wif best club in the world ;)




dom was intrigued with my ceiling fan in my room the whole time..couldnt stop looking up, you see..




sweet :LOL:

haha, ni lagi satu buat lawak.. (but of course la i'm hoping the same kan).. lol, malaysia is like so small i would be laughing my arse off and join them touring if they have multiple dates and go like, first kl, then pahang, then perlis, then kelantan, sabah, sarawak...


the other muse fans NOT from malaysia will be so pissed off if we have 13 dates in all 13 states.. then again, most of them are already pissed off at japan for getting exactly that..


KL, Pahang, perlis, kelantan, sabah, sarawak...and what about JOHOR??????:mad::eek:

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the other muse fans NOT from malaysia will be so pissed off if we have 13 dates in all 13 states.. then again, most of them are already pissed off at japan for getting exactly that..


i think japan's people really appreciate music very much.

if you're being observant, you'll realize there are so many bonus tracks for cd released in japan for any international artist..you name it.

sixpence none the richer once recorded "kiss me" in japanese version.

"fury" in absolution and "glorious" in SMBH are the bonus tracks exclusively for japan market (CMIIW).


maybe because in japan copyright infringement is really low, live concerts are always full of music lovers and not posers, their music organizers among the best in the world, the regulations is supportive, their concert venues maybe already using the most advanced tech available on this earth, hahahaha....the crowds' craziness is above normal for asia's standard, and japan's is well-known for their uncanny interest in western culture, so..i think it's normal for them to get multiple concerts in different places.

their people, their music industry and their infrastructures are well-organized and well-prepared.

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i think japan's people really appreciate music very much.

if you're being observant, you'll realize there are so many bonus tracks for cd released in japan for any international artist..you name it.

sixpence none the richer once recorded "kiss me" in japanese version.

"fury" in absolution and "glorious" in SMBH are the bonus tracks exclusively for japan market (CMIIW).


maybe because in japan copyright infringement is really low, live concerts are always full of music lovers and not posers, their music organizers among the best in the world, the regulations is supportive, their concert venues maybe already using the most advanced tech available on this earth, hahahaha....the crowds' craziness is above normal for asia's standard, and japan's is well-known for their uncanny interest in western culture, so..i think it's normal for them to get multiple concerts in different places.

their people, their music industry and their infrastructures are well-organized and well-prepared.


i agree with that..sometimes i do wish that that i was born in japan..coz have many good things there..good car, good stuff and gadjet, good babes but the most important things is the concert event there..but sometimes i think it is good to be here..i'm proud to be malaysian..hehe..malaysia boleh..chaiyok2..:LOL:


p/s to zy3038..you'll never walk alone..i'm with you mannn..:happy: best team in the world..( in progress )

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nice! love the medal around chris's neck! :LOL:


hahah..i didnt think anyone would notice..you have elvish sharp eyes..;)



buat lawak je.. hahaha


edit: that ur house? r u a liverpool fan?


yep, my hse..my room, in fact..my parents wouldnt let me put those anywhere else..:p liverpool thru n thru..YNWA is one of the few non-muse songs i noe by heart :)



lol omg where did you get that from?! i wanted to take the Rock Corner one home but i was too shy to ask the workers. plus my parents would FREAK if they see me carrying a cardboard figure of the object of my obsession home into my room.. :LOL:


i got it from midvalley's rock corner...and my mom totally freaked out..

best part was, i took it on the lrt home...)poor lil kid couldnt get parents permission to drive:( )

u shud've seen the stares i was getting on the train ride back home..ahh, the things i would do for muse.. :happy:


um, i assumed it wasn't a real cardboard and is photoshopped... isn't it?


its a real plasticky thingy cut-out, not cardboard..quite heavy too..

hahah, i can't photoshop for nuts..:$



p/s to zy3038..you'll never walk alone..i'm with you mannn..:happy: best team in the world..( in progress )


great taste in music, similarly great taste in football clubs..:D

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