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No I mean I'm not a *banana*... well sometimes you can tell a banana from their looks right? Ok.. it's just bs..


Anyway I'm a fan since I was recommended two songs by some net fella... Citizen Erazed and Unintended. Love them ever since. Introduced to friends and the next day they play a cover of Unintended on stage!! Never make it to their performance though, that was just rehearsals... Matts vocal are so hard to imitate.

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no segregation needed here, mate. it's good to know that there are true-blue chinese out there, who actually speak the language, enjoying MUSE as well. shows that their music really do transcend all borders. cheers to them. and to you. and to us.


and i'm not really a banana if i can speak cantonese, am i? so nope, i'm not one and am proud to admit that~~(actually there's nothing remotely flattering about being a banana yanno...it's actually a derogatory term coined for people who can't speak their mother tongue, so don't feel bad at all about not being one. fact is, you seem to be able to speak decent english despite the fact you're not one----and believe me when i say that not even bananas are able to speak decent english sometimes--and that, my friend, puts you on top).


hey crazy, does z knows that she's dissing her favorite band's favorite band? xxDD


edit: oh, and i'ma gonna take a wild guess as to which your first concert was. i'm thinking their moniker sounds like the muppets...or sounded, more like.

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rite, my turn, (so skip this if ur not interested)


dis friend of mine, who qued up wif me at sg wang (kept complaining about how her feet hurt on our way back), the one whom i paid for her pitt tix to see muse (u noe her vspirit) has been getting on my nerves lately... she, like ur friend deb, kept saying bad things about muse n how MCR r sooo much better n gerrard way is way more handsome than sexy matt.. at first, i laughed all of it off but after so many times of listening to her critisizing muse, am seriously thinking of going to the concert without her...even when telling her that d concert is sold out, she still had bad things to say about muse.. i mean.. isnt that just plain cruel?


dont you just hate people like that? i'm surprised you didnt snap or say something like "if you hate them so much why are you going to see them anyway? you hypocrite!" or something like that... but that wouldnt be wise though. plus she's your friend.. you dont snap at friends. thats probably another reason why i didnt snap at that drummer d00d. pfft.


hey crazy, does z knows that she's dissing her favorite band's favorite band? xxDD


edit: oh, and i'ma gonna take a wild guess as to which your first concert was. i'm thinking their moniker sounds like the muppets...or sounded, more like.


lol thats the irony in life i spose.


is it Westlife? cause my first concert was Westlife, back when i was 11 at 2001. and i didnt get hurt. at all. nope. didnt get pushed, didnt jump, didnt umm... get groped in any sort of way (would have been emotionally scarred if i did at such a tender age though, that that i think of it), no. and yes i was at the standing area.... which was actually a sitting area, with plastic chairs (wtf), but instead of sitting, evryone stood on the chairs instead. not very concert-y eh? :LOL:

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hey crazy, does z knows that she's dissing her favorite band's favorite band? xxDD


edit: oh, and i'ma gonna take a wild guess as to which your first concert was. i'm thinking their moniker sounds like the muppets...or sounded, more like.


yeah.. ur rite. i've read that article and mentioned it to her but she didnt actually belived me.. n deb, the reason she's going is bcoz i paid for her PITT tix. she used to be very open to all bands (mostly americans tho), there's just s'thing about british bands that she dislikes so much.. hopefully going to the concert will change her mind about muse so that i can say to her face "i told u muse rocks!!!'


no, there were no muppets or any muppets sound at my first gig, and not westlife either.. need i remind u guys that i'm an auntie? so my first concert was when i was still a student back in the 90's... so imagine cheesy pop music at those time ..:$

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er...i don't mean muppets as in...nvm. haha...


anyway, it doesn't matter if she doesn't believe cos it's true. ^_^ and really, i wouldn't bother to feel too bad about her, or someone else for the matter, dissing MUSE, if I were you. with the amount of people complaining about a certain band, or certain bands rather, as opposed to the amount of deserving accolades MUSE have been receiving, it's OK if certain fans of certain other bands feel the need to step on them a little to make themselves feel better. this certain other bands need some love, too, you know, even if they really aren't as good (tho that is not to say they aren't good at all...they /are/...it's just that when compared to MUSE, they come up a little bit short, just as when compared to some other great bands, be it those in the past or those that are still out there doing their thing now, MUSE may come up a little short, as well). you, at least, are secure in your knowledge of your favorite band's prowess that you don't need to diss other bands to make yourself believe it. =)


sure, it still stings when someone thoughtlessly disses a band you like, whether the band is really good or not, but just keep telling yourself that there's a reason you like them and if the other person does not understand it, and does not even want to try, then it's just too bad cos this really limits the way they'll perceive things, and the world has so much more to offer. i guess what i'm trying to say is, it's their problem, not yours. just remember that. and remember not to fall into the same trap as they did. even if you think the band they like sucks, just remember there must be a reason that makes other people like them....though I don't really need to say the last bit, do I? you seem to be doing alrite on your own ^_~


and you're only four years older than I am...if you're an aunty what does that make me? =( and damn, deb's only 11 in 2001...I was already 19 then and worrying about not passing my modules in college cos of too much slacking...

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perhaps i'm partly to blame for being quite.. ok, too .. obsessed with muse lately which kinda annoys her eheh..but i like MCR as well u noe, not up to the extent of dissing other bands tho.. 4 years is a huge gap mate! didnt mean to make u feel the same way as i do..coz u shouldnt really.. sori ;) ahh.. 2001, my final year in uni..

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^oh. in that case, i guess i feel sorry for her. well it's good that she's going to the show then. gives MUSE a chance to try to impress her with their own caliber and maybe hopefully reverse all the negative impressions incurred due to your overeager gushings. still, knowing you for as long as she did, i'd thought she'd be more tolerant...


and no, no, haha. i don't feel old. um...not really. not actually. not entirely. not overtly, not.................

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wow.. uni/college. how's that like? i still have no idea what to major in after my SPM. le sigh :(


and yeah i guess you're right. its their problem, not mine. but its just annoying la, that they simply diss a band without any thought/chance. oh well, i'm gonna take the highroad and say its their loss. cause it is. hmph!


and i dont really like MCR. i mean yeah i like their music, but i hate, absolutely hate the way Gerard Way sings. his eyes are WIDE open and he looks like he's shouting, and in their vids, he's staring right at the camera saying things like "I AM NOT AFRAID TO KEEP ON LIVING" and stuff.. its scary. ok scratch that, i dont hate the way he sings. i'm terrified of the way he sings :LOL: and i'm so sick of that song "Welcome To The Black Parade". i've heard it everyday when i was working back in November, and now i cringe whenever i hear the beginning piano part. :(


and crazy_mary, why did you pay for her ticket? O_O

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lol, i kinda think that he is scary as well.. but cute scary, u noe. their latest vid is like a hindustand movie or something.. guling-guling atas pasir.. eheh. the tix was a birthday gift which she appreciates initially, but like i said, it mite be the fact that i'm becoming a muse fanatic that kinda annoys her.. i kinda feel bad rite now for dissing my friend like this..:noey: she's actually very nice u noe.. but just not a muse fan..


college - sucked ( well, for me at least coz they treated us like school kids, i attended a govt one so quite different than the private ones )

uni - awesome !! freedom, independent n being in a foreign country..

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hey guys mind telling me what is so good about MCR??? i dun get why people like MCR and i dun get how they got so famous.. even i watched MTV everyone will be like , "EH GERALD(or whatever his name spells like) IS SO CUTE!" , "MCR IS THE BEST BAND" and stuff like that you know... something i hate is when MCR is more famous than MUSE in MTV.. MCR videos are alwayz appearing in MTV comparing to MUSE's. MUSE's songs are much more maturer and more melodic compare to MCR... i saw a couple videos in BLAST OFF! previous season, there's this band name the exile or exileidsdnjmcd playing MCR all the way and the singer trying to sing and act like Gerald, there was this funny part when the judge adviced the band to be urself instead of becoming MCR... i wuz laughing till i drop

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lol, i kinda think that he is scary as well.. but cute scary, u noe. their latest vid is like a hindustand movie or something.. guling-guling atas pasir.. eheh. the tix was a birthday gift which she appreciates initially, but like i said, it mite be the fact that i'm becoming a muse fanatic that kinda annoys her.. i kinda feel bad rite now for dissing my friend like this..:noey: she's actually very nice u noe.. but just not a muse fan..


college - sucked ( well, for me at least coz they treated us like school kids, i attended a govt one so quite different than the private ones )

uni - awesome !! freedom, independent n being in a foreign country..


haha i have to admit, he IS quite good looking. especially in The Ghost Of You vid. with the military uniform and all.. phwoar. :D


ooh.. where'd you go for uni? let me guess... australia? melbourne? EVERYONE is going to that continent nowadays, it can be like the 2nd Malaysia or something.


hey guys mind telling me what is so good about MCR??? i dun get why people like MCR and i dun get how they got so famous.. even i watched MTV everyone will be like , "EH GERALD(or whatever his name spells like) IS SO CUTE!" , "MCR IS THE BEST BAND" and stuff like that you know... something i hate is when MCR is more famous than MUSE in MTV.. MCR videos are alwayz appearing in MTV comparing to MUSE's. MUSE's songs are much more maturer and more melodic compare to MCR... i saw a couple videos in BLAST OFF! previous season, there's this band name the exile or exileidsdnjmcd playing MCR all the way and the singer trying to sing and act like Gerald, there was this funny part when the judge adviced the band to be urself instead of becoming MCR... i wuz laughing till i drop


and about MCR... i've got news. remember my friend who told me that Gerard Way was gay?? well, she just told me that he's gay with... with..... wait for it.....


SOME DUDE FROM THE CURE!! or was it The Used? damn it i forgot. i dont know his name, and dont know what he does in that band whether its singing or playing an instrument, but both MCR and TheCure/TheUsed are rather emo bands... so i guess they're perfect for each other then :LOL:

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hahah...i hate to say this but this but the truth is MCR would never be any way better than MUSE(gayish way perhaps?),for the past years that i ever heard of 'em me seems to be bthered by their fanatics(well thatswhat they prefered to be called even they only knew some of the songs)that keep on comparing MCR with MUSE.but it doesnt really pisses me off anymore. i think i learnt to live with this. people wont change their minds and they're free to believe what they want to although it's wrong,when they asked me what bands that i like and i said MUSE and they were like,"muse??who's muse?well,the greatest band is MCR,those guys rocks bebeh,hav u ever heard their song helena?that song is 100% rock" and instead of saying "dude,ur just so pathetic,so shut ur mouth up!",i just laugh everytime they say that. it's actually funny to see them getting upset because of my annoying laugh..well,it doesnt bother me anymore now as i knew i've chosen the right one and it makes me happy then.MCR is definately more famous than MUSE here in Malaysia as not much people seek what we called good music for themselves.Mainstream would be easier to them as they could simply tuned on the radio or telly and absorb it just like that.MCR exist just to add the variety of the showbiz industry so dont bother if their songs been played more....well i mean they might sounds good(in cd's or whatever recorded mediums) but they sux if played live.Actually theres nothing wrong with liking them(who cares if love ur own fart eh?we're living in a free world)but saying they're better than MUSE ....gah,it is a BIG mistake..btw MCR seems to know that they werent a so called great band so they're manipulating those bigger name like Rise Against as well as MUSE as special guest for their gigs...jeez,they really know what they're doin.whatever...

well,as i said earlier...we're free to choose whatever suit us.


but in one way,i found this is quite a parameter:


The vocalist hair color

a.)cool spikey red hair or eccentric bluey or just plain all time favourite black

b.)black and as ur getting emo bleach it to pale white like ur 90 years old great grandmother's hair


no doubt,me choose a...hahah


COUNTDOWN.....16 more days to go...:D


p.s:dont be mad MCR lovers......:p

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about all the who's better muse or mcr


it's tru that mcr is more popular in malaysia....IN MALAYSIA...

BUT when we want to judge a rock band, we have to do that through their live perfomance not their studio edited songs from the album...through that we can see who's playing the pure musics of their own bare hands and who's really a rock band.and in this generation, it is obvious that muse has the lead.

so the reality is, internationally, MUSE is more recognized than mcr..just look all the awards...here we could hear lots peeps say mcr is a great band. but what is great compare to a legend. i'm pretty sure everyone agree mcr still has a long way to get that...muse by the way,legendary is just 3 or 4 albums away.well,they already called the genius of modern rock...

mcr for me is like LP,both are very very good band which represent the new taste for rock music of youths nowadays.they might have the same level of muse today in the future if they keep producing great musics as they done it from their past albums...

but now we can only call them a good popular band..not more than that...not genius,not master,not legend..

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...this is frecking unbelievable...you touter! shakefistjl2.gif


but i noticed that none of the bidders are registered users. isn't that...dangerous?


and ibelieve...way to monologue...tho i really shouldn't say anything, should i? xxD


yeah u should say nothing...hahah..typing monologue is better than saying it deep in my guts...


and bout the ridiculous bidding,the seller need to take the risk as he'll be rich if the unregistered bidder is serious bout the bid and if its not,serves him right...

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that's some nice insight you've got there, pirate.


i saw another thread dedicated to MUSE in another forum and they were putting live vids out to compare the two, and some of the MCR ones were quite recent. and while my bias tells me MUSE are the better performers, setting that aside, if i were to be honest with myself, while overall MUSE are more capable performers live, a lot of us seem to forget that different music will naturally sound different live, and MCR make very different music from MUSE. it's not really the Olympics so drawing comparisons to see who wins might be a tad unfair to both parties. but we fans are people, at the end of the day, and people will be people, i guess. ^^; let's forget about MUSE for a bit, since they are another band altogether.


MCR has come a pretty long way themselves. and with their recent lives being a far cry from before, all i thought while watching some of those vids was that they're different. and i really do think their latest album is a good and honest effort on their part so fairplay to them.


haha and ibelieve...that wasn't really what i meant. what i meant to say was that i really wasn't in the position to criticize others for monologueing when i can be pretty longwinded myself (granted mine aren't usually monologues, but still...). it's nice to hear your thoughts, tho, so don't stop ^^


and serves who right?

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guys, muse is not the best band in world nor is mcr, it's pearl jam! :p i dont see any point in dissing mcr, eventho i agree wif most of y'all that its their fans that kinda annoy me..

no wonder they listen to emo stuff.. they'r too emotional.. but give the band credit la.. n gerrard is a talented artist for his cool album art design.. am not really a fan of theirs but i really think that their music is good.. n u said it rite pirate, popular doesnt mean good.. paris hilton is popular but is she good? :rolleyes:


i wonder r the bidders foreigners or just plain ignorant malaysians... i wouldnt pay that much for the concert tix..that person is really making money.. its like purchasing F1 grandstand tix..


it's the other downunder country deb..


EDIT: i forgot to mentioned.. about gerrard being gay... my friend saw a picture of him kissing a frontman of other band. which band, i'm not sure but it mayb the cure like u mentioned ..

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I've got my shirt done for MUSE!! woohoo!!


if anyone feel like having their own designed t-shirt, email: seliper_cakcibor@hotmail.com

for price .. ive got mine for RM50.. since i only print 1 so its a bit expensive..



quality : normal cotton shirt and the print is a normal one .. mine was 2 blocks, middle n bottom right



it's not an official merchandise, its my own designed shirt..



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i think that 'best' is just a personal concept, you know. anything that you find is the best for you goes only as far as your perception, that's it. your mom may be the best in the world to you but the truth is everyone's mothers are the greatest mother in the world, tho I'm sure there also will be a lot who'll beg to differ. anyway, the point i'm trying to make is, 'best' differs from person to person and the variables are infinite. there never will be a general consensus for best anything in the world except your own where /you/ are the general consensus.


'best' does not really exist. as far as i'm concerned anyway.


EDIT: forgot to comment on the neat t-shirt design, so...hey, neat t-shirt design! ^_~

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about all the who's better muse or mcr


it's tru that mcr is more popular in malaysia....IN MALAYSIA...


popular in malaysia?

u mean like Mawi ?

i tot in malaysia, Mawi owns mcr so bad.


haha lol!

jk jk ..


its not popular, who said popular?

mcr sux

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