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And we made an executive decsion, that you have to come next time. :D


I like the sound of a Shadows night if everyone's keen. I think they're open Wednesday-Friday during the summer holidays. Hope we can find a day that suits everyone. :)

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It's funny how one night can just throw your whole sleep pattern completely out of whack.


Not so much one night as such as the entire semester and holidays :LOL: I have a really bad sleeping pattern.


And we made an executive decision, that you have to come next time. :D


:LOL: an order from the upper echelons


And I didn't finish mine!!! :eek:

I was a bit nervous :$


Aw :happy: I would be too :chuckle:

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Aw :happy: I would be too :chuckle:

You wouldn't have any reason to be if you came with us next time - Kat and Michelle are awesome, easy to talk to and perfectly normal...not so sure about that other bloke, but at least 2 out of 3 means it's a majority!

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You wouldn't have any reason to be if you came with us next time - Kat and Michelle are awesome, easy to talk to and perfectly normal...not so sure about that other bloke, but at least 2 out of 3 means it's a majority!


Hey who are you calling normal? Hahahh :)


It was really nice, and you def have to come next time Kitty!

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:LOL: that's terrible


Look at today's birthdays -


What a coincidence. Octuplets?

Multiple accounts where the person kept wanting to change their username?


Oh oh oh that's pretty :)


I know, and especially cos I went shopping by myself and I was like 'oh no, I'm going to have to get the assistant to come in and help me out of it :eek:'
:LOL: Did you do the kind of hopping dance with your arms flailing above your head while shimmying your shoulders to try and wriggle out of it?


That is the best dance evar :awesome:

I started drinking coffee this year too, but I haven't had any for a couple months now. I don't know why, but I just don't really feel like it lately.
Me three?


Got a job as a barista this summer on the surf highway though, so I suspect that my coffee consumption is set to increase exponentially.


And with any luck I'm finally going to learn to surf this summer!


OMGGGGGGGGGGG. Aut just put up all the marks online for the exam. I GOT THE TOP MARK IN THE CLASS!

How in the hell did that happen!??!



i look more related to my cousin's kids than i do to anyone else in my family...
Everyone gets me mixed up with my uncles kids, rather than my own sisters.


That photo is quite lovely, btw (:


$150,000 to fix that creepy Santa?!
At first I didn't realise what you guys were on about.


Then I clicked on the finger talk.


That creepy santa.


My hair is pretty much determined to be dead straight 24/7 so it wasn't that hard to brush out.
My hair is like, the exact opposite... It's so madly ringlety/curly/frizzy/wavy (not any one of those so much as a curious combination of all 4 textures and dispositions) that it dreads up every couple of days.


I'm getting it cut short this summer though, because it is the worst thing to deal with otherwise!


I was playing matchmaker for my friend last night :LOL: Kept trying to convince her to take the guy she had invited along for a dance- I was making annoying raised eyebrows faces at her during the night :LOL: In the taxi home we discussed the 'how soon do I text?' rule and then today she texted me asking what she should say :LOL:

I'm not even an expert on this or anything

:LOL: I do this as well. I find it so hilarious because like, they all go "What should I do???" about romance and I dish out advice every time they ask, and even though I've pointed out more than once that my track record is just about as dysfunctional as it gets, they still take what I say to heart. Which is really kind of whack if you think about it...


I think we need to find a way to locate Lenny too- bring the party to her health getaway place!

Wouldn't that be perfect? :)

That's a great idea.
Awww you guys!


I'll probably shoot up to Auckland at some point next year - I'll let you all know (on an internet message board, because I'm totally security conscious) and we can has catch ups :awesome:


Daaaamn I'm tired now... but I'm going to stay awake tonight in case mum needs anything, because I'm much more likely to help her if she needs something if I don't have to pull myself out of sleep in the first place to do it.

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Multiple accounts where the person kept wanting to change their username?

Yeah, maybe...not very drastic changes though, are they?


I'll probably shoot up to Auckland at some point next year - I'll let you all know (on an internet message board, because I'm totally security conscious) and we can has catch ups :awesome:


That would be great.


Daaaamn I'm tired now... but I'm going to stay awake tonight in case mum needs anything, because I'm much more likely to help her if she needs something if I don't have to pull myself out of sleep in the first place to do it.

That's really good of you. I hope you get to catch up on some sleep some time soon.


OMG my chair just creaked really ominously. I think I might be hitting the deck some time soon!

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Yeah, maybe...not very drastic changes though, are they?



That would be great.


That's really good of you. I hope you get to catch up on some sleep some time soon.


OMG my chair just creaked really ominously. I think I might be hitting the deck some time soon!

I think they were trying to get the last name on the members list or something?


And it so totally will happen. Eventually. I just need to steel myself to actually want to go visit all the family I have scattered across Auckland first :LOL: (of the 15 I can think of off the top of my head, I enjoy the company of 4 of them...)


Haha not really. I'm not pulling some cut off a chunk of myself to cook into stew kind of a thing (ancient chinese remedy for a parent's disease of any description, or so I am told). I stay awake til about 3 most nights anyway.


Your chair is trying to tell you something though, I think :chuckle:

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The cacti this evening reminded me of this.


It's an oldie, but a goodie.


Argghhh! Hahah, but that one looks real and yours wasn't!



:LOL: that's terrible



Got a job as a barista this summer on the surf highway though, so I suspect that my coffee consumption is set to increase exponentially.


And with any luck I'm finally going to learn to surf this summer!



Awww you guys!


I'll probably shoot up to Auckland at some point next year - I'll let you all know (on an internet message board, because I'm totally security conscious) and we can has catch ups :awesome:


Daaaamn I'm tired now... but I'm going to stay awake tonight in case mum needs anything, because I'm much more likely to help her if she needs something if I don't have to pull myself out of sleep in the first place to do it.


Yay for the job!

I'm not much of a coffee drinker, I might have it if someone buys it for me but I always get a mocha, because I feel really lame asking for tea, and they always make it shit anyway.


I really want to learn to surf! But I'm not a real good swimmer, I'm not very strong so I would probably spend the whole time trying to drown.



It will be awesome if yuo come up through summer!




Oh man that sucks, that's awful.


I really need a new computer chair, the swiss ball is getting old, and I think it has a leak, because I'm slowly getting lower and lower.....

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Still no marks. :indiff:


I'm getting sick of this. Every day my heartbeat goes to crazy levels while I log into the site, I hold my breath, and then....no.


It's so unfair, we put so much into the exams and then I hate that they just leave you hanging with no idea at all of when to expect the results.


I thought I was going to have a stroke every time I logged on for mine!


I'm now going through the painful process of trying to enrol for next year. :(

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