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and really, wouldn't you maybe use your own credit card for those sort of things?

This was the first thing I thought.


They're talking about it being a huge fall for a potential prime minister, but I think it's good news. Our country has dodged a bullet! I'd like to think our future leaders have a bit more common sense.


Darren Hughes still on track to be our first redhead PM, in my opinion. A momentous event!

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So they announced extra Australia dates a while ago, but still no New Zealand dates! :( I'm thinking we might need to start a campaign again :LOL:


Darren Hughes still on track to be our first redhead PM, in my opinion. A momentous event!


The most annoying thing about this is that THAT is probably the thing all the media here will pick up on. "FIRST GINGER PM OLOLOL"

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Our equivalent to Obama.


Yes, I think a campaign is required. But I have to be honest and say I don't know what's involved in a campaign...the first one had already been successful by the time I joined in 2004. :unsure:

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I noticed that awhile ago but didn't want to bring anybody down by mentioning it lol. The earlier titles to these pages had 'campaign' in them, did they not? I am unsure how to campaign also. Template letter and get different people to send it..? I am all for campaigning!! :)

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Guest hysteriaaah
everywhere here it's becoming a sea of english flags.


...and replays of green's cock up?



poor guy.:(

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Think I will have to go out somewhere and tire myself so it's easier to sleep. :LOL: Like you do with dogs or small children.


Oh dear, the Matt and Kate Hudson threads really bring the freaks out. "HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE WITH ME/GAIA! TRUE LOVE FOREVER." I don't get it.

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Kate and Matt? What a pairing ! I am so behind on these things.. I suppose they aren't really important, but I still want to know..! lol.. My friend said the other day that I used to link him to things that were entertaining, interesting... But now he does it for me. Because I don't keep up anymore. It's exhausting though. My first exam is on Wednesday... yipee..! And I am on modcloth.com ... XD

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I just remembered the Ooh! Aah! ads for Fruju.


Fruju never brought out that reaction in me. I've been lied to.


Didn't the ads also have people partaking in extreme activities while consuming their Frujus? That's a recipe for disaster. One of your friends could potentially be struck in the head by an airborne Fruju.

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