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I also like 'jaunty'

especially when referring to the bass clarinet part of IBTY, it's so cute and JAUNTY!

It is very jaunty. You could also call it effervescent, or buoyant.


With that, I'll go to bed. Night! Hope everyone's Monday is as good as a Monday can be.

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"The Big Umbrella, twice the radius of the biggest men’s umbrella on the market, was designed to shield up to 16 people from the rain"

16! Imagine!


I just imagine everyone shuffling around in little steps, and turning like one big mass :LOL:


mmmmm hobnobs, they are delicious!


I also like 'jaunty'

especially when referring to the bass clarinet part of IBTY, it's so cute and JAUNTY!


Hats must be worn at a jaunty angle :phu: This is the only proper way.


Night Kat, Rich :happy:

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Haha, you'd be airborne.


I think you might do a Mary Poppins with that!


I need to go to bed!


Night all, have a good day tomorrow!


I just might. It's really windy down by the river, so if I got harnessed up to it I could go gliding down the river.


Good night Rich and Kat, you have a good day too! :)

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It would probably blow away before you could get it all back the right way :LOL:


Probably. I once saw an umbrella close on a guy's head, one of the most hilarious moments of my life, but I imagine this one would enclose your entire body!


I'm going to go to bed now, got to go to a tutorial tomorrow and buses are still striking. Hope you have a good day down south! Don't get blown away with an umbrella! :LOL: Night.

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Probably. I once saw an umbrella close on a guy's head, one of the most hilarious moments of my life, but I imagine this one would enclose your entire body!


Haha, a must see I suspect.


I'm going to go to bed now, got to go to a tutorial tomorrow and buses are still striking. Hope you have a good day down south! Don't get blown away with an umbrella! :LOL: Night.


Thanks, but I should be right, don't think this will happen..






Good night, hope you have a good day too :)

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They do indeed. Help them find their way around at night and stuff. I just love how prominent they are in that pic and the look it's giving :LOL:


Can't see them so well in my photo on this little fella.






My day is going alright, thanks. Got an extension for an assignment that was due Friday, but it doesn't make much difference as it's just made it due around the same time as my other one. So I'm trying to start it anyway.


How about yourself?

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It's annoying when you get extensions like that. "Sweet...oh."


My day's been ok, thanks. Sitting in the postgrad lab trying to work on an essay but it's hard to concentrate.


Exactly :LOL:


It sure is annoying when you can't concentrate. I haven't been able to concentrate well for the past week, lol.


I have those on my watchlist at the moment - just wondering if there are anymore...


Don't think I'll be selling any of mine. Took too much effort getting them and their pretty. Even though I need money to get a car, I don't think I'll be able to get back what I paid for them because of postage prices, unless they got a good bidding war on ebay :LOL:

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