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unless u haf a friend somewhere in UK to get it for u than all we can do is just download it..


gah.. yeah. i wanna go to japan too. that 23 songs!! i wonder if the tix for that gig r more expensive compared to the rest of their other shows. lucky japs.. dah la ada mulitple concerts, setlist panjang lak tuh..


EDIT: well, from wat i noe zackery, it was a two hour concert compared to the one hour plus that we normally get, and the std was the biggest in tokyo or japan(?). plus it was their last nite in tokyo.. so mayb they were just high? two encore..

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gah.. yeah. i wanna go to japan too. that 23 songs!! i wonder if the tix for that gig r more expensive compared to the rest of their other shows. lucky japs.. dah la ada mulitple concerts, setlist panjang lak tuh..


hehe..aku pun rase camtu gak..orang sana bayar lebih la tu..:LOL: ..quite obvious rite..

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hi pirate.. nice to see u again;)





ooo can u make me a copy of that one, sis? i tried to download it from microcuts but was not patient enuff.. does it include the pre- and post interview of matt and dom? i can burn a copy of hullabaloo for u if u want..


can... can.. juz pm me ok?

it includes pre n after gig interviews of them..

it's in avi format..

but take a bow n tiro is separately

n it dont include stockholm syndrome

but, i got a part at the end of ss (which matt hold his manson up infront of screen:D )


kak, i really2 want that dvd..

(cant wait too see dom+chris's shower scene:D :D )

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yes, yes.. waiting for the new vid as well hopefully it'll be better than KoC coz invincible is one of my most fav track from BH.


i just listening + downloading invincible radio edit and it's liek :eek: :eek: :eek:


what happen to muse's songs when it is cut to fix the radio version:stunned:


they cut my fave part..


as well as Koc radio edit

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i just listening + downloading invincible radio edit and it's liek :eek: :eek: :eek:


what happen to muse's songs when it is cut to fix the radio version:stunned:


they cut my fave part..


as well as Koc radio edit

i got invincible song..but not sure whether its a radio edit or not..not sure..but worth a try..if u want..juz PM me wit ur email add..:D

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Hei..pe kata kite sume jumpa and share all the vids@vcd@dvd@collections yang kita ada???aku ade gak sikit...dalam 17 GB...boleh kata sume live video punya...


and crazy_mary, aku ade reading ngn interview tu....nak???


aku rasa pasal 23 lagu kat jepun tu sebab orang sana memang tak suke bayar lebih untuk sesuatu yg kurang(xtau korang paham ke x,aku xpandai berkata2).contohnya,kalo muse wat keluar album kat sane mesti bagi macam2 bonus....harga tiket kat sane mahal sikiiiitt je bandingkan kat sini...tapi kalau muse nyanyi xbanyak lagu nanti orang jepun jadi xsuka kat dorang...orang jepun kan memang terkenal dengan mentaliti dorang yang sangat kuat...

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another meet-up?? bole gak.. saper nak join? senang gak nak trade cd/dvd/vcd nanti ek? but we haf to organise la plak where to meet and all.. shall we just ask the peeps who r interested first??


ko ada dlm format aper pirate? ish.. mestila la nak;)



kak, i really2 want that dvd..

(cant wait too see dom+chris's shower scene:D :D )


:LOL: seriously, control urself now.. my fav part would haf to be dom immitating slipknot.. and ém diving/snorkling in the bathtub..heheh..and i just love, love, love citizen erased there..

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(+ = pros)

( - = cons)


Mostly i'll use IRC.

( + )rare vids if i get lucky

( - )wait Long Q for your turn.

( - )Using Cmd line

( - )No interface. U know what i mean.

other opts will be same as other Dload mode.

auto resume, search engine, and etc..


Later i'll be P2P client. Limewire,bearshare etc.

Aint enuf, then i;ll go Azereus @ TorrentBox Seed & Leach.

that all nyet..

if i got something RARE unuff there, ill shout here first. scout it, if anyone here heard it.. kayz.


pasal nak jumpe?? oi LANUN...

buleh2, adjust kow kow...citer pun tak guna, sape nak organize???

ahak... gila ar..

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majoriti vids dlm format *.avi dengan format dvd[galstonbury n absolution tour].


crazy_mary,yg reading ngn interview dia dlm format *.avi...camane nak bagi?


sekarang ni aku tgh mencari hullabaloo dvd...


aisyeeee....aku mampu bagi idea je...bab2 organize aku xpandai...sape2 yg nak volunteer organize...?tolong angkat tangan...:musesign:

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another meet-up?? bole gak.. saper nak join? senang gak nak trade cd/dvd/vcd nanti ek? but we haf to organise la plak where to meet and all.. shall we just ask the peeps who r interested first?? ..

another??..ow, so u guys penah jumpe b4 la eh??..no wonder..:D mcm nk join..but ughhh..i haf nothing to trade..how lehh?? :(


haaaaa bb Organize ni, orang pompuan paling pandai..

camner?? ade dah???

dunno..no one seems to volunteer..let juz say..the one who suggest for the meet-up shud organize it..anyone?? agree????


anyways about that 'meeting nk trade dvd/vcd' i wanna be in! but dont la buat jauh2 in the middle of KL coz i dont really know the area, huhuhu :$

where do U live btw??

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owhhh..stadium negara?? :LOL: u said jgn buat jauh² in the middle of KL..but nk buat kt stadium negara??...stadium negara bkn kt tgh² KL ke??..huhu..:p if the meeting buat kat stadium negara.. then we can invite everyone to join :LOL::musesign:


yeah i know! im contradicting myself :LOL: but it just seems like the perfect place to discuss MUSE at the moment :D


anyone else wanna suggest a place for the 'meeting'? :musesign:

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im in Shah Alam! :D

hmm....lets meet at Stadium Negara?! :LOL:


i'm also from SA..by the way if we meet at Stadium Negara how come we want to discuss? we cannot enter the stadium rite? i suggest we meet at Stadium Negara parking site ( beside the stadium merdeka there ) or the other place maybe we can meet at Balai Polis Dang Wangi there? hehe:LOL:


i want to join but i don't have anything to trade..only my precious rm53 muse ticket..huhu

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i'm also from SA..by the way if we meet at Stadium Negara how come we want to discuss? we cannot enter the stadium rite? i suggest we meet at Stadium Negara parking site ( beside the stadium merdeka there ) or the other place maybe we can meet at Balai Polis Dang Wangi there? hehe:LOL:


i want to join but i don't have anything to trade..only my precious rm53 muse ticket..huhu

parking site??dont u think is 'kinda' hot??..better we go to balai polis Bkt Aman instead of Dang Wangi :LOL::p


nk join too but i dont haf anything to trade :(

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majoriti vids dlm format *.avi dengan format dvd[galstonbury n absolution tour].


crazy_mary,yg reading ngn interview dia dlm format *.avi...camane nak bagi?


sekarang ni aku tgh mencari hullabaloo dvd...


aisyeeee....aku mampu bagi idea je...bab2 organize aku xpandai...sape2 yg nak volunteer organize...?tolong angkat tangan...:musesign:


ko bole wat copy utk akak tak? tu la.. kiter kena plan camner nak umpa nih.. rite, let me try be the organiser..




today im celebrating my second year anniversary of becoming a member on this ever so lovely website! :LOL: yay to ME!!! :D


anyways about that 'meeting nk trade dvd/vcd' i wanna be in! but dont la buat jauh2 in the middle of KL coz i dont really know the area, huhuhu :$


aww.. happy anniversary then!! heheh.. u'r two!!


yes, yes.. dont wanna go so far.. wat about KLIA then ?? ehehe.. bad idea i, noe.


another??..ow, so u guys penah jumpe b4 la eh??..no wonder..:D mcm nk join..but ughhh..i haf nothing to trade..how lehh?? :(


yes, we did. the le mucho grande meetup before the concert.. a sort of a support group for the concert. but i didnt go coz they did at one utama and i didnt noe how to get there..:$ i've met vspirit a few times as well.. i must say, peeps that i've met from this board are all lovely and nice..


so, let's just do this then. if u wanna join just cut and paste below in your post. do tell us where ur from so we can decide a venue..


post muse concert meet up. who's in??


1. crazy_mary = klang


EDIT: forgot to mention - surfing the channel just now, saw muse's live at std negara interview in popparazi.. those two vjs did mention they gonna show some more muse in next week's show..

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sekarang ni aku tgh mencari hullabaloo dvd...


you can easily find the hullabaloo dvd at any music stores like tower records or rock corner :) i got mine from tower records. its cheaper there surprisingly.. rock corner is selling it for 90 bucks, but at tower records hullabaloo is about 56 bucks.


but thats just in 1utama la :LOL:

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yes, we did. the le mucho grande meetup before the concert.. a sort of a support group for the concert. but i didnt go coz they did at one utama and i didnt noe how to get there..:$ i've met vspirit a few times as well.. i must say, peeps that i've met from this board are all lovely and nice..


so, let's just do this then. if u wanna join just cut and paste below in your post. do tell us where ur from so we can decide a venue..


EDIT: forgot to mention - surfing the channel just now, saw muse's live at std negara interview in popparazi.. those two vjs did mention they gonna show some more muse in next week's show..

one utama,owhh....yeah..bet u people are nice :D


akak surf which channel??nk tgk gak..


post muse concert meet up. who's in??


1. crazy_mary = klang

2. aMUSEing ShAnNaZ = shah alam

3. DisturbedAngeL = sg. buloh

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you can easily find the hullabaloo dvd at any music stores like tower records or rock corner :) i got mine from tower records. its cheaper there surprisingly.. rock corner is selling it for 90 bucks, but at tower records hullabaloo is about 56 bucks.


but thats just in 1utama la :LOL:

u mean like..rock corner is expensive than tower records??..i've been to sg wang couples of weeks ago. i saw muse's cd,the imported one n it cost about 96 bucks..n i was like :stunned: whoaa mahalnye!!!..then left!..huhu


which tower records sell hullabaloo cd for 56 bucks??..*get ready to rush there!!*:LOL:

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one utama,owhh....yeah..bet u people are nice :D


akak surf which channel??nk tgk gak..


u mean like..rock corner is expensive than tower records??..i've been to sg wang couples of weeks ago. i saw muse's cd,the imported one n it cost about 96 bucks..n i was like :stunned: whoaa mahalnye!!!..then left!..huhu


which tower records sell hullabaloo cd for 56 bucks??..*get ready to rush there!!*:LOL:



channel v my dear.they repeat that show a lot. was about to change the channel coz they were talking bout britney then they change the subject to muse... little bit only. vj sarah was interviewing matt and dom. to see dom smiling like that aw... *goes mental again*


huh? 56 bucks at tower? dammit i bought it for RM90 at pertama plus some of their past concert vcds.. wat imported cd is that angel? was it BHR the repackaged one??

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channel v my dear.they repeat that show a lot. was about to change the channel coz they were talking bout britney then they change the subject to muse... little bit only. vj sarah was interviewing matt and dom. to see dom smiling like that aw... *goes mental again*


huh? 56 bucks at tower? dammit i bought it for RM90 at pertama plus some of their past concert vcds.. wat imported cd is that angel? was it BHR the repackaged one??

..never get the chance to watch tv lately..thats exlain why i'm blurr :D


the one i saw in sg wang was....*thinking hard*...BHR..yeah, it was BHR but not sure the repackaged one or not..i'm thinking of going to sg wang tomorrow..ade comic fest --->i'm a comic phreak..huhu..i'm taking a leave juz to go to the fest..huhu..:$ <--- so i'll drop by the store n let u kno..nk ikot??


anyone??nk ikot??teeheehee.... :D

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