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More fudge is an excellent option to have at your disposal!


Have you seen that NME musical doppelgangers thing? Don't see the resemblance in the Matt one at all. :noey: Here it is: http://www.nme.com/photos/musical-doppelgangers/164599/4/1


:LOL: that is an intense fail. I mean with the guy on the right, I could see his hairstyle being kind of like Matt's during that phase he had, but Matt's was less thin and darker. But he doesn't match the picture they've chosen of Matt at all :LOL:


I saw an episode of that MTV show 'Made' today, where they take a teen's goal and help them achieve it. This one was about a guy who wanted to be a martial artist, and at one point he was watching these ninjas do a routine, and when they finished and went back into line they showed a close-up of them, and one looked like Matt. And I know that sounds ridiculous because you could only literally see their eyes and the space across them, but somehow the first thing I thought of was 'he looks like Matt!' :LOL: He was more of a match than that NME chosen guy!

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Its always the solemn occasions that create the biggest urge to laugh though!


Nope, might go for some more op-shopping if I get up early enough. You?

That's true!


Yeah, the getting up early enough thing is the crucial issue for me too. Might go into uni, but more likely to stay in bed and not go into town until I start work at 4:30.

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Yeah, who needs motivation?


It was my friend's birthday on Friday, but he's studying in Germany, so I thought I would wait until Saturday our time before saying happy birthday, but then I forgot. :(:facepalm: Feeling really guilty!

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Yeah, who needs motivation?


It was my friend's birthday on Friday, but he's studying in Germany, so I thought I would wait until Saturday our time before saying happy birthday, but then I forgot. :(:facepalm: Feeling really guilty!


Oh I hate when that happens. Just send him a message and be like 'lol timezones amirite?'. Or better yet, send him a postcard so you can just pretend it took ages to get there!

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Poor fellas, but surely the females would have let them in their habitat when it was mating time :eyebrows:




How's everyone?


I've had a stressy few days. Mum got rushed into hospital on Friday arvo with chest pain and palpitations, they told her she was in heart failure. I was at work at the time so I was a wreck when I went to see her.


She got out yesterday, once they had fixed her potassium the palpitations went away, turns out they jumped the gun a bit with the heart failure, they think it's her thyroid meds.


Fucking worst time ever.



All this talk of driving creeps me out! Good luck Michelle I'm sure you will do great!


Sorry to hear about your mum Kat. I hope she is feeling better and gets through this quickly :)


And thanks, if I pass the test I'm sure you will be able to as well!


tried to take photo of my coat and failed. oh well.


it is this one though, she makes it look much nicer than i do


Cool coat. I like my grey one that I got last year, it's about the same length but it has no hood. None of my winter jackets have hoods, which is annoying as hoods are useful when there is sudden rain.


What's with this obsession on Facebook with finding out if inanimate objects can get more fans than famous people/things? I don't really want to be a fan of a pickle. :erm: Who would be a fan of a pickle? It's a bloody pickle! Sorry, in a rambly ranting about Facebook mood again.


I just saw one yesterday. Not much point joining them unless you really want a pickle to have more fans, but honestly who cares? :rolleyes:


Jo you are a genius! I went to SaveMart today, and found a perfect Doctor Who suit, omg. Unfortunately it was $60 and they wouldn't let me buy the pieces separately :indiff: so I didn't get it. But now I know that there are suitable suits (heehee) out there, I'm inspired :happy: If only I can find a coat somewhere!


:awesome: But that sucks you couldn't get it. Hopefully you'll at least find a similar coat.


I was so nervous when I did mine the second time. I could feel my foot shaking on the accelerator and brake when I hovered over it :LOL:


Oh dear :LOL: I'll just try to think of the tester as a driving instructor, as I wasn't too bad with him.


I love this:


But to be fair, her name is Hilda, so she must need to work pretty hard to convince herself that she's not as ugly as her name suggests. Cruel, cruel parents.





:LOL: Laughter is a good recovery.


Fucking rats in the fucking ceiling akjshdkks


rattrap1254520904.jpg + peanut butter. Not very nice, but it's quick and has to be done :(

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goin back a bit - the problem with antifreeze as a posion would be it tastes sweet to everything


Oh, true true.


michelle - i filmed a weka yesterday while i was tramping. are they fairly common? i'd never seen one before, it wasn't very afraid


Oh awesome. Where abouts were you tramping? From what I've read, they aren't very common, still quite vulnerable but IUCN says "locally common in north and west South Island". I've just seen them in captivity. They keep the rodent population down, nom nom.

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That's awesome.


Now, I don't understand this Farmville business, but the things that keep popping up just seem utterly nonsensical.

(name) found a dejected Referee Cow on their farm in FarmVille!

(name) was farming when this Referee Cow wandered onto their farm in FarmVille. This cow got booed off the field for making a bad call. They've reviewed the tapes, and they think she can do better next time! Hopefully someone will give her a second chance to get back on the field!

What. The. Fuck.

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