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No one does!


Everyone I know at uni this year who's doing a dissertation only started it last month. :LOL: They had all year.


Bahhahahha, it's so shocking ahhh. I usually find that the assignments I leave til the very last minute come out with pretty hot marks, but not so for the exams, haa.


I'm beginning to wonder about my taste in guys, just read a status update that horrified me. Bah.

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That's quite unpleasant.


I guess it's an attempt at a joke that's just missed the mark...by quite a bit. Maybe he should just not try to be funny.


Yeah it's pretty nasty! Poo where did all the good ones go?


How can it have been so hot through the day and so cold tonight? Might need to get my batman slippers out.


Heh I actually don't know why I have so much merchandise, I just like pretending to be a superhero I guess :awesome:

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Heh I actually don't know why I have so much merchandise, I just like pretending to be a superhero I guess :awesome:


I has cheetah slippers :awesome:


I have plenty more where that came from :LOL:


Oh joy. :LOL:


But it's slightly, crazed, manic, drooley..... ahhh yes, PMT it is :p


Yeah, basically for anything drool worthy. Or perhaps where :p just doesn't suffice.

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