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a lady is test driving my car tomorrow, fingers crossed she likes it. she had a look at it today where i park it in town when i go to work and really liked it. she was already talking about taking it to get an AA inspection so it sounds pretty hopeful i might sell her.

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yeah it's really silly but i do adore her. it's just that she's the first car that was all mine, that i bought myself with help with no one in my family and she's been perfect for the last year and a half. i'd keep her until she died if i wasn't going overseas!

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yeah it's really silly but i do adore her. it's just that she's the first car that was all mine, that i bought myself with help with no one in my family and she's been perfect for the last year and a half. i'd keep her until she died if i wasn't going overseas!

You're going overseas?! Again!? You're so lucky... Where!? Where!? How exciting! I'm so jealous..

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Smithereens is a nice word. Wonder if I can find room for it in my dissertation.


Rain-induced drippy hair, on the other hand, is not nice. At home, you can just get a towel and dry yourself, but what about at uni? I can't bring a towel with me every day just in case a drippy hair emergency arises, and the hand-drying machines in the bathrooms might not be much fun to put your head under. It's a fucking conundrum.

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That ugly cyst thing that has mystified doctors and wrecked my self-confidence for the last 7 months is going away! :awesome: It's going out with a bang, it must be said. :erm: Hope you're not eating while reading this.


And it's amazing what impact one thing like that can have - now I can look in the mirror and think, "s'alright", which I haven't done very often in my life before. :happy:


Helps that I now know exactly what I'm doing at uni this semester, and am also being honest with myself and accepting what my dream job when I finish studying is (no matter how embarrassing I've considered it to be in the past!).


Could you call this an epiphany? Because using the word epiphany in a post has been a life-long goal of mine.

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Yes, Jo, why did you quote yourself?


My dream job is...*drumroll*...Trackside TV presenter. Don't laugh! I think I have the credentials - I worked for 2 years on the radio version, helping out the presenters when their minds went blank (so hopefully they can give me references) and speaking quite a bit on air, and I've written 118 newspaper articles for Hawke's Bay Today.


The whole being on TV thing might take some getting used to, but I really want to have a crack at it, and I think it's my ideal job. I have far better memory when it comes to horse racing than I ever have when I try to study for exams, and I could talk about it non-stop for hours.


Sometimes I've been a bit embarrassed about that, but it's time to get over it.


And I just got told I'm getting a $5000 payrise at work...typical.

:( Just when you're about to leave, rendering it largely useless. Cunts. :indiff:

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my 19 days of annual leave will be paid out on the higher salary :awesome:


That's so cool! :awesome:


Dream job sounds awesome, Rich! If that's what you like then there's nothing embarrassing about wanting to pursue it!


I really need to start my 3 essays, one of which is due next Tuesday instead of next Thursday like I thought.

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Four in a row by me. I should be ashamed. :noey:


But I do have to vent my frustration at my uni supervisor. I sent him an email on Monday asking what time suited him for me to go in and discuss my dissertation. He said "any time Thurs is good". So I go up to his office today, which you might notice is Thursday (or Thurs, in lecturer lingo), and what do I see? A sign on his door saying "not in Thursday".


I've been stood up. :(


I came in early for work specifically to see him, and now I've got nothing to do for almost two hours.


Academics, honestly.

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Rain-induced drippy hair, on the other hand, is not nice. At home, you can just get a towel and dry yourself, but what about at uni? I can't bring a towel with me every day just in case a drippy hair emergency arises, and the hand-drying machines in the bathrooms might not be much fun to put your head under. It's a fucking conundrum.


Well there are many options to prevent rain-induced drippy hair with out taking a towel. Lets see. You could wear a hoodie or a hat. If you take a backpack, there is also the option of taking a small umbrella or raincoat.


But that may not be helpful at all since I guess the point is that you don't want to take anything with you to uni :LOL:


That ugly cyst thing that has mystified doctors and wrecked my self-confidence for the last 7 months is going away! :awesome: It's going out with a bang, it must be said. :erm: Hope you're not eating while reading this.


Oh that's good to hear. Is it just going away by itslf with no intervention?


My dream job is...*drumroll*...Trackside TV presenter. Don't laugh! I think I have the credentials - I worked for 2 years on the radio version, helping out the presenters when their minds went blank (so hopefully they can give me references) and speaking quite a bit on air, and I've written 118 newspaper articles for Hawke's Bay Today.


The whole being on TV thing might take some getting used to, but I really want to have a crack at it, and I think it's my ideal job. I have far better memory when it comes to horse racing than I ever have when I try to study for exams, and I could talk about it non-stop for hours.


Sometimes I've been a bit embarrassed about that, but it's time to get over it.


It sounds exciting since it is something you are so passionate about. The best job is always going to be something you enjoy! :D


my 19 days of annual leave will be paid out on the higher salary :awesome:




Air drumming to The Go! Team is a solid workout, considering the fact that they have two drummers.


I may have to try this.



A fair while away, but still.


:awesome: Have you noticed it's the same date as White Lies last year? This will be another nice day-before-my-birthday treat if I get to go.


My supervisor has found a project on bellbirds that I could work on. The leader from kokako recovery team said there isn't much going on with kokako at the moment since they are doing well but she is going to be involved with the translocation of bellbirds from Tiritiri and Tawharanui to Motuihe Is, Waiheke Is, and Hamilton. All the birds are going to have transmitters put on them so I could follow their post-release on Motuihe. I'm going to talk to my supervisor at 3 but I've just been looking up things and Motuihe has quite an interesting history with being used for quarantine during some influenza outbreak and as a detention camp during the war :erm:. It's quite a small island (it's betwen Rangtitoto and Waiheke) but it has daily boat visits which is good to know for getting there and back.


And bellbirds will be good to work with of course. I caught a whole lot of them when I was on Little Barrier Is and they make cool noises :happy:


Plus attitude:



"What you looking at?"



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