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Oh I was thinking about watching that. What did you think of it?


My day hasn't been too bad, thanks. Hardly did anything at all. Leading a pretty boring life at the moment!


It was okay, but some of the things that happened after the blackout were pretty weird. There were like, buildings on fire and stuff :erm: But looks to be promising- creates a lot of questions and stuff which is fun. One of those shows that you can discuss for hours with your mates :LOL:

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Yeah, shows like that are fun. But there's always one of your mates that doesn't watch it and is all :stunned: listening to you discuss it and then attempt (and fail) to explain it.


There is nothing worse than someone who doesn't watch the show coming in and being all 'yeah but this part doesn't make sense and is stupid' and then you have to be like 'but it relates to this bit and this happened with this character...' and they just don't get it because they don't watch the show.

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I can accept that.


So I'm looking at pictures of funny-shaped soap, as you do, and I came across this.


Now, one question springs to mind here - why would you want to wash yourself with a hot dog?


I was thinking 'that's a really realistic bread bun!' :facepalm::LOL:


I dunno, maybe it smells like hot dogs? Or maybe it has other uses? :stunned:

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Random! But cool. :yesey:



Random! But not cool. :noey:




People who don't watch Lost just don't get Lost.


+1 The adverts say we will get all the answers and what not in this last season, but how are they going to explain...



...Loch turning into that smoke monster? :LOL:



I watched Flash Forward too, the next couple episodes will probably determine whether I keep watching it.



Woah! :LOL:


Just saw Mark Sainsbury waiting to do an ad for Close Up, and he was pretty meticulously straightening and tidying up his mo with his hands. Dedicated.


Good to know he makes an effort to look tidy.

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