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for me it is kinda scary that d tix r sold out.. but good also la..and tomorow galaxy is gonna haf another tix selling event thingy at sg wang.. this time around 10% for the RM53 tix.. so mayb by tomorrow, everything'll be sold out for sure..


yeah, d last time a concert was sold out here was micheal jackson wasnt it? it is a pretty rare ocassion. just hope galaxy will be ready and be more organized to handle the crowd.. one thing for sure, haf to get there early on d 25th..

betol ke??so maknenye semua konsert2 yg galaxy organize ngn organizer2 len selama ni xpernah sold out la kecuali jackonye konsert??linkin park pon x dpt full house sold out??


IS IT TRU dat since jacko's concert, no one@band have ever got full house sold out??? Not even Linkin Park???


kalo btol....bangganye dpt gi tengok konsert muse....aku dpt 2 last pitt tix agi....


And if its tru, than its just making the gig even more meaningful than it already did for the fans here, TRU RITE???

not forget the proud to rock in this probabaly will be a historical concert.

Especially I GOT THE LAST 2 PITT TIX...

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was just listening to the loveline show again and yeah, both the Philippines and Thailand were both mentioned when they listed off countries they were gonna play in SEA. in fact, these two were actually the very first two countries mentioned by Bellamy. whatever happened, I wonder. maybe they'll tour there later in the year seeing as it's kinda too late to announce anymore february dates...

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was just listening to the loveline show again and yeah, both the Philippines and Thailand were both mentioned when they listed off countries they were gonna play in SEA. in fact, these two were actually the very first two countries mentioned by Bellamy. whatever happened, I wonder. maybe they'll tour there later in the year seeing as it's kinda too late to announce anymore february dates...


glad they mentioned MALAYSIA!

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I'm still shock dat the tix are all sold out,moreover this early.don't u guys think dat muse is not as popular as LP or more obvious MCR(which their album is sold on the table of the music store countre,unlike muse's which we have to search thoroughly) but still they beat them by this gig.


so what do you guys think??


is it bcoz the tix are quite cheaper than other gigs@concerts??


is it bcoz stadium negara can only hold not so huge crowd??


or simply because the radios(rarely heard muse songs aired),music stores(as i mentioned above),organizers(look at all those galaxy's previous events,not even 1 fully sold out),and sponsors(don't know the "kick" dat the rock master muse can give to their brand) are too stupid to realise dat there are huge number of muse fans here??


this early full house sold out will absolutely shock the people involve is this gig and also others dat don't. succesfull events meaning fully worthy profitable sponsorship...why other sponsor companies didn't sponsor in this gig...why it has to be the beer one....?????stupid celcom and hotlink!!! who's lee hom....??????





rasanya la pirate49.. LP dulu pun bukannya sold out sbb my sis g kat stadium kul 6 ari konsert pun leh dpt tiket g.. aku dengar citer jer konsert MJ tu sold out tp x tau tol ke x..eheh aku pon bangga gak.. :D btw ala... comelnyer avatar ko..


mestilah comelll....buah hati satu malaya tu.....:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

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^ Haha I'm glad it's Tiger, actually. Besides a chance of getting free beer, it gives the whole thing a more contemporary and sophisticated feel. Check out their not-so-many previous projects. They're all quality acts. Tiger knows its stuff and are picky buggers. You should be glad they picked MUSE cos that's as good a final confimation as any that you're going for music for music itself, and not something that's more a current fad using music as a medium to sell their image (and while I have muchos respect towards the music of LP and Incubus, to me, both them and their sound are still partially image-driven)...and you gotta admit, Celcom and the likes are more prone to that cos they're easier to predict a profit out of than say...this weird band with average looks from somewhere in England no one has ever heard anything about. Trust me when I say that the people, young and old alike, who bought tickets to see MUSE aren't mostly the people you'll find in all the other ones, some which are more specifically targeted at the Chinese-speaking crowd (and I do mean speaking), and some which are targeted at a more impressionable young crowd (tho I won't say you'll find a shortage of them at MUSE's concert, impressionable as they may be, some of them still know good music when they hear it...and who knows, this may be the very thing they need to graduate from that very stage they're in).


Which is not to say that these other acts are all talentless hacks. Far from that. All these HK/Korean acts are high powered and they're all talented performers, But that does not necessarily make them musicians. This continental bunch from Nowhere, Devon, however, are musicians in the purest sense of the word. And people who want to watch musicians perform, there are many of us. You just don't hear from us as much cos, well, how often do you get musicans of an international calibre coming here? Factoring all these, it really shouldn't come as a surprise.


But wait a minute, it does, somehow, still. Why? 'Cos the last big-name act we had visiting that can safely call themselves musicians, and whose names are incidentally and arguably bigger than that of MUSE's, didn't sell out even. how the heck did MUSE ever manage to? While this concert was decently publicized (tho not overly so, which is a good thing), they hardly get advertised or air time or broadcast time in this region. So while that part remains more or less a mystery, I think it's safe to assume that it's all due in part, and a rather large one at that, to their unique and genre-defying sound that, while most may not have heard via regular overblown media, appeal to quite a lot who bothered to pay attention. And they don't make it too hard either what with their years of toiling and touring. As long as you bother to look, you'll get exposed to them. and there are many of us, exasperated with what the daily media's feeding us, who've decided to take things in our own hands and choose what we want to listen to ourselves. A natural filter of sorts, if you will. This may not work for every band, but i'm glad it's worked for MUSE. In saying so though, let's not forget that it did take them eight long years of hard work so it probably hadn't been, in the words of Mercury (RIP), a pleasure cruise.


But with bands like theirs around, we can all collectively sigh in knowing that all is not lost in the music business. and here's to more talented and unique bands making it to our shores as brilliantly as this one did, in the future. And let them all be world-class personified, as this one is.


So Tigermusic, Galaxy and MUSE, cheers. *cheers with a free Tiger...which will hopefully get served at the venue*

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^Have you tried joining contests? If you're non-muslim and are over the age of 18, here are a few that are still open that you can try your luck with:


1. Junk Online's Tiger Presents MUSE, Closing date: Feb 12

2. FACES' e-freebies, Closing date: dunno but I reckon they'll take the page down when it is.

3. The Sun's Tiger presents MUSE in Concert, Closing date: Feb 9 (this one was advertised via the newspaper itself but the questions are relatively easy...1. Name the three members. 2. Name the presenter. 3. Complete the slogan, "I must see MUSE live in concert because..."--or something along those lines--and include your name, Address, I/C# and M/P#. Put the subject header as "Tiger presents MUSE in Concert Contest", and you're all set ^^)


EDIT: Alternatively, you can try to get in touch with this person seeing as he/she has 4 free seating tickets and is willing to part with 'em for RM52 (each, i'd reckon) and seeing as the auction ended with 0 bids, he/she might still be holding on to 'em.


And for anyone who hasn't seen this yet, it's time to start feelin' good. ^_~

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Hi everyone!...i know this is really really late...but i was wondering if anyone of you have tickets of the muse concert u wanna sell or know a friend or a friend that wants to sell...or ANYONE!!....i'm doing this out of desperation!!..really i just need 2 tickets!!....any help would mean soo much!!....thank you!!

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^Have you tried joining contests?


just heard that shitz.fm are giving away 4 passes to the concert..no mention on what tix they are but..if u're ticket-less, u wouldnt care less would u?;)


hav to be the 10th caller thru when they play muse i think..no questions or slogan or anything...jz complete and utter luck..worth a try, for those deperados out there?

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just heard that shitz.fm are giving away 4 passes to the concert..no mention on what tix they are but..if u're ticket-less, u wouldnt care less would u?;)


hav to be the 10th caller thru when they play muse i think..no questions or slogan or anything...jz complete and utter luck..worth a try, for those deperados out there?


lol yeah i tried that. i got through! but DJ Ian said that it wasnt the cue to call yet, but he asked me to shout I WANT MUSE!!


and i shouted "I WANT MYOOOOOOZEEEEE!!!!" and heard myself on the radio :LOL: my very first 2 seconds of anonymous fame :p

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our drummer is into all that heavier stuff like Slipknot, Metallica, and Korn. poo. how gay. and he thinks Muse is EMO . WTF RIGHT?


sorry to double post, but i just had to get this out of my system.. he freakin said "eh are you going for Muse?" and i said "yeahhh .. of course. they're sold out you know" and he said "yeah i heard. i was wondering WHO would wanna go see Muse?"


that fucker. if he werent so muscular and tall and the best drummer in school, i swear i'd slap him in the face and/or kick him in the nuts for saying shit like that. i hate it when people say shit like that. like wtf? he doesnt see me dissing his favourite band for no apparent reason now, does he? :mad: urhghhghhlajf;lasdkfjas;lkdfjasflk;af.




right anyway, you can ignore this post. i just needed to rant a bit. thats all.

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:eek: u're gonna record >1 hour of video on ur phone??


quality better than a videocam...that must be one heck of a phone..

didnt noe phones nowadays could do that...i shud get out of my cave more often..:p

no...sound quality-wise, it's better than my low end sony DIGIcam not VIDEOcam.

but of course the digicam took better video with bigger resolution

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sorry to double post, but i just had to get this out of my system.. he freakin said "eh are you going for Muse?" and i said "yeahhh .. of course. they're sold out you know" and he said "yeah i heard. i was wondering WHO would wanna go see Muse?"


that fucker. if he werent so muscular and tall and the best drummer in school, i swear i'd slap him in the face and/or kick him in the nuts for saying shit like that. i hate it when people say shit like that. like wtf? he doesnt see me dissing his favourite band for no apparent reason now, does he? :mad: urhghhghhlajf;lasdkfjas;lkdfjasflk;af.




right anyway, you can ignore this post. i just needed to rant a bit. thats all.


rite, my turn, (so skip this if ur not interested)


dis friend of mine, who qued up wif me at sg wang (kept complaining about how her feet hurt on our way back), the one whom i paid for her pitt tix to see muse (u noe her vspirit) has been getting on my nerves lately... she, like ur friend deb, kept saying bad things about muse n how MCR r sooo much better n gerrard way is way more handsome than sexy matt.. at first, i laughed all of it off but after so many times of listening to her critisizing muse, am seriously thinking of going to the concert without her...even when telling her that d concert is sold out, she still had bad things to say about muse.. i mean.. isnt that just plain cruel?


end of rant



ur soo lucky sensates that ur first concert is muse, mine was .. ermm (too embarased to mention here).. eheh . go early if u r able to, mate.. n save me a spot in front of u..;)

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ur soo lucky sensates that ur first concert is muse, mine was .. ermm (too embarased to mention here).. eheh . go early if u r able to, mate.. n save me a spot in front of u..;)


Sure why not, if I'm able to drag my friends to go there early as well. Haha..I guess I will probably be the odd one out there, being raised like a chinamen and looked the part too.. LOL

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eh, tell lah..who isit?

britney? 50cents?? :LOL:


Nooooo... let it be my dirty, little secret...well not dirty, but embarassing, more (x200000) cheesy and embarassing than those two erm, acts (cant really call 'em singers since both cant sing eh?). it was the time when i had no sense of what constitute good music.. i.e once upon a time when i was still young n clueless..eheh

EDIT: wat was ur first concert? do u mind to share?


Sure why not, if I'm able to drag my friends to go there early as well. Haha..I guess I will probably be the odd one out there, being raised like a chinamen and looked the part too.. LOL


aww.. that's kind of u.. what do u mean? arent chinese are also malaysians? there's nothin' odd about that...sori, i didnt get wat u meant to say..

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