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Not when talking to you though, obviously! :erm: Ha..ha... *awkward silence*


Thanks for clearing that up. Your first sentence did deliver a brief but crushing blow to my self-esteem.


It's impossible not to waste time on Facebook, though. Its addictiveness is too enormous to put into words. I wonder if there are support groups for people trying to give up.

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Thanks for clearing that up. Your first sentence did deliver a brief but crushing blow to my self-esteem.


It's impossible not to waste time on Facebook, though. Its addictiveness is too enormous to put into words. I wonder if there are support groups for people trying to give up.


But its not like I even do anything on Facebook! I just reply to a few comments, check the news feed, maybe look at a few pictures, and then I'm done. And yet somehow it takes up all this time!

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Yeah, me too. I just keep refreshing and hoping someone has something interesting to say. If they do, I might click on like or make a one-line comment. Or I might become a fan of something if one of my friends does and it's funny - but that doesn't mean I'll ever look at that page.

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Yeah, me too. I just keep refreshing and hoping someone has something interesting to say. If they do, I might click on like or make a one-line comment. Or I might become a fan of something if one of my friends does and it's funny - but that doesn't mean I'll ever look at that page.


Yeah I know what you mean. Half the things in my news feed are just '___ has become friends with this person.' Do I even need to be notified?

But I can't say that, or half of the stuff I read on my news feed will be pointless! :eek::LOL:

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Half the things in my news feed are just '___ has become friends with this person.' Do I even need to be notified?

You really don't. You even get the option to like that, which seems even more pointless. I'm not sure why you would, or how the newly friended people would feel about having someone randomly like that piece of news.


Anyway, I think I'll be off to bed. Night! Good luck with the whole productivity thing...you'll need it.

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You really don't. You even get the option to like that, which seems even more pointless. I'm not sure why you would, or how the newly friended people would feel about having someone randomly like that piece of news.


Anyway, I think I'll be off to bed. Night! Good luck with the whole productivity thing...you'll need it.


The like feature seems slightly pointless. If I "like" something, I'm just going to comment saying that I like it. It should have a use similar to Twitter, where something becomes a 'trending' topic- so with Facebook you could view the top 'liked' things from your friends or something.


Okay me too. Haha thanks for your faith in me :rolleyes: Night!

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I know, right? I can never find a nice coat in winter. I think long coats look nice when they're either black and made of thinner material, or brown. I think thick black long-coats are too imposing.


Knitting :happy: I have some needles and yarn here, I haven't done it in a while though. I wasn't very good- my stitches always ended up really tight and bunched on the needle, and I couldn't work out how to make them looser.


Yeah, a long thick coat is a bit too "I'm off to head out into the snow". :LOL:


I haven't done any knitting for ages too. Last thing I knitted was a jumper for my dog, but never got round to getting my grandma to show me how to finish the edges and stich it together, so he never got a chance to wear it *sigh*.


paddington coat factory is where it's at girls.


Ooh, thanks for the info. I see there is one in Albany too, so I might pop in there one day when going out there for uni.


You know it's a quiet night when you're looking up pictures of weird-shaped vegetables.


But to be fair, this is pretty fucking weird-shaped.



That is too :awesome::happy:


Yeah they are rather bleak! :LOL: But some good songs.

Have you seen this? I like it better than their treadmill one.



Nice, those guys sure love to dance.


Yeah, some, it's true. I do love Bliss, KoC and Sunburn.


I'm listening to Karma Chameleon. :awesome:




I'm going to do some driving today to practice for my test next week. I really don't want to fail :erm:

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I'm sure you won't fail! Practice is always a good idea though, it should help you feel more confident.


Thanks. The main thing I'm worried about is reversing into a driveway (or car park if they do that too) as it isn't something I do regularly. So practiced it today and I got better, but I'll just have to practice everyday this week and if I can't get it right in one go on say Friday, I'll have to change the date of the test :erm:


teddy bear potato!


i've got a duffel coat style one from paddington coat factory in wellington. i hate coats but i love this one. i'll have to wear it on the plane to england though. guess it can act as a blanket.


That should keep you nice and warm then if it gets cold.


All this talk of teddy bears + coats = 160708-0636__paddington-bear_02.jpg:happy:

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Thanks. The main thing I'm worried about is reversing into a driveway (or car park if they do that too) as it isn't something I do regularly. So practiced it today and I got better, but I'll just have to practice everyday this week and if I can't get it right in one go on say Friday, I'll have to change the date of the test :erm:

I failed that part of the test myself, and I'm still not confident about doing it. Didn't stop me passing the test overall though. :)

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Yeah, from what I've heard it seems like they only test either three point turn or u turn, which I was fine at both today. The pamphlet on what the restricted test is all about says it can also test reverse parallel parking, but everyone says that's not til the full test, right?

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I wasn't tested on parallel parking in either the restricted or the full test. I've never learnt how to do it!


Don't know if that was just luck though. But you don't really do stuff like that in the full test - it's more general driving and having to talk about hazards.

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Haha, lucky you Rich. My friend has been putting off sitting her full for ages because she is worried about mucking up her parallel parking although she has done it fine when I was with her once. I should tell her and maybe that'll get her to sit it.


My dad taught me ages ago. I did it today getting in behind a little truck parked on the road, and it was ok, but then I had my mum telling me what way to go, etc.

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i remember the guy pointing out some hazard to me way way into the distance and thinking "wtf"


he also took me to a part of christchurch i would never go myself, i'd never go to a busy intersection by a mall with giveways turning right across traffic. i got so stressed out!

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